Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Actually I read about it on the BBC website. I don't follow JRE, CNN, Fox. RT, or Pravda. Sometimes Mother Jones but with a heavy filter.
Per the Beeb:
Malone also incorrectly stated that getting vaccinated puts people who have already had Covid-19 at higher risk, and claimed world leaders had hypnotised the public into supporting vaccines, drawing parallels between the pandemic and the rise of the Nazi party in 1930s Germany.
higher risk of what?….and how do you know he’s wrong?
I have not kept track of who wants him censored. No I don't think he should be censored but it's close. I really like free speech.
Rogan plays to the detriment of our public health by giving a platform to Malone and his false anti-vax agenda. Ideally I'd like to see him understand and communicate the science but maybe that's too much to ask. I guess when we start seeing lawsuits for 'because of JRE et al grandma didn't get the jab and now she's dead' we'll see fewer such snake oil salesmen.
Malone received the vaccine himself just to prove how much of a hardass, anti-vaxxer he is. That’s dedication.
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Neil Young is a poon, at one time I thought he really stood for something, now we all know he's a bootlicker.
Right or wrong, it sounds like Young believes Rogan is FOS and disseminating bad info and Young doesn't want to be associated with it. His decision is probably costing him a good bit of money. Seems principled enough to me whether you agree with his covid stance or not.
Never heard his podcast but I've seen plenty of clips of his idiocy the last few days.

Neil Young/Science: 1
:Joe Rogan/Carl Pickens: 0
Well one just had his already, forgotten music removed and the other is smoking shredded $1000 bills, rolled in manicured $1000 bills while counting a $100M worth of $1000 bills. So its more like game, set, match: Rogan.
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No problem with Neil leaving Spotify.

Big problem with Neil trying to silence Rogan who happens to interview people who don't agree with old Neil's POV.

I didn't appoint Neil Young to censor what I can listen to.
First of all, Spotify does censor. You think they let anything onto their platform? I'm sure some NAMBLA podcasters would love to be available there. Second of all, we want individuals and corporations to have the power to censor their own media/platforms. If Spotify caves, it's the free market at work. If Spotify doesn't cave, it's the free market at work.

There is nothing anti-American about Neil Young's protest. This is the way America is supposed to work.
Yep! Demanding that someone you disagree with be censored and deplatformed is as American as apple pie.
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Neil Young is a poon, at one time I thought he really stood for something, now we all know he's a bootlicker.

What you mean is that at one time you agreed with his message, but you don't agree with his current message.

There's no reason to go to such detestable extremes simply because you no longer agree with someone. Times change, you change, he changes. It's on to move on without making a big deal about it.
This guy probably doesn’t know anything about science either.

I appreciate hearing from an actual medical research specialist such as this professor. Wise, carefully tempered words addressing the need for clinical trials with the understanding that the drive for profits once again screws up the works.
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Right or wrong, it sounds like Young believes Rogan is FOS and disseminating bad info and Young doesn't want to be associated with it. His decision is probably costing him a good bit of money. Seems principled enough to me whether you agree with his covid stance or not.

I mean it's bullcrap, there are better examples to make a stand in principle. This isn't about principle it's politics. It's about being intellectually honest, is Rogan's misinformation any more dangerous than Fauci's? There is a very good case to be made that Fauci's misinformation was much more costly and hurtful the public. He's not taking a stand against those that support Fauci. He's being a poon, pain and simple.

He's licking the boot of authority, the same authority that mislead us all.

This platform doesn't pay much, and artist that are largely forgotten save an aging fanbase get much less. He gets more from radio play. He's not missing anything.
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What you mean is that at one time you agreed with his message, but you don't agree with his current message.

There's no reason to go to such detestable extremes simply because you no longer agree with someone. Times change, you change, he changes. It's on to move on without making a big deal about it.
I never agreed with it, I could respect it though, but not this. I'm not making a huge deal about it. Simply giving my opinion he went from a leader who speaks it against authority to authority Kool aid drinker.

I find it ironic he chose his stance on the moral grounds of misinformation..... When the machine he's defending mislead us from day one.
I never agreed with it, I could respect it though, but not this. I'm not making a huge deal about it. Simply giving my opinion he went from a leader who speaks it against authority to authority Kool aid drinker.

I find it ironic he chose his stance on the moral grounds of misinformation..... When the machine he's defending mislead us from day one.

I've gone through his public statements and stances on this. I find no evidence of being a Kool aid drinker, simply someone concerned about what he believes to be potential misinformation.

The world is not binary.
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Interesting…not a one of these artists pulling their music (oh, the horror), left-leaning Democrat posters on this board or social media outlets are concerned one bit, nor even discuss Hunter’s use of his dad’s influence to pedal shady deals with the Chinese and selling out the US for millions $$$. In fact, they censor it, but by god if Joe Rogan just asks questions about the vax or questions our idiotic approach to Covid, well that’s cancel worthy. Y’all are real gems.
I mean it's bullcrap, there are better examples to make a stand in principle. This isn't about principle it's politics. It's about being intellectually honest, is Rogan's misinformation any more dangerous than Fauci's? There is a very good case to be made that Fauci's misinformation was much more costly and hurtful the public. He's not taking a stand against those that support Fauci. He's being a poon, pain and simple.

He's licking the boot of authority, the same authority that mislead us all.

This platform doesn't pay much, and artist that are largely forgotten save an aging fanbase get much less. He gets more from radio play. He's not missing anything.

Who’s to say what Rogan is saying is disinformation? I haven’t watched everything he has said on Covid but the stuff I did watch was his personal experience and basic facts.
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Which science?

The science that says they are more than 2 genders?

The science that says men can have a menstrual cycle?

The science that said if you take the vaccine you can’t get Covid?

The science that said to avoid Covid you have to take a vaccine booster?

The science that said any mask will protect you from Covid?

The science that diagnosis every hyperactive child with ADHD?
I mean it's bullcrap, there are better examples to make a stand in principle. This isn't about principle it's politics. It's about being intellectually honest, is Rogan's misinformation any more dangerous than Fauci's? There is a very good case to be made that Fauci's misinformation was much more costly and hurtful the public. He's not taking a stand against those that support Fauci. He's being a poon, pain and simple.

He's licking the boot of authority, the same authority that mislead us all.

This platform doesn't pay much, and artist that are largely forgotten save an aging fanbase get much less. He gets more from radio play. He's not missing anything.
I don't have any idea what Neil Young does or doesn't think about Fauci. Maybe he believes him. Young doesn't want to be associated with a platform that broadcasts Rogan's ideas and he made a choice. Neil Young has made his decision on what he thinks about Covid and vaccines based on the sources he trusts. Just like you. Doesn't mean either of you are boot-lickers.
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