Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Spotify makes public platform rules that cover Covid-19 misinformation. Will it be enough? - CNN
Spotify responded to criticism it has received regarding Covid-19 content Sunday after a number of prominent artists said they will leave the platform if it continues to host comedian Joe Rogan, whose podcast has spread misleading and inaccurate claims about vaccines and the virus.

Therapeutics work and they always did sparky, you were duped by a misleading media and a little charlatan named Fraudci.
Neil Young is an old man, and lots of old men have been spooked as hell over this.
I really doubt Young cares about that and I wonder why you do.

Just killing time brah watching some football and stirring up the shlt pot, he's in the news so I'm just dropping my two cents. I don't like censorship in any form no matter how ignorant the views are.
I've gone through his public statements and stances on this. I find no evidence of being a Kool aid drinker, simply someone concerned about what he believes to be potential misinformation.

The world is not binary.

Yet Young made it so with his ultimatum. Seems he missed the nuance
He chose to take his music off a privately owned platform because he didn't agree with the agenda of one of that company's biggest commodities. Do you think he was under any delusion they would actually get rid of Rogan? No. This is exactly what he expected. Like it or not, he did it to make a point. If he has the right to control the distribution if his music, he has the right to pull it from Rogan's platform.

I'd respect him more if he didn't demand Spotify dump Rogan. Remove your music and move on. Try to take down another entertainer you don't agree with is a dickish move IMHO
Spotify makes public platform rules that cover Covid-19 misinformation. Will it be enough? - CNN
Spotify responded to criticism it has received regarding Covid-19 content Sunday after a number of prominent artists said they will leave the platform if it continues to host comedian Joe Rogan, whose podcast has spread misleading and inaccurate claims about vaccines and the virus.

Many people want to hear the discussions. That’s what made Rogan rich. This will just drive more people to listen.
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Just killing time brah watching some football and stirring up the shlt pot, he's in the news so I'm just dropping my two cents. I don't like censorship in any form no matter how ignorant the views are.
Is not wanting to be associated with a view you don't like censorship? If the New York Times wanted to hire a conservative columnist (which they do have), and the columnist said, "I find it abhorrent to work for a company that promotes the views of Liberal Columnist X who currently works for NYT, I'll work for you if you dont publish his columns anymore," is that censorship?
Is not wanting to be associated with a view you don't like censorship? If the New York Times wanted to hire a conservative columnist (which they do have), and the columnist said, "I find it abhorrent to work for a company that promotes the views of Liberal Columnist X who currently works for NYT, I'll work for you if you dont publish his columns anymore," is that censorship?

it's trying to get someone deplatformed.

why not just say my values and yours don't align some I'm moving on - why bring in the attempt to get someone else dumped
I'd respect him more if he didn't demand Spotify dump Rogan. Remove your music and move on. Try to take down another entertainer you don't agree with is a dickish move IMHO
Maybe... I could see both sides of that argument. Young wants to draw attention to the issue, he might think it gets more traction this way.
Is not wanting to be associated with a view you don't like censorship? If the New York Times wanted to hire a conservative columnist (which they do have), and the columnist said, "I find it abhorrent to work for a company that promotes the views of Liberal Columnist X who currently works for NYT, I'll work for you if you dont publish his columns anymore," is that censorship?

Now who won't let it go? You know what I mean and you know what Neil meant. He could have kept his ****ing mouth shut and slipped back into obscurity instead of making a federal case out of a man who is spreading helpful information which has saved lives.
Maybe... I could see both sides of that argument. Young wants to draw attention to the issue, he might think it gets more traction this way.

he could still get attention: "I left because" without trying to deplatform Rogan.

pull your music and when asked say you don't want to be associated - it's fundamentally different in you aren't trying to mess with someone's else's livelihood.
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it's trying to get someone deplatformed.

why not just say my values and yours don't align some I'm moving on - why bring it the attempt to get someone else dumped

Or force the company into a position to make the choice. Basically makes a private company back a position and/or profit margin. Might be a jerk move, but it's not censorship or boot-licking.
Now who won't let it go? You know what I mean and you know what Neil meant. He could have kept his ****ing mouth shut and slipped back into obscurity instead of making a federal case out of a man who is spreading helpful information which has saved lives.
Who said anything about "not letting it go?" You seem pretty defensive and upset about this. I bet your breath smell like Rogan's farts.
Is not wanting to be associated with a view you don't like censorship? If the New York Times wanted to hire a conservative columnist (which they do have), and the columnist said, "I find it abhorrent to work for a company that promotes the views of Liberal Columnist X who currently works for NYT, I'll work for you if you dont publish his columns anymore," is that censorship?

Name that CONSERVATIVE NY Times columnist.
Or force the company into a position to make the choice. Basically makes a private company back a position and/or profit margin. Might be a jerk move, but it's not censorship or boot-licking.

It is a jerk move and it's an attempt to harm another performer

NY had a simple choice - continue to make $$$ from Spotify and sacrifice his values (though I'm skeptical he's really fully listened to Rogan) or stand up for his values and sacrifice $$$. Instead he chose to try to cost Rogan $$$ so he could keep his $$$.

He doesn't have the power to censor but he was asking for Rogan to be censored by Spotify.
Or force the company into a position to make the choice. Basically makes a private company back a position and/or profit margin. Might be a jerk move, but it's not censorship or boot-licking.
I disagree on it not being a form of censorship. He tried to silence a voice he disagreed with by threatening to pull his music. It didn't work, but he tried.
Here's the other piece - Young was attempting not only to harm Rogan but anyone who is a Rogan fan.

It's a pretty astounding ego position.

The old Libertarian value of don't hurt people and don't take their stuff is being skewered here.
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Once again some pretentious ******* who shares your political views wants to censor free speech

It's not censorship to say that you don't sent your product associated with a platform shared by what you consider to be a menace.

The my pillow nutjob isn't forced to be on MSNBC.
I disagree on it not being a form of censorship. He tried to silence a voice he disagreed with by threatening to pull his music. It didn't work, but he tried.

It's an ultimatum between private parties. Everyone in the equation has a choice. If you think that's censorship, that's fine.
NY could have just spoken out against JR's view without attempting to get him cancelled. You don't have to like what someone has to say to respect that they have the right to say it. Freedom of speech is coming under attack more and more.
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Here's the other piece - Young was attempting not only to harm Rogan but anyone who is a Rogan fan.

It's a pretty astounding ego position.

The old Libertarian value of don't hurt people and don't take their stuff is being skewered here.

How does it hurt a Rogan fan? Anyone who believes the anti vax nonsense he spews can't be persuaded by science and fact, anyway.

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