Next football transfer?

Some possibilities are: Carson, Orta, Lewis, Jenkins, Lemond Johnson, Blanc, Justin King, Peterman, Bowles and AJ Branisel.

McNeil is a possibility too, but I doubt it.

If a Senior graduated and transferred, I would guess Downs & Quinn, but that doesn't help the scholarship situation any.

Pig in all likelihood is gone. If he was coming back, he would have already...It's been like over two months now.

Also, lets say Blanc transfers, then there would be less pressure for Bowles to transfer due to less competition and more opportunity...unless they view themselves as being recruited over.

Counting Hill, that is 13. I don't expect more than 6 more to go with Pig and Hill unless discipline and grades are a factor.

It is also possible that Maggitt, M Jackson, Randolph, Kerbyson, Blair, and Crowder declare for the NFL early. I think Maggitt and Randolph are the only serious threats for that at this time. But others could emerge as NFL ready by seasons end...lets hope so as this would mean we are playing much better.
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Pig in all likelihood is gone. If he was coming back, he would have already...It's been like over two months now.

This is EXACTLY why I believe Pig is NOT gone. If he were done, there'd be no question about it. He's be gone and we'd never hear about it again. But the fact that he's still around and working with the coaches leads me to believe that he'll be back.
This is EXACTLY why I believe Pig is NOT gone. If he were done, there'd be no question about it. He's be gone and we'd never hear about it again. But the fact that he's still around and working with the coaches leads me to believe that he'll be back.

I didn't think he was working with the team/coaches. HMMM!
I think Dobbs and Peterman both stay this year. But next year, if one or both of them fall behind new recruit(s), then at least one of them would likely become the next Bryce Petty/Tahj Boyd for another team.
I hate to see anyone transfer but it is there life to live. I know transfers hurt our depth but I understand when someone wants to transfer for more playing time or doesn't fit the system. At the University of Tennessee a spot on the depth chart is earned from competing everyday & that is always the way it should be.
You are just going by heresay. If Ferguson has a better arm, it ain't by much. Watch the difference between the velocity on the ball when Peterman and Worley both release the ball at exactly the same time, at the 2:03 mark in this video:


Again, not sure what your emotional attachment is to Peterman and it doesn't matter, you're certainly entitled to it. Sorry if your very scientific assessment of Peterman's vs Worley's armstrength doesn't do much to sway my opinion that Peterman doesn't have the strongest arm among the 4 QBs. Btw, by all accounts, it's Ferguson who has the strongest arm, not Peterman or Worley.

You mentioned Peterman's high school accolades in an earlier post, state of Florida MVP or something, as evidence that he can play at the D1 collegiate level. By that logic, shouldn't Worley be a much better college QB since he was the Gatorade NATIONAL player of the year?

Anywho, if Peterman is able to climb the depth charts, surpass the other guys and become the starter at UT and do great things then he'll have no bigger fan than me. I've just stated my opinion based my observations, nothing more. Wish the kid all the best and will gladly eat crow on here if he proves me wrong.
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Some possibilities are: Carson, Orta, Lewis, Jenkins, Lemond Johnson, Blanc, Justin King, Peterman, Bowles and AJ Branisel.

McNeil is a possibility too, but I doubt it.

If a Senior graduated and transferred, I would guess Downs & Quinn, but that doesn't help the scholarship situation any.

Pig in all likelihood is gone. If he was coming back, he would have already...It's been like over two months now.

Also, lets say Blanc transfers, then there would be less pressure for Bowles to transfer due to less competition and more opportunity...unless they view themselves as being recruited over.

Counting Hill, that is 13. I don't expect more than 6 more to go with Pig and Hill unless discipline and grades are a factor.

It is also possible that Maggitt, M Jackson, Randolph, Kerbyson, Blair, and Crowder declare for the NFL early. I think Maggitt and Randolph are the only serious threats for that at this time. But others could emerge as NFL ready by seasons end...lets hope so as this would mean we are playing much better.

Big Statement
haveing all of them want to transfrer so they might play someplace else,there goes your depth and the you start hollering we don't have any depth.Just cain't satisfy you.

If I coach a team of high school kids. I have five starters and I have 15 backups, but they are 8th graders. I know I'm never playing those 8th graders because compared to the comps talent, they can't compete. Now, those 8th graders want to transfer schools. According to you, I should be mad because my depth is shot. #yourewelcome.
You claim he has the strongest arm and best mobility of the 4 claim that Worley looked awful the second half vs Florida .... and I'm the one making stupid, unfounded statements?

Peterman's a good kid, obviously a resilient hard worker. He had a disastrous game vs Florida where he looked completely lost. He was injured and we didn't see him again. Fast forward to this Spring and there he is, doing fine but appearing from all reports to be the 4th QB. That's where I'm getting my information from.

You clearly have some emotional attachment to the kid. I don't. I wish him well, perhaps he gets a chance to redeem himself at UT at some point but the odds are against that. As it stands today, by virtually all accounts, Worley leads to be the starter, followed by Dobbs and Ferguson, with Peterman bringing up the rear. You don't want to see or acknowledge that then that's on you.

Not getting in y'all peeing contest but Petrman actually looked good at the spring game....just saying..
I think Dobbs and Peterman both stay this year. But next year, if one or both of them fall behind new recruit(s), then at least one of them would likely become the next Bryce Petty/Tahj Boyd for another team.

I think Peterman stays. What other Div I school would have him?
Not getting in y'all peeing contest but Petrman actually looked good at the spring game....just saying..

Looked good in last year's too. I hope the kid does well and if he can earn the starting job then more power to him and he'll have my full support. But to make claims about the kid like the other poster has done that just aren't true/substantiated with any evidence is wrong.
I was so impressed with the class Hill showed in his announcement to transfer. It was really positive. He might be leaving to get playing time elsewhere, but he will always be a VFL. Others who might be leaving might not have anything good to say.

I agree with Quinn as a possible candidate. But Branisel was playing well up to his injury. I think he will be back and will contribute.

I'm concerned about Jenkins and his knee issues. I hope he can overcome them and not need to leave football like Meredith.

It looks like the roles for Orta and Bowles are limited to special teams, if that. They are both competitive kids and may want to get 1st team playing time elsewhere. In the summer, Carson could also be in the same situation with so much talent coming in. Blanc may also find the same problem at WR.

Is Michael Williams counted in the 85-man roster? He may choose to continue running track over football, although the depth at CB may preclude that.

Kids who play collegiate level sports love to compete. Riding the bench for most is just not in the cards. I see no shame in them moving to a program where they can contribute, and wish them the best.
Christian Harris left. Clark on the DL. We don't know about Pig. Harris and Clark were probably recruited over. Pig has personal issues. Butch is trying to build quality depth. I don't wish for anyone that wants to be a VFL to be forced out, but some guys are going to leave for more p.t., to be closer to home, ect. The point of the thread was to find out if anyone knew who may be considering a move. I would especially like to see guys like Bowles stay. He is from all accounts, a great teammate. I don't see all 4 QB's staying. That is reality. I would guess from a PT stand point that a guy like LaTroy Lewis might be a candidate.

Lewis made be moving to TE. Super athletic. Don't give up on him yet.
I think Dobbs and Peterman both stay this year. But next year, if one or both of them fall behind new recruit(s), then at least one of them would likely become the next Bryce Petty/Tahj Boyd for another team.

Dobbs stays even if he doesn't see significant playing time. His main priority is his education then football is second. The degree program he is in will keep him on the team.

Peterman will leave before he graduates and he will go to Furman, UTC, Tennessee Tech, etc. so he will be more likely to see playing time.

Woody Quinn will leave also. He won't play and he will see that it is pointless to practice hard all year and not play. What is the point?

Downs will stay! He grew up 90 miles away from Knoxville and he sees some playing time, so he will remain.

Cody Blanc will likely stay also. He is local and will want his family at the games etc. etc. It is convenient. Might be that he would rather be a Tennessee Vol and never play than to be on a different team and play.

These transitions are normal when a coach that really desires success arrives on campus. Look at Pete Carroll & Saban. They cleaned house at USC & " O Bama" when they arrived also.

IF you aren't S.E.C. caliber or you can't get to S.E.C. caliber, then it's time to move on.
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Why would he end up at ETSU and give up the starting QB position with the Vols. Don't make sense to me.

Scenerio that I see is that Worley will start in 2014. Gentry will come in as an "EE" and compete for the starting job. If Ferguson holds Gentry off, he won't hold him off forever and will eventually lose his job to Gentry.


Scenerio #2: Worley gets beat out this season by Ferguson. Gentry sees that he will have to de throne the starting q.b and chooses to play football at another university and not even sign with U.T. Ferguson starts, Dobbs backs him up, a freshman comes in and red shirts, Peterman transfers, Worley graduated.
Ferg may love Tennessee, but I don't think he wants to be a backup. I predict he ends up at ETSU in 2015.

This. I agree about a transfer but maybe not necessarily ETSU. Ferguson is still a red shirt freshman and I honestly believe he wants to go all the way. I'd bet if he doesn't play this season he's going somewhere else.
Your post has valid points no honest person can wantonly discard as being without merit. Now, let me turn it around again just to see what transpires. 20-30 Players not seeing the field opting to go and play elsewhere. They come enmass to the coach with their decision and it's honored. Off they go. No whining about having only 50 or fewer players for the team to compete with. Seems fair, why even wait until they opt for this, strongly encourage them to transfer to save time and give them more of a chance to succeed elsewhere. Do the pros do this? I think so. Why not CFB too? Fair is fair isn't it? We start paying players this may well be what will happen anyway. Get a jumpstart on it.

Heck! Why not start with Volnation. Transfer all negavols to Bama, Gator, and Russian Rugby boards. They aren't Vol supporters anyway, just Vol distractors with Bama bandwagon heart transplants. Even their excretion is crimson. Serves them right for letting a Bama surgeon perform the transplant and hook the artery tubes to the wrong end.

AWWW! Come on Woodsmanvol Talk sense. Who will be the next transfer???? SIGH! OK, it will be Jimmy Cheek to the University of North Dakota. Go Sioux!!!!

To quote The Waterboy, "Don't smoke crack!"

I never said they would all transfer. Also, we all know that some of these guys have been recruited over. Those kids see the situation and have opted for another path. What you're saying is like everyone going to the bank at the same exact time and withdrawing their money and then the banks shutting down (at least for awhile). Is this possible? Yes, but highly unlikely. Therefore, I could careless to discuss such oddities.
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To quote The Waterboy, "Don't smoke crack!"

I never said they would all transfer. Also, we all know that some of these guys have been recruited over. Those kids see the situation and have opted for another path. What you're saying is like everyone going to the bank at the same exact time and withdrawing their money and then the banks shutting down (at least for awhile). Is this possible? Yes, but highly unlikely. Therefore, I could careless to discuss such oddities.

So you're saying we can't have a reasonable conversation about pure speculation? I think I can agree with that. Uh-huh.

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