Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

270 Doctors, Scientists Call Out Joe Rogan’s COVID Misinformation

Rogan last year falsely suggested young, healthy people didn’t need to be vaccinated against the disease. He later backpedaled, admitting he was a “******* moron” and “not a respected source of information, even for me.”
270?! Holy crap

And there you go, he admitted he’s a moron. Why do you care so bad what a random moron has to say? He’s never claimed to be an expert, exact opposite in fact.
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270 Doctors, Scientists Call Out Joe Rogan’s COVID Misinformation

Rogan last year falsely suggested young, healthy people didn’t need to be vaccinated against the disease. He later backpedaled, admitting he was a “******* moron” and “not a respected source of information, even for me.”

Oh, so Joe Rogan actually did what I'm suggesting Neil Young should do? Admit they aren't an expert and were doing something based on feelz?

You should realize your post actually supports mine more than you probably thought it did when you hit submit...
Oh, so Joe Rogan actually did what I'm suggesting Neil Young should do? Admit they aren't an expert and were doing something based on feelz?

You should realize your post actually supports mine more than you probably thought it did when you hit submit...

As long as listeners recognize that Rogan is purely 'infotainment', then I got no beef.
Rogan is the same as Howard Stern, Dr Phil (PhD in Clinical Psychology) Oprah, Jerry Springer, Johnny Carson and for some of us Phil Donahue, he interviews people. Some of the people they interview are quacks, some enlightening......but all for the entertainment....
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Rogan is the same as Howard Stern, Dr Phil (PhD in Clinical Psychology) Oprah, Jerry Springer, Johnny Carson and for some of us Phil Donahue, he interviews people. Some of the people they interview are quacks, some enlightening......but all for the entertainment....

He's the Larry King of our time. It's the best comparison I can come up with.
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No one wants to limit discussion, only intentional and harmful misinformation.

That means "limiting discussion". What you're saying right now is "listen only to the approved experts" and "no other experts should be allowed to speak out".
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That means "limiting discussion". What you're saying right now is "listen only to the approved experts" and "no other experts should be allowed to speak out".
They should not be listened to if they are knowingly providing harmful misinformation.
Spotify can decide what they allow.
As can Facebook, Twitter, etc....
Just as Fox can decide what "experts" they wish to allow on their network.
They should not be listened to if they are knowingly providing harmful misinformation.
Spotify can decide what they allow.
As can Facebook, Twitter, etc....
Just as Fox can decide what "experts" they wish to allow on their network.

So we shouldn't listen to doctors unless they follow an approved narrative?

I could call vaccinating and masking children "harmful misinformation" and provide data to back those things up. Should we ban people who promote that?
They should not be listened to if they are knowingly providing harmful misinformation.
Spotify can decide what they allow.
As can Facebook, Twitter, etc....
Just as Fox can decide what "experts" they wish to allow on their network.
Anthony Fauci and masks circa March 2020?
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They should not be listened to if they are knowingly providing harmful misinformation.
Spotify can decide what they allow.
As can Facebook, Twitter, etc....
Just as Fox can decide what "experts" they wish to allow on their network.

So Faucci and Justice Sotomyer shouldn't be listened to?

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