Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Holy hell. Mind your own fkn business. The WH has no business telling companies where to stand politically. Yes, even if it's about {gasp} Joe Rogan. Yes, even if it's about {gasp} the NFL.

Our politicians cannot get any dumber.

But he’s a racist now! Nevermind that Maher and Stern have done and said similar and same things.

It’s clear this is outrage searching to meet the end goal of silencing Covid narratives that appear to be counter to the party line.
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But he’s a racist now! Nevermind that Maher and Stern have done and said similar and same things.

It’s clear this is outrage searching to meet the end goal of silencing Covid narratives that appear to be counter to the party line.
Maher and Stern are privileged. Another reason the left hasn't come after them. Now they might eventually come after Maher if he continues the criticism of the woke, fascist, communist, totalitarian, reactionary left
Holy hell. Mind your own fkn business. The WH has no business telling companies where to stand politically. Yes, even if it's about {gasp} Joe Rogan. Yes, even if it's about {gasp} the NFL.

Our politicians cannot get any dumber.

They will gladly accept your challenge.
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The people attacking him for being racist know he isn't actually racist. What they really don't like is that tens of millions of people tune into his podcasts and he showcases differing viewpoints on things, especially those related to COVID.
Some of them are probably mad their buddy Stern has a dwindling audience.
The really sad part about all this is the cancelling of Rogan over his comments wrt race really dilutes the very real problem of racism and profiling. Doing it because he had a podcast on his experience with Covid makes it absolutely shameful. The notion that Rogan is racist in any way, shape, form, or at any level verbal or otherwise is patently absurd.

People are being used and played, and those in here whitewashing the whole thing as not Covid driven are just the low hanging puppets being used to sell it. It’s ridiculous, shameful, and sad.
Also, Joe Rogan apologizing in good faith is a waste of time. None of the people attacking him are attacking him in good faith (i.e. to try and educate Rogan). They're just hungry piranhas looking to devour their prey.
Also, Joe Rogan apologizing in good faith is a waste of time. None of the people attacking him are attacking him in good faith (i.e. to try and educate Rogan). They're just hungry piranhas looking to devour their prey.

Why we are screwed..there is no compromise with these ideologues. Just like Reagan was screwed with illegal amnesty years later. They take and take and take.
Also, Joe Rogan apologizing in good faith is a waste of time. None of the people attacking him are attacking him in good faith (i.e. to try and educate Rogan). They're just hungry piranhas looking to devour their prey.

I think they absolutely believe they are acting in good faith which makes this even more scary. I bet if you were to ask Luther and Monty they would say this is all very appropriate and there is nothing nefarious going on. Yet, plainly, this stinks.
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Also, Joe Rogan apologizing in good faith is a waste of time. None of the people attacking him are attacking him in good faith (i.e. to try and educate Rogan). They're just hungry piranhas looking to devour their prey.

Apologizing in good faith is never a waste of time. Apologizing in good faith, by its very definition, was not done in with expediency of a PR crisis in mind. Now, if one wants to argue that his apology was not done in good faith, that is a different argument.

His authenticity is the secret sauce to JRE's success. He is genuinely curious about the guests that he has on. He continually admits that he is just a dumb, yet curious comedian who wants to have real conversations with people he finds interesting verse someone who knows the subject matter as well as the guests that he has on. He has Jamie fact check, as best that he can in real time. In situations where something he deems as serious wrong fact doesn't get corrected in real time, he puts out a correction on social media. His authenticity, interview skills, and lack of fear diving into tough topics (over three hours) is what draws people to JRE.
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