Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

And they don't even see it. The losers failed in their quest for Liberty. Their minds and lives are now owned by the government and large corporations.
It’s amazing the 180 they have done . They’re now the party of the Ivy Leaguers that look down on middle America and have no real idea about what the middle class cares about. They’re all about power and big business.
Since doctors/scientists have become political why not have a nationally televised debate?
Three per side. Non media moderators. Each side has to answer questions from the other side of the debate.
Since doctors/scientists have become political why not have a nationally televised debate?
Three per side. Non media moderators. Each side has to answer questions from the other side of the debate.

That’s what they’re upset with Rogan over. You can’t allow the other side of the debate to be heard
How could anyone think Joe Rogan should be canceled for misinformation but The View is gine being aired daily. Those women don't just lie constantly, they're racists full of hate.
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Free dive spearfisher and activist Valentine Thomas was incredibly interesting on JRE yesterday. Plus, she's quite easy on the eyes for bonus points.
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You were already discovered.

Careful... you don't want to develop the dynamic some posters have with Carlson. "Joe's monologue was on fire today, Joe had 130,000 listens by 12:00 pm."
Fortunately, unlike some of our local whackos, I had both heard of and regularly listened to the JRE prior to this recent nonsense. I just love to hear and learn about stuff foreign to me and my field.

Just today, I learned about Seal skin boots, that dolphin is actually eaten in Japan, some cool deep water ocean life, and that Sea Doo makes a fishing jet ski.
Ban science NOW! It's dangerous, and education. Also, f fauci. Never did like him. He has weird sleepy eyes just like Ben Carson.
Fortunately, unlike some of our local whackos, I had both heard of and regularly listened to the JRE prior to this recent nonsense. I just love to hear and learn about stuff foreign to me and my field.

Just today, I learned about Seal skin boots, that dolphin is actually eaten in Japan, some cool deep water ocean life, and that Sea Doo makes a fishing jet ski.
I haven't listened to Rogan much. I tried a few episodes when he went to Spotify, but the episodes I listened to didn't interest me enough to keep me for a full interview. Probably my fault for picking a bad topic. I liked his interview style, i just never got into it. I still don't see it as big deal that Young didn't want to be on the same network, contractual issues aside.
I haven't listened to Rogan much. I tried a few episodes when he went to Spotify, but the episodes I listened to didn't interest me enough to keep me for a full interview. Probably my fault for picking a bad topic. I liked his interview style, i just never got into it. I still don't see it as big deal that Young didn't want to be on the same network, contractual issues aside.
Agree 100%. I think artists should be able to catalog their music wherever they see fit, and I believe they should be held to contractual obligations or suffer penalties for breakage of contracts, just like the rest of us.
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I actually like the fact that Neil Young is pulling this bs because it’s exposing one hypocrite after another.

But no thanks Neil, I’ll keep on rocking in MY free world and you can join the sheep
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Agree 100%. I think artists should be able to catalog their music wherever they see fit, and I believe they should be held to contractual obligations or suffer penalties for breakage of contracts, just like the rest of us.
Perfectly reasonable take. I've been curious about Young's deal with Spotify and who actually owns the rights to his music, but not curious enough to research it.
remember how the media freaked out when Trump attacked individual companies?

"It isn't real censorship because it's not the government doing it!"

How about now? Does this finally rise up to the level of censorship? Anybody going to defend this???
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