Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Science is great. People talking out of their ass or trying to tell grown adults patently goofy **** like a virus respects when you eat or can only go six feet or neck gaiters save lives makes rational people start to resent the "experts".

I think you're missing the point of the CDC: It's all about reducing risk and doing what we can to minimize the spread of the virus. I mean if you really believe scientists just talk out of their ass and tell people goofy crap, then I gather you don't have a primary care physician.
I think you're missing the point of the CDC: It's all about reducing risk and doing what we can to minimize the spread of the virus. I mean if you really believe scientists just talk out of their ass and tell people goofy crap, then I gather you don't have a primary care physician.

I'd say there's the ideal of the CDC that you present and what we've seen where there are political considerations in the guidance. Hopefully my PCP has no political agenda when working specifically with me. It also doesn't help when you've made as many glaring mistakes (not just the science changing) as Wollensky.
IMO Fauci has acted neither as a partisan hack nor an infallible person. People want black and white answers to complicated and grey-area questions. Demonizing Fauci only demonstrates the ignorance of those doing so.
Again, no one is really demonizing him, they are pointing out he's compromised himself at multiple stages. He mislead for personal and agenda benefit. At this point when he says something you must question if it's science or agenda driven.

If it were just the mask issue to protect first responder and hospital supply I could agree with your statement. But his misstatements have gone much further than that.
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"Masks will lead to a false sense of security"-Anthony Faucci

"Masks work and protect you against COVID-19"-Anthony Faucci

Two options.

Option 1: He lied in statement one and masks do actually work
Option 2: He lied in statement two and intentionally provided people with a false sense of security.

Fauci is correct on both counts. I think you misinterpret what he's saying...

(1) "Masks will lead to a false sense of security"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.

(2) "Masks work and protect you against COVID-19"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.
Again, no one is really demonizing him, they are pointing out he's compromised himself at multiple stages. He mislead for personal and agenda benefit. At this point when he says something you must question if it's science or agenda driven.

If it were just the mask issue to protect first responder and hospital supply I could agree with your statement. But his misstatements have gone much further than that.

this - he's impacted his own credibility
It aged perfectly.

You said, "I do get some enjoyment out of watching Neil Young issue some ridiculous ultimatum to Spotify and then essentially being told to kick dirt."


You do know that Spotify changed its policies now because of Neil Young, right?

Spotify to add content advisory when podcasts mention Covid as more musicians yank songs from platform
Why does it always have to be one way? Neil Young needs to go on Joe Rogan's podcast & explain why he disagrees with the things of what Rogan & his guests have spoken about. Young would have a big audience to hear his rant & ideas better. He just wants to get the left to pat him on the back by "standing up" and demand more crybaby ways the left does ..... his way or else.
IMO Fauci has acted neither as a partisan hack nor an infallible person. People want black and white answers to complicated and grey-area questions. Demonizing Fauci only demonstrates the ignorance of those doing so.

True, Faucci hasn't been a political hack. He's been a political tool that has caused more damage than any bureaucrat in history.
I think you're missing the point of the CDC: It's all about reducing risk and doing what we can to minimize the spread of the virus. I mean if you really believe scientists just talk out of their ass and tell people goofy crap, then I gather you don't have a primary care physician.

Of course they don't talk out of their ass. Scientists say what they are paid to say.
Fauci is correct on both counts. I think you misinterpret what he's saying...

(1) "Masks will lead to a false sense of security"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.

(2) "Masks work and protect you against COVID-19"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.
They provide a very minimal degree of protection, Science confirms this. It can argued the harm of masking outweigh the benefits according to some medical professionals. The science there is ambiguous at best.

We know more about that now than we did at first. I don't hold Fauci or either admin in contempt for their reactions based on the unknown, but now that we know more we should better communicate to the population.

Instead we pretend people are children incapable of processing and making good decisions for themselves. Instead they release half right half wrong directives and then wonder why people don't trust the info and make better decisions.
True, Faucci hasn't been a political hack. He's been a political tool that has caused more damage than any bureaucrat in history.


Worse than Hitler? Stalin? Seems legit.

There should be a warning label for those willing to run with Ted Cruz snippets.

They provide a very minimal degree of protection, Science confirms this. It can argued the harm of masking outweigh the benefits according to some medical professionals. The science there is ambiguous at best.

We know more about that now than we did at first. I don't hold Fauci or either admin in contempt for their reactions based on the unknown, but now that we know more we should better communicate to the population.

Instead we pretend people are children incapable of processing and making good decisions for themselves. Instead they release half right half wrong directives and then wonder why people don't trust the info and make better decisions.


Next time you go have an operation... you're gonna tell the nurses and doctor in the O.R. to take their masks off, right?
IMO Fauci has acted neither as a partisan hack nor an infallible person. People want black and white answers to complicated and grey-area questions. Demonizing Fauci only demonstrates the ignorance of those doing so.

Pretending a Fox News host called for his death? That’s behaving as a partisan hack.

If Fauci were humble about being infallible I’d have some respect for him. Instead when he’s called out for it, he yells about how he is the science and anyone attacking him just hates science.
You said, "I do get some enjoyment out of watching Neil Young issue some ridiculous ultimatum to Spotify and then essentially being told to kick dirt."


You do know that Spotify changed its policies now because of Neil Young, right?

Spotify to add content advisory when podcasts mention Covid as more musicians yank songs from platform

You do know Joe Rogan is still on Spotify while Neil Young was kicked off, right?
Fauci is correct on both counts. I think you misinterpret what he's saying...

(1) "Masks will lead to a false sense of security"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.

(2) "Masks work and protect you against COVID-19"

Correct. Masks do work, but they not serve to completely prevent transmission of COVID. They help reduce its transmission.

And when you make a blanket statement like “vaccines work” or “masks work” without adding any of the necessary qualifiers to that statement are you not spreading dangerous misinformation that leads to a false sense of security?

Or is information only dangerous if the cdc doesn’t approve it?
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They absolutely are, if they work there is no false sense of security.
lol....If they reduce your risk by 60% then they work, if you think they reduce your risk by 100% then you have a false sense of security.
No contradiction.

Next time you go have an operation... you're gonna tell the nurses and doctor in the O.R. to take their masks off, right?

Ivermectin is shown to be very effective in vitro.

Masks are also shown to be effective under laboratory conditions.

Why is it dangerous misinformation to promote only one of those given real world data on both are mixed?
You do know Joe Rogan is still on Spotify while Neil Young was kicked off, right?

Young was not kicked off. He left. Now that Spotify has met his wants, I suspect he'll come back on.

Meanwhile, Rogan gets a noice warning label about his misleading content and a link to an actual factual source on COVID.

So, yeah, your post didn't age well.

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