Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

That’s got sheet to do with absolutes. That’s a bs response to try and make you appear superior to the average poster. It doesn’t impress even the ged poster on here.
lol........It did have sheet to do with your guess being wrong, and that's an absolute truth.
Of course it did, and it was recognized as something to acknowledge and fight against.
Trump's approach was to embrace it and intentionally blur the lines.
Again, that didn't start with Trump. Though admittedly he was unapologetic and crass about it.

I was not a Trump guy but there is one thing about him I find admirable. He did outright what presidents had proxies do for decades. At least he owned it instead of having others do it for him. That's about as far as my admiration of him goes, perhaps his only redeeming quality.

The point is he isn't the first, he was just the first who did the dirty work in the open.
disagree - obviously

I've probably heard a collective 3 hours of Rogan in my live and more than 100x that of Young. I'll likely still listen to more Young than Rogan but I see nothing noble in setting a condition that harm must come to a 3rd party in order for a business relationship to continue.

I can think of virtually no situation where I'd demand someone be deplatformed or censored; particularly as condition of a continued relationship.

See my edit. I typed a reply to this and apparently deleted, so I apologize if there's a repetitive post. Young doesn't have to be associated with Rogan. He's more than welcome to tell his employer that he won't be associated with Rogan and if the employer wants to keep him, he will not stay on with Rogan. It's not as egregious as the pearl-clutchers want it to be.
Pre-trump I would have been more apt to agree.
Trumpism has highlighted the dangers of misinformation and the ease at which people can be dangerously mislead.

The warnings of gaslighting were prophetic and shouldn't have been ignored.
Like fake paid for dossiers by the Clinton's? As always Luther you are myopic
Wow - what a dangerous monster

Not surprised he comes across as more mature and reasoned than his detractors.
I'm like you. I haven't listened to his podcast much. From the last two minutes of that clip it sounds to me like he has stuck to a contrarian point of view, hasn't opted to bring in viewpoints that think covid is a bigger deal than his previous guests, and may change that. Seems like what his detractors may have been looking for.
I'm like you. I haven't listened to his podcast much. From the last two minutes of that clip it sounds to me like he has stuck to a contrarian point of view, hasn't opted to bring in viewpoints that think covid is a bigger deal than his previous guests, and may change that. Seems like what his detractors may have been looking for.

What? He listed the credentials of the two that were deemed “controversial”. They were both experts with no political affiliations. He has also always had the contrarian view guests on just about every subject. He’s talking about the timing at which he has them on but that’s not something he has complete control over. Maybe Fauci will go on but I kinda doubt it. 🤣😂
He said him or me, basically.

Nothing wrong with that. In fact it's the ultimate in free enterprise and freedom of speech for him to offer that ultimatum.

Don’t you lawyer types understand intent?? The intent behind Young’s demand was censorship….to cancel Rogan. Sure, he is free to make whatever request/demand from Spotify, but in its simplest form it was an attempt to censor.
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The thing is, Young doesn't have any power to force anybody to do anything in this scenario. I just don't view somebody with no power to force something as censorship. I think LG made a comment about Lindell earlier. Lindell saying I won't do business with MSNBC unless they rein in Maddow and become more conservative isn't censorship. It's still coercive, but it isn't censorship.

I understand your point. In these instances I see it as an attempt to get a third party to do your dirty work for you which amounts to an attempt to censor. That was clearly the objective behind Young’s demand.
Nobody was censored (yet) but Young demanded censorship as a bargaining chip.

As I stated earlier - adding the request for harm to a 3rd party changes the equation. I personally think it's the ultimate selfishness and I try to live my life in a way where I never request harm to another as a condition of some relationship.

Would you demand someone be fired in order for you to stay at a job?
It's not just Young who has been demanding censorship. Media outlets and others have jumped on board as well regarding Rogan.
Of course it did, and it was recognized as something to acknowledge and fight against.
Trump's approach was to embrace it and intentionally blur the lines.
Your party is losing ground. People are tired of the constant threats of censorship from the democrat party. Most grew tired of the lockdowns, most are tired of the masks, most reasonable people don't agree with vaccine mandates. The Virginia and New Jersey governor election should have been a wake up call for your party. As well as the multiple polls showing how the current president is a failure. Democrats also do themselves no favors in the way they engage in conversation with other people either. It's not going to change anyone's mind on the way they vote. Some conservatives and Republicans don't do themselves any favors either. However, I do see more open discussion on that side than I do on the democrat side.

You are pretty respectful for the most part. However, I seen comments two days from some democrats (not you by the way) on this forum that once again reminded me as to why I'll never the support the democrat party again. As far as I'm concerned those people can just continue their behavior.
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The left want to live in George Orwell's 1984 world. They are nanny-state authoritarians who want to censor free speech because someone might possibly be wrong about something that has literally changed every other week (the science)

First its don't wear a mask, then its wear one.
First it was don't wear N95 masks, now they are recommended.
First it was the vax stops the spread.
Now it won't, but it reduced symptoms.

What's next?

And just forget about '2 weeks to slow the spread'. That was 2 years ago.

'The science' has been politicized and the politicians are bought and paid for by the same evil ones who created the opiate epidemic. Yet the left wants us to trust them and make their experimental vaccine mandatory?

The left has gone completely off the rails with this.

Joe Rogan's podcast is nothing more than him interviewing people. They sit around having a long discussion about topics, including vaccines. Some of what they say is wrong, just like how 'the science' has been wrong over and over again.

I paid to see Neil Young and Crazy Horse perform live back in the 90s. It was a great show. Unforgettable.

But his stunt to censor Rogan is anti-American. 'Keep on Rockin in the Free World', right Neil? Right lefties?

"I hope Neil Young will remember!
A southern man don't need him around anyhow!" ~Skynyrd

If you haven't done so, download Spotify and start streaming Joe Rogan's Experience. The left are trying to cancel him and Spotify, the app that refused to censor.

First its don't wear a mask, then its wear one.

When did the CDC provide advice not to wear a mask? Link.

First it was don't wear N95 masks, now they are recommended.

N95 masks were initially in short supply and the CDC wanted to ensure enough were available for doctors, nurses, etc.

First it was the vax stops the spread.

Don't recall the CDC ever stating that vaccines completely stop the spread. Link.

Now it won't, but it reduced symptoms.

This is accurate.
Idk anything about Spotify and their policies. Truth be told, I don't care about any of that.

However, I do get some enjoyment out of watching Neil Young issue some ridiculous ultimatum to Spotify and then essentially being told to kick dirt.

This didn't age well.

Spotify Announces Content Warnings for Podcast Episodes About COVID-19 amid Misinformation Boycott
I don't think that's the point.

Net dollars up or down for Spotify doesn't dictate the correctness of Young's or Rogan's positions.

The point still stands that I made in an earlier post. Exactly what creds does Young have to challenge Rogan's guests on the matter of virology?

Furthermore, what creds does Young have to challenge Rogan's experience with the drugs he was given to help combat Covid when he got it?

You see, this is little more than another liberal foot stomping tantrum of "I don't like what I hear and don't care if it's right because of my feelz." Young is more than welcome to drop his music from Spotify for any reason whatsoever. However, to make the claim of "because he's spreading Covid misinformation" speaks to some form of expertise in the matter, no? Or is it just an emotional response and yet another NPC vomiting the same lines given to them by the media vomiting the same things they heard from people in the government that have consistently flipped sides and positions?

Rogan scared a lot of people by bringing on those two doctors (experts in the field) and saying what needed to be said. I mean, unless you're okay with non-qualified people using their influence to stifle free speech and only allow what one side thinks should be said.
The point still stands that I made in an earlier post. Exactly what creds does Young have to challenge Rogan's guests on the matter of virology?

Furthermore, what creds does Young have to challenge Rogan's experience with the drugs he was given to help combat Covid when he got it?

You see, this is little more than another liberal foot stomping tantrum of "I don't like what I hear and don't care if it's right because of my feelz." Young is more than welcome to drop his music from Spotify for any reason whatsoever. However, to make the claim of "because he's spreading Covid misinformation" speaks to some form of expertise in the matter, no? Or is it just an emotional response and yet another NPC vomiting the same lines given to them by the media vomiting the same things they heard from people in the government that have consistently flipped sides and positions?

Rogan scared a lot of people by bringing on those two doctors (experts in the field) and saying what needed to be said. I mean, unless you're okay with non-qualified people using their influence to stifle free speech and only allow what one side thinks should be said.

270 Doctors, Scientists Call Out Joe Rogan’s COVID Misinformation

Rogan last year falsely suggested young, healthy people didn’t need to be vaccinated against the disease. He later backpedaled, admitting he was a “******* moron” and “not a respected source of information, even for me.”
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