Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

You know far more about him than I do. I've listened to very little of what he said. I've never been able to figure out what you guys' obsession is with him.

I'm reposting my first post...... intentional and harmful misinformation

. But if Spotify feels his information does not belong on it's platform - so be it.
You don't get to be the face of government handling this pandemic and openly lie. See Fauci and masks. Don't care what his intent was. Should have been fired on the spot. This is before we even get into his comments on gain of function and his involvement. Before you go after Rogan you should probably start with the far bigger problem whose salary comes from us.
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Like saying it takes 8-12 years for safe and effective vaccines. Biden said that. It was intentional and harmful during “warp speed” which happened to be during and election year. Biden should walk it back and apologize for the misinformation and creating doubt.
That's different though...... He did that to marginalize Trump, everything else be damned. Kick a few dozen puppies, drop kick some nuns, donkey punch some babies...... It's all ok if the intent is to get rid of Trump...... Must not destroy the contrived continuum.
there is attempted coersion.

again viewpoint colliding doesn't require demands for negative consequences to a third party. that's where from differences to attempted coercion to take action against a 3rd party. Rogan is not in a business relationship with Neil Young obviously
The thing is, Young doesn't have any power to force anybody to do anything in this scenario. I just don't view somebody with no power to force something as censorship. I think LG made a comment about Lindell earlier. Lindell saying I won't do business with MSNBC unless they rein in Maddow and become more conservative isn't censorship. It's still coercive, but it isn't censorship.
Like Elvis, NWA and 2 Live Crew.
Cool story, a contractor working on my house when I was teenager had a girlfriend who worked for 2 live crews label. She was giving us bootlegged copies before they finally got the go ahead to release it. We sold hundreds of copies of Banned in the USA before it was released.
Maybe because he's the highest paid employee in the whole federal government and he's been misleading the public for the last two ****ing years for starters. My god you are disconnected
My god you are pliable.

1 - he didn't know it would have lead to a shortage; he took it into his own hands. As a result, maybe people died
2 - it's not about classified information (which in and of itself is problematic).

The biggest problem with Fauci is he at times tell us he is only delivering scientifically accurate information then has these cases where he's intentionally providing misinformation because he thinks it's the right thing to do. Questioning the intentional misinformation then is treated as questioning "the science™". Given he's been vested with such enormous power we are at the mercy of his world view of the ends justifying the means and questioning is heretical.

Individuals have very little power to suppress information yet can easily be silenced under the guise of "misinformation" charges.

The simpler solution is to not let the powerful determine what is and what isn't misinformation and more importantly to not let them silence it.
The thing is, Young doesn't have any power to force anybody to do anything in this scenario. I just don't view somebody with no power to force something as censorship. I think LG made a comment about Lindell earlier. Lindell saying I won't do business with MSNBC unless they rein in Maddow and become more conservative isn't censorship. It's still coercive, but it isn't censorship.

sigh, I've never said it was censorship - I've repeatedly said Young was requesting that Rogan be censored by Spotify. The ask was for Rogan to be censored.

if Spotify did think Young was more important and they axed Rogan because they were coerced by Young would that count as censorship?
1 - he didn't know it would have lead to a shortage; he took it into his own hands. As a result, maybe people died
2 - it's not about classified information (which in and of itself is problematic).

The biggest problem with Fauci is he at times tell us he is only delivering scientifically accurate information then has these cases where he's intentionally providing misinformation because he thinks it's the right thing to do. Questioning the intentional misinformation then is treated as questioning "the science™". Given he's been vested with such enormous power we are at the mercy of his world view of the ends justifying the means and questioning is heretical.

Individuals have very little power to suppress information yet can easily be silenced under the guise of "misinformation" charges.

The simpler solution is to not let the powerful determine what is and what isn't misinformation and more importantly to not let them silence it.
Pre-trump I would have been more apt to agree.
Trumpism has highlighted the dangers of misinformation and the ease at which people can be dangerously mislead.

The warnings of gaslighting were prophetic and shouldn't have been ignored.
Were you aware that the use of soy boy as an insult is one of the top three signs of a low IQ?
Probably not
No... no... no... he's a Smart Guy. He loves to tell everybody who disagrees with him how dumb they are. He's not real keen on engaging in substantive discussion though. He's a little brighter than your typical "LOL" guy, but not much.
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I don’t think or speak in absolutes.

That’s a really elementary leading question. My guess is you spent your entire adult life in academia molding infant minds.
Your guess is wrong - by a fairly long shot.
But I'm glad to hear you do not deal in absolutes - black and white.
I've been saying since day one in the PF that it's all about continuums and the gray area.
Pre-trump I would have been more apt to agree.
Trumpism has highlighted the dangers of misinformation and the ease at which people can be dangerously mislead.

The warnings of gaslighting were prophetic and shouldn't have been ignored.
This began way before Trump, in fact your decades late.
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sigh, I've never said it was censorship - I've repeatedly said Young was requesting that Rogan be censored by Spotify. The ask was for Rogan to be censored.

if Spotify did think Young was more important and they axed Rogan because they were coerced by Young would that count as censorship?
Nope. I think it would count as a business decision (which they never would have made).

Edit: I just don't see the inherent problem in free market business decisions as to whether someone will or won't work for a company. If Fox has an opening for a 5pm slot and considers hiring Maddow and Tucker says, "Everything she says is BS. I'll leave if you hire Maddow. I can't work for somebody that gives her a platform," or vice versa, I just don't see that as terribly egregious.
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This began way before Trump, in fact your decades late.
Of course it did, and it was recognized as something to acknowledge and fight against.
Trump's approach was to embrace it and intentionally blur the lines.
Pre-trump I would have been more apt to agree.
Trumpism has highlighted the dangers of misinformation and the ease at which people can be dangerously mislead.

The warnings of gaslighting were prophetic and shouldn't have been ignored.
I will say it’s been a very effective approach for you commies to accuse the right of exactly what you are guilty. I think Americans are starting to catch on to it though.
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Nope. I think it would count as a business decision (which they never would have made).

disagree - obviously

I've probably heard a collective 3 hours of Rogan in my live and more than 100x that of Young. I'll likely still listen to more Young than Rogan but I see nothing noble in setting a condition that harm must come to a 3rd party in order for a business relationship to continue.

I can think of virtually no situation where I'd demand someone be deplatformed or censored; particularly as condition of a continued relationship.
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Your guess is wrong - by a fairly long shot.
But I'm glad to hear you do not deal in absolutes - black and white.
I've been saying since day one in the PF that it's all about continuums and the gray area.

That’s got sheet to do with absolutes. That’s a bs response to try and make you appear superior to the average poster. It doesn’t impress even the ged poster on here.

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