Neil Young vs. Joe Rogan

Right or wrong, it sounds like Young believes Rogan is FOS and disseminating bad info and Young doesn't want to be associated with it. His decision is probably costing him a good bit of money. Seems principled enough to me whether you agree with his covid stance or not.
Neil Young isn't struggling one bit
I've gone through his public statements and stances on this. I find no evidence of being a Kool aid drinker, simply someone concerned about what he believes to be potential misinformation.

The world is not binary.
Again, why select this one guy? Why not speak out against disinformation in general? Why she's he single out one guy while giving Fauci and those that support him a pass. There's no intellectual honesty in that. This is purely political. He's gone from speaking out against authority to slurping it.
Who’s to say what Rogan is saying is disinformation? I haven’t watched everything he has said on Covid but the stuff I did watch was his personal experience and basic facts.
I don't know what he's said. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt but calling him in his double standard.
I don't have any idea what Neil Young does or doesn't think about Fauci. Maybe he believes him. Young doesn't want to be associated with a platform that broadcasts Rogan's ideas and he made a choice. Neil Young has made his decision on what he thinks about Covid and vaccines based on the sources he trusts. Just like you. Doesn't mean either of you are boot-lickers.
Seems to me he's towing the authority line. Otherwise why call out disinformation from Rogan but stay quiet about others, the administration included? He chose this one because it is at odds with the current political line....... Which has been demonstrated anti science and outright misleading on multiple occasions.

It's not that difficult to draw the line been A&B.
Seems to me he's towing the authority line. Otherwise why call out disinformation from Rogan but stay quiet about others, the administration included? He chose this one because it is at odds with the current political line....... Which has been demonstrated anti science and outright misleading on multiple occasions.

It's not that difficult to draw the line been A&B.

You might seem to be toeing the anti-vax party line to Neil Young.

But I'll be willing to bet pennies to dollars Rogan picks up more followers as a result of this little kerfuffle than Young does new listeners.

I don't think that's the point.

Net dollars up or down for Spotify doesn't dictate the correctness of Young's or Rogan's positions.
Which science?

The science that says they are more than 2 genders?

The science that says men can have a menstrual cycle?

The science that said if you take the vaccine you can’t get Covid?

The science that said to avoid Covid you have to take a vaccine booster?

The science that said any mask will protect you from Covid?

The science that diagnosis every hyperactive child with ADHD?
Left is now a pick and choose party for the moment.
Once again some pretentious ******* who shares your political views wants to censor free speech

The more they come after Rogan, the more the word is getting out.

Ivermectin was trending on Twitter today twice before getting suppressed.
Once again some pretentious ******* who shares your political views wants to censor free speech
He chose to take his music off a privately owned platform because he didn't agree with the agenda of one of that company's biggest commodities. Do you think he was under any delusion they would actually get rid of Rogan? No. This is exactly what he expected. Like it or not, he did it to make a point. If he has the right to control the distribution if his music, he has the right to pull it from Rogan's platform.
He chose to take his music off a privately owned platform because he didn't agree with the agenda of one of that company's biggest commodities. Do you think he was under any delusion they would actually get rid of Rogan? No. This is exactly what he expected. Like it or not, he did it to make a point. If he has the right to control the distribution if his music, he has the right to pull it from Rogan's platform.

Of course he's got every right to do that however he doesn't have the right to demand somebody be censored just because he disagrees with their point of view especially when he's wrong.
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Of course he's got every right to do that however he doesn't have the right to demand somebody be censored just because he disagrees with their point of view especially when he's wrong.
He's got the right to say, "it's him or me and I'll accept the consequences," which is exactly what he did.

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