Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

I guess the kind of person I am.
I would hope that everyone has a line that they draw that marks the cutoff between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in a person. Trump crosses my line, by a good deal.
It's pretty much as simple as that.
Where is your line?
Well then there are only a couple of possible conclusions, either Biden doesn't cross your line as far as Trump does mine, or you're just a better man than I am.
I'm sure the consensus will be the second, but I'm confident it is the first.

I don’t like a lot of people, scratch that. I don’t like most people but I can’t think of anyone I hate. I seriously dislike my MIL but I don’t hate her.

I think that you’re just a small petty individual.
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No it’s not. And pretending like it is because the media has found a candidate they like better is dangerous. That’s part of being an adult. For example I would much rather get a beer with Bernie Sanders than any Republican other than maybe Mike Lee. But I’m adult enough to see Bernie for what he really is. Your hatred for Trump blinds you.
His hatred of Trump has turned him into an idiot. He would rather torpedo the entire country than read a few nasty tweets.
I don’t like a lot of people, scratch that. I don’t like most people but I can’t think of anyone I hate. I seriously dislike my MIL but I don’t hate her.

I think that you’re just a small petty individual.
I like most people (maybe we've identified yet another important difference).
And I think you are a tad bit simple minded.
About halfway between Trump and Biden.
Trump is the first and only serious presidential candidate in my lifetime to have crossed it.
Really, Clinton didn't? That is why I am curious as to where your line is. Can you give a specific act? Have way Between Biden and Trump isn't really a definable point.
About halfway between Trump and Biden.
Trump is the first and only serious presidential candidate in my lifetime to have crossed it.
As an educator, Biden’s plagiarism should have pushed you into the warm embrace of Jill Stein. That kind of intellectual dishonesty should appall you far more than Trump’s misogyny or mean tweets.
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Really, Clinton didn't? That is why I am curious as to where your line is. Can you give a specific act? Have way Between Biden and Trump isn't really a definable point.
There would be some single acts which would be enough (raping and then murdering your mother in law), but it's more of a cumulative total of characteristics and actions that determine the overall rating.
One other difference is that Trump hasn't been lying to the American people for 50 years. But Trump called people names. Oh the Horror
To the American people? No. But he glorified the idea of "truthful hyperbole" in his "favorite book" over 30 years ago. Essentially that means it is OK to tell manipulative lies if you move people to a "better deal". Very subjective. Very relativistic. Very Democrat.
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Your submission is inaccurate.
Biden hangs around the line pretty much where most politicians congregate.
Where many Democrats do for certain. The "truth" finally and completely died in the Democrat party when they rallied around a man who had committed the felony of perjury.

Biden is a crook. He is a profound liar. If you said his public lies were marginally better than Trump... his corruption over a decades long political career is FAR worse.

If you voted for him knowing about Ukraine... knowing about his son's sweet heart deal with China... then you lose all moral credibility to talk about anyone from the other party being dishonest or corrupt. If you can look at Biden's handling of Covid and approve then you have no standing to call anyone else divisive or hateful toward those who disagree with him.
Where many Democrats do for certain. The "truth" finally and completely died in the Democrat party when they rallied around a man who had committed the felony of perjury.

Biden is a crook. He is a profound liar. If you said his public lies were marginally better than Trump... his corruption over a decades long political career is FAR worse.

If you voted for him knowing about Ukraine... knowing about his son's sweet heart deal with China... then you lose all moral credibility to talk about anyone from the other party being dishonest or corrupt. If you can look at Biden's handling of Covid and approve then you have no standing to call anyone else divisive or hateful toward those who disagree with him.

There is no altruistic reason behind Luther's hate for Trump, he hates Trump because he defeated Hillary and robbed him and his daughters of crowing about voting for the 1st female president. That's all, nothing else, he's just that shallow.
Well then there are only a couple of possible conclusions, either Biden doesn't cross your line as far as Trump does mine, or you're just a better man than I am.
I'm sure the consensus will be the second, but I'm confident it is the first.
You have no credibility in this argument. You refuse to look at "your side".

I know a lot of Trump voters. Some friends were pretty upset with me when I said I couldn't vote for Trump. The reason I could not was that Trump is a Democrat in character and demeanor. He was very unreliable on policy because he's not actually driven by ideals. He's much like Clinton... he just loves the power and being the center of attention.

The Dems have literally not run anyone with the moral character to be POTUS since 1988. The GOP hasn't since 2000. In my mind, the ONLY way out of this is if enough of us refuse to vote for "lesser evils" that we steer the parties back to considering character.

FWIW, it is my opinion that Trump was a miscalculation by the GOP establishment. They wanted someone like Bush or Christie... a "moderate". They bought the media lie that victory for the GOP is finding someone the FAR LEFT MSM considers a "moderate". Trump's immoderate behavior is part of what attracted frustrated voters to him. Conservatives want someone who "fights back". We haven't had that since Reagan.

I believe that the GOP "king makers" thought that no one would actually favor Trump. So... they hoped that he and guys like Cruz and Paul would mutually destruct. Then they could anoint their guy. It was very late in the game before they stopped undermining good conservative candidates and realized that Trump was headed toward the nomination.
There is no altruistic reason behind Luther's hate for Trump, he hates Trump because he defeated Hillary and robbed him and his daughters of crowing about voting for the 1st female president. That's all, nothing else, he's just that shallow.
I don't know him that well.

But again, Trump required voters to ignore character flaws that we had previously condemned Dem voters for doing.... I just couldn't.

Luther's blindness to his double standard is pretty apparent... but there are some diehard Trump apologists that do the same thing unfortunately.
I don't know him that well.

But again, Trump required voters to ignore character flaws that we had previously condemned Dem voters for doing.... I just couldn't.

Luther's blindness to his double standard is pretty apparent... but there are some diehard Trump apologists that do the same thing unfortunately.

I didn't vote for Trump either but voting for Hillary or Biden was out of the question.
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I didn't vote for Trump either but voting for Hillary or Biden was out of the question.
Exactly. A "protest" vote against Trump but for HC or Biden would have sent the wrong message.

I actually wouldn't have wanted the Constitution Party to win in its current form. But where they differ with the GOP is the message I want to send.

I would be a regular Libertarian Party voter if they weren't off on issues of religious liberty (RE homosexual "rights") and then completely "unlibertarian" on the abortion issue. I hoped that the guy from Texas would win. He advocated sending abortion back to the states where it should have always been.
Exactly. A "protest" vote against Trump but for HC or Biden would have sent the wrong message.

I actually wouldn't have wanted the Constitution Party to win in its current form. But where they differ with the GOP is the message I want to send.

I would be a regular Libertarian Party voter if they weren't off on issues of religious liberty (RE homosexual "rights") and then completely "unlibertarian" on the abortion issue. I hoped that the guy from Texas would win. He advocated sending abortion back to the states where it should have always been.

The libertarian party is a fraud. If as a political party they wanted to effect change they would concentrate their efforts at the state and local level until they had enough members sitting in office to be noticed.
There is no altruistic reason behind Luther's hate for Trump, he hates Trump because he defeated Hillary and robbed him and his daughters of crowing about voting for the 1st female president. That's all, nothing else, he's just that shallow.
We've both already concurred that you are simple minded, there is no need to keep driving the point home.

I hated Trump during the repub primaries, long before anyone dreamed the right would actually nominate him. Everything I say now, I said then - for the simple minded....That means that not only is my hatred of Trump not due solely to his defeat of Hillary, his defeat of Hillary had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Which means.......for the simple minded....that not only are you wrong, but it would be impossible to be more wrong.
We've both already concurred that you are simple minded, there is no need to keep driving the point home.

I hated Trump during the repub primaries, long before anyone dreamed the right would actually nominate him. Everything I say now, I said then - for the simple minded....That means that not only is my hatred of Trump not due solely to his defeat of Hillary, his defeat of Hillary had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Which means.......for the simple minded....that not only are you wrong, but it would be impossible to be more wrong.

Yet there isn't a thimble full of difference character wise between Trump and Biden. Biden's history is even worse but you don't hate him.
Where many Democrats do for certain. The "truth" finally and completely died in the Democrat party when they rallied around a man who had committed the felony of perjury.

Biden is a crook. He is a profound liar. If you said his public lies were marginally better than Trump... his corruption over a decades long political career is FAR worse.

If you voted for him knowing about Ukraine... knowing about his son's sweet heart deal with China... then you lose all moral credibility to talk about anyone from the other party being dishonest or corrupt. If you can look at Biden's handling of Covid and approve then you have no standing to call anyone else divisive or hateful toward those who disagree with him.
Looter's 'moral high ground' makes the Everglades look amazingly like the top of Everest. Hog hit it squarely: Trump beat Hillary and robbed Looter and his daughters of their victory.
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The libertarian party is a fraud. If as a political party they wanted to effect change they would concentrate their efforts at the state and local level until they had enough members sitting in office to be noticed.
Agree they aren't good at tactics. They have a habit of viciously attacking those who are natural allies. Baptists by historical nature are "libertarian" in their approach to government. Always strongly "conservative" when it came to morals... they originated the idea of separation of church and state as a politically viable position. The "norm" for the last two hundred years... was extremely radical 300 years ago.

And where this happens most is where the Libertarian Party most departs from libertarianism. How can you be concerned about individual rights and support the idea that someone has a "right" to kill an innocent person to avoid responsibility for a freely made choice? How can you say that one person has the "right" to "love" anyone they choose... but another person doesn't have a right to disassociate from them?

The Libertarian Party could morph into a 10th Amendment party and do a lot of good.

FWIW, there are some Libertarians here in MO trying to do what you say. The problem for them is that the districts that would actually consider them already have Constitutional conservatives representing them.
Yet there isn't a thimble full of difference character wise between Trump and Biden. Biden's history is even worse but you don't hate him.
That's because I in no way agree with the first part of your statement.

Think back to 2015 and the 17 repub candidates. If someone would have said "pick out the one you consider to be the most horrendously despicable human in the bunch" who would you have picked?
For me, it was a slam dunk, easiest decision ever.
My answer.......Trump!
We've both already concurred that you are simple minded, there is no need to keep driving the point home.

I hated Trump during the repub primaries, long before anyone dreamed the right would actually nominate him. Everything I say now, I said then - for the simple minded....That means that not only is my hatred of Trump not due solely to his defeat of Hillary, his defeat of Hillary had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Which means.......for the simple minded....that not only are you wrong, but it would be impossible to be more wrong.
So why did you "hate" Trump? There has never been a more vile, angry, hatefilled person in American politics than Hillary Clinton. As far as we know, Trump's political career wasn't built on a stack of "convenient" body bags.

What do you mean by "simple-minded"? If you mean "unmoved by facts that tend against a strongly held opinion"... then you have done that pretty consistently.
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That's because I in no way agree with the first part of your statement.

Think back to 2015 and the 17 repub candidates. If someone would have said "pick out the one you consider to be the most horrendously despicable human in the bunch" who would you have picked?
For me, it was a slam dunk, easiest decision ever.
My answer.......Trump!
I actually think that's true... but if I looked at the Democrat candidates... that described ALL of them.

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