No one is Underpaid

Probably in our determination that they are unskilled jobs. You and others think they are. Me and many others think they are not. I have given my reasons as to why I feel the way I do. I also spent over a decade of my working career in the restaurant industry. Trust me I've seen some very good and hard working people. I've seen some lazy people as well. But I can also say that about the insurance broker I used to work for.

I mean if you and others want to go to the Waffle House at 2am and tell those waitresses, manager, and cook that their job is unskilled then be my guest. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

I honestly don't think any job is unskilled. And I see all people who are out there working as equals and they all play a key role in helping society function.

Calling an occupation unskilled or low skilled is not a reflection of work habit, so idk why you’re talking about lazy people. Obviously some jobs require more skills than others. The restraurant industry is not one of those. That’s why so many teens work in that industry.

Yes, Waffle House is an unskilled job. Idk why you believe otherwise.

What you’re missing here is an issue of language. If you proclaim all labor is skilled, skilled labor no longer has meaning. It just means “a job”. It’s like calling everyone racist. If you do so, the word racist now just means “person”.

It sounds like you’re more interested in virtue signaling than confronting reality. Some jobs are unskilled (grocery stores, gas stations, etc).
Claim: Our poor live better than the middle class of Europe.
Again you state something as though it’s axiomatic and it absolutely is not. What is your evidence?
Side note, your claim was “No one is underpaid.” Now you’re talking about the U.S. vs Europe. Do you mean no one, or no one in the U.S.?

Companies compete for workers, yes. Does the average person have the skills to get into an industry where competition for workers is great enough to compensate for the profit maximizing incentive to pay as little as possible. I happen to be in a field (tech) with a lot of competition for labor. People in other fields, including those doing the essential labor that society requires to function, still deserve to provide a good standard of living for them/their families.

Re: firefighters and truck drivers you know making 80k+ and 100k+, respectively. How wonderful for firefighters and truck drivers that you know personally! Anecdotal evidence does not disprove the fact that there are people in both professions who are underpaid.

There are probably doctors that are “underpaid” for their skill level.
It does make sense. Do you consider restaurant workers as essential during this pandemic? Yes or no? Simple question.

Everyone is an essential worker, pandemic or not. If a company is paying someone who isn’t essential they need better management.
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My favorite part of this entire thread is Iluvdoubleds just shouting into the abyss about debt.
They supported and ate there because many people also cannot live without them.

So would you also say that people kept liquor stores open as support to keep them afloat?

People can’t live without restaurants is one of the most insane claims I’ve ever read. Between microwaveable meals, meal prep services, raw fruits, veggies, cheese, nuts, prepackaged junk food, etc

The idea that people can’t live without a restaurant in a world with all these other options, is maybe the craziest thing I’ve ever seen and completely out of touch with reality
I definitely never suggested that. However there are people here that were offended that they couldn't get their Taco Bell earlier. Those same people are also free to apply and work part time at these restaurants if they are that offended.

You believe I was offended because Taco Bell was closed? Or was I simply pointing out that we have a manufactured labor shortage by the government?

Between their insane benefits, banning people from being evicted, and forcing the unemployment of the unvaccinated, the government has created a real crisis that is limiting the supply of labor and as it result it’s limiting the wealth of our nation.
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You believe I was offended because Taco Bell was closed? Or was I simply pointing out that we have a manufactured labor shortage by the government?

Between their insane benefits, banning people from being evicted, and forcing the unemployment of the unvaccinated, the government has created a real crisis that is limiting the supply of labor and as it result it’s limiting the wealth of our nation.
Restaurants are not essential. The federal government apparently could not successfully run a Taco Bell. However, who would be ok with no Restaurants? Air conditioning is not essential but is nice to have in Tennessee.
Restaurants are not essential. The federal government apparently could not successfully run a Taco Bell. However, who would be ok with no Restaurants? Air conditioning is not essential but is nice to have in Tennessee.

I don’t understand your angle here? You believe I’m arguing we shouldn’t have restaurants or that I’m upset they exist?

I probably eat out at a minimum 2 times a week, depending on how busy my week is that number may triple
I don’t understand your angle here? You believe I’m arguing we shouldn’t have restaurants or that I’m upset they exist?

I probably eat out at a minimum 2 times a week, depending on how busy my week is that number may triple

No angle. Apologies for the confusing post. Do not disagree with your points. More of a statement on how we make "conveniences" seem "essential ".
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You believe I was offended because Taco Bell was closed? Or was I simply pointing out that we have a manufactured labor shortage by the government?

Between their insane benefits, banning people from being evicted, and forcing the unemployment of the unvaccinated, the government has created a real crisis that is limiting the supply of labor and as it result it’s limiting the wealth of our nation.
I don't believe it's a manufactured labor shortage for the restaurant industry in this area. Some restaurants are paying better than others. Some employees have moved on to jobs in other fields. And for all we know some restaurant locations might have bad management and that might be the reason for the high turnover at specific locations. I say this because you could have drove over to Lovell Rd as that location was more than likely open at that time.

And when people are constantly referring to these positions as unskilled then why would other people they want to apply and work at these places?
People can’t live without restaurants is one of the most insane claims I’ve ever read. Between microwaveable meals, meal prep services, raw fruits, veggies, cheese, nuts, prepackaged junk food, etc

The idea that people can’t live without a restaurant in a world with all these other options, is maybe the craziest thing I’ve ever seen and completely out of touch with reality
Okay. Practice what you preach for at least a month then. Bet you can't do it.
I think you're mistaking the term unskilled or low skilled with one of disrespect. If a high school student or someone can be trained to do a job in a few hours, it's a low skilled job. It's not something they had to take courses on, have a degree in, or go to school for a professional license. You're not going to train someone to be a HVAC technician or a nurse in a few hours. That requires months of dedicated training in that specific field vs taking food orders, using a register, or pushing boxes in a warehouse environment.
Have you worked in a restaurant before? It also takes more than just a few hours of training in order to be good at those particular positions. Managers have to go through weeks, sometimes months of training. Some of you people really are completely ignorant on what it takes to run and operate a restaurant.
Calling an occupation unskilled or low skilled is not a reflection of work habit, so idk why you’re talking about lazy people. Obviously some jobs require more skills than others. The restraurant industry is not one of those. That’s why so many teens work in that industry.

Yes, Waffle House is an unskilled job. Idk why you believe otherwise.

What you’re missing here is an issue of language. If you proclaim all labor is skilled, skilled labor no longer has meaning. It just means “a job”. It’s like calling everyone racist. If you do so, the word racist now just means “person”.

It sounds like you’re more interested in virtue signaling than confronting reality. Some jobs are unskilled (grocery stores, gas stations, etc).
It is skilled labor. Why? Because you and other people are not in there working those jobs. One reason is because you feel jobs like that are beneath you. Second, you simply couldn't do it right now if you tried. Therefore it is skilled labor.

I would love to see you and others in here work the grill at Waffle House when they are slammed busy. You couldn't do it and you know it. I couldn't do it either. However I have respect for someone willing to do it. You don't. That's the difference between me and you.
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if you cannot afford rent, you are underpaid. that's top down economics. if you want people to spend money, they have to be able to spend money. if people cannot spend money it's because of you, it's because YOU hold too much debt, and are charging it back to your employees to cover your own ass. stop holding too much debt.
Your posts remind me of this guy:

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It is skilled labor. Why? Because you and other people are not in there working those jobs. One reason is because you feel jobs like that are beneath you. Second, you simply couldn't do it right now if you tried. Therefore it is skilled labor.

I would love to see you and others in here work the grill at Waffle House when they are slammed busy. You couldn't do it and you know it. I couldn't do it either. However I have respect for someone willing to do it. You don't. That's the difference between me and you.

It’s not skilled labor. I’ve worked plenty in the food service industry. I owned my food service business and even sold gyros and kabobs in Neyland. I’m not working those jobs because I found a way to make more money, not because I think I’m too good for it.

People don’t want to do it does not make it skilled. I’ve worked plenty of grills in life. You should’ve seen the line my business had in Richton MS every year at the pecan festival.

You’re confusing respect with skill. Some jobs require plenty of skill and yet I still don’t respect them (attorneys for example). Some jobs require no skill and I have tremendous respect for them.
I don't believe it's a manufactured labor shortage for the restaurant industry in this area. Some restaurants are paying better than others. Some employees have moved on to jobs in other fields. And for all we know some restaurant locations might have bad management and that might be the reason for the high turnover at specific locations. I say this because you could have drove over to Lovell Rd as that location was more than likely open at that time.

And when people are constantly referring to these positions as unskilled then why would other people they want to apply and work at these places?

Bad management, differences in pay, literally every factor you listed existed pre pandemic. Yet you didn’t see these issues to anywhere near this level.

You believe how much people desire to work somewhere is based on how skilled other people perceive the job?
Have you worked in a restaurant before? It also takes more than just a few hours of training in order to be good at those particular positions. Managers have to go through weeks, sometimes months of training. Some of you people really are completely ignorant on what it takes to run and operate a restaurant.
Now you're talking about a manager. Not the hourly employees.. And someone able to do a job vs able to do a job well still doesn't make it a skilled position. The employee pool for a job like that is in the hundred millions. No special education or training required unlike nurses, hvac techs, ect.

Sure it take more than a few hours to be good. If you do something a lot you will be better at that than someone that hasn't done it as much. But being the best cash register employee doesn't make it a skilled job.
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It’s not incumbent on me to “limit the scope” when you started this argument by making the colossal blanket statement “no one is underpaid.”

Yes, I started with a limited scope. A simple statement that we could easily discuss. You then brought a ton of other things into that conversation that were only semi-related such as your mother's pension and corporate bonuses.
Have you worked in a restaurant before? It also takes more than just a few hours of training in order to be good at those particular positions. Managers have to go through weeks, sometimes months of training. Some of you people really are completely ignorant on what it takes to run and operate a restaurant.

Without a doubt it's hard work.

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