No one is Underpaid

And digging ditches required various skills in combination to be successful at. I'm sure there have been people terminated for their inability to demonstrate the requisite skills needed to dig ditches.

And before you just fart out "Wrong" again like it's some kind of coherent answer, it's not me you're disagreeing with. Take it up with Oxford, Webster, American Standard, etc.
Digging a ditch requires the most basic of skills, I've literally done it, worked for an excavation company for a while. Anyone ever fired wasn't because of lack of digging skills, it was because they lacked the strength, stamina or will to do the job.
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But it does require them. Thank you.
That does not make it a skilled job. It is literally impossible to be devoid of skill, unless dead. So the fact that skill exists in a job does not qualify it as a skilled job.
That does not make it a skilled job. It is literally impossible to be devoid of skill, unless dead. So the fact that skill exists in a job does not qualify it as a skilled job.

I am the best unofficial ditch digger in the history of ditch digging. Put that in your bong and smoke it. My skills are off the charts!
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That sucks. Sorry.

I used to mow grass when I was a kid. Anyone else think they were skilled mowing grass?
I used to mow grass when I was a kid. Anyone else think they were skilled mowing grass?
On a serious note no. Mowing yards after school was my first part time job growing up. I made pretty good money honestly because everyone I worked for paid in cash. Never worked fast food or the restaurant business thank God. Edging requires a little skill.
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Edging requires a little skill.

I didn't start working on that one until I was an adult.

Oh... You meant lawn edging. :cool:

My baby brother taught me that lawn care required some skill. He couldn't mow a straight line or overlap to save his life. I spent more time cleaning up after him than it would have taken for me to just have done it myself.
I'm not being a jerk on purpose. I simply can't stand how inexact the English language is on many subjects, this one included.
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I didn't start working on that one until I was an adult.

Oh... You meant lawn edging. :cool:

My baby brother taught me that lawn care required some skill. He couldn't mow a straight line or overlap to save his life. I spent more time cleaning up after him than it would have taken for me to just have done it myself.
I considered starting my own lawn care business after high school but decided to go to college instead. A few of my friends operate their own lawn/tree companies and make very good money. Problem is they are constantly working and don’t have enough leisure time IMO.
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I considered starting my own lawn care business after high school but decided to go to college instead. A few of my friends operate their own lawn/tree companies and make very good money. Problem is they are constantly working and don’t have enough leisure time IMO.

A couple buddies started their own lawn care business in college, they were one of the first in the area so it really took off. Their problem was they were just doing it for beer and rent money while in school so they didn't take it seriously. Another dude we graduated HS with brought them out after a couple years for basically the cost of their equipment and now he's the biggest game in town with his own nursery.
No one relies or needs fast food workers, it's a convenience. If all fast food restaurants closed tomorrow no one would starve.

Your problem in this debate is you're arguing from emotion instead of fact. While they are factually correct, that it is considered unskilled work it requires only the most basic of skills to perform. It doesn't demean them to speak the truth. And to some degree you are correct that it requires some skill, but just the must basic to carry out job functions.

And the OP's assertion that this labor shortage is manufactured is almost undeniable. You can overlay graphs with timelines and the results of mandates and shutdowns and effectively demonstrate the correlation.
Okay. Then if they are not needed then why do people continue to eat and buy food at these places. Can you go a year without buying food from one?

They are essential and skilled jobs. Period.
Okay. Then if they are not needed then why do people continue to eat and buy food at these places. Can you go a year without buying food from one?

They are essential and skilled jobs. Period.
People eat there because of convenience, not necessity. Yes I can go a year without visiting a fast food restaurant. But I don't because sometimes the convenience is nice.

To put it in the simplest of terms if fast food restaurants were banned tomorrow no one with two brain cells to rub together world starve.

You have to have the most basic of skills, just because it takes basic skills doesn't mean it is considered a skilled job. Anyone could do the job save those with extreme physical or mental issues.
People eat there because of convenience, not necessity. Yes I can go a year without visiting a fast food restaurant. But I don't because sometimes the convenience is nice.

To put it in the simplest of terms if fast food restaurants were banned tomorrow no one with two brain cells to rub together world starve.

You have to have the most basic of skills, just because it takes basic skills doesn't mean it is considered a skilled job. Anyone could do the job save those with extreme physical or mental issues.

A lot of people would starve.
People eat there because of convenience, not necessity. Yes I can go a year without visiting a fast food restaurant. But I don't because sometimes the convenience is nice.

To put it in the simplest of terms if fast food restaurants were banned tomorrow no one with two brain cells to rub together world starve.

You have to have the most basic of skills, just because it takes basic skills doesn't mean it is considered a skilled job. Anyone could do the job save those with extreme physical or mental issues.
Well if they are that easy then you and other people are free to apply and work part time to help out until they can get other people hired. If it is that easy it won't bother you to help out a little. You probably won't even break a sweat.

All restaurants are essential, takes skilled positions to staff them, and provide a skilled service. Not my fault you feel different. You and other people are more than free to cook your own meals.
Well if they are that easy then you and other people are free to apply and work part time to help out until they can get other people hired. If it is that easy it won't bother you to help out a little. You probably won't even break a sweat.

All restaurants are essential, takes skilled positions to staff them, and provide a skilled service. Not my fault you feel different. You and other people are more than free to cook your own meals.
None of this is true, but feel free to keep posting it 20 times a day.
First it was fast food workers. Then it was all restaurant workers. Now we've moved on to ditch digging.

You guys are unbelievable.
Shoot I like fast food in moderation...Krystals, Wendy's, Pizza,,,

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