Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

I think Trump might tweet more mean things than Biden, but Biden is one hateful SOB when talking to people and treats a lot of people he talks to like crap.
Can a person get any more petty and vindictive than Donald Trump's recent public and personal attacks against Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota?

Donald Trump is angry, just because Sen. Rounds had the audacity to say that the 2020 Presidential Election was "fair", and that he had seen no compelling evidence of widespread voter fraud significant enough in nature to have altered the election's outcome.
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This one that I placed in bold, goes under the "Both" column as well.

Donald Trump spent his 4 years as President of the United States, racking up emoluments clause violations by steering foreign diplomats to his properties.

The 1st link below is to a non-partisan, government watchdog organization, known as The American Constitution Society. I think you would find, that they are well-respected for being fair to members of both parties.

Profiting off the Presidency: Trump’s Violations of the Emoluments Clauses | ACS

Donald Trump and his adult kids (primarily Donald Trump Jr.) also bilked American taxpayers by way of the Secret Service.

This 2nd link (Politico) details Donald Trump Jr.'s numerous vacations to Vancouver, and how he always stayed at a Trump-owned property with his large Secret Service detail in tow.

Why the Secret Service spent thousands at a Trump hotel

This 3rd link (USA Today) involves Donald Trump more directly.

Trump charged Secret Service over $10K in May after move to NJ

This 4th and final link (The Washington Post) discusses the Trump's handling of the Secret Service more broadly.
Can a person get any more petty and vindictive than Donald Trump's recent public and personal attacks against Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota?

Donald Trump is angry, just because Sen. Rounds had the audacity to say that the 2020 Presidential Election was "fair", and that he had seen no compelling evidence of widespread voter fraud significant enough in nature to have altered the election's outcome.
This one that I placed in bold, goes under the "Both" column as well.

Donald Trump spent his 4 years as President of the United States, racking up emoluments clause violations by steering foreign diplomats to his properties.

The 1st link below is to a non-partisan, government watchdog organization, known as The American Constitution Society. I think you would find, that they are well-respected for being fair to members of both parties.

Profiting off the Presidency: Trump’s Violations of the Emoluments Clauses | ACS

Donald Trump and his adult kids (primarily Donald Trump Jr.) also bilked American taxpayers by way of the Secret Service.

This 2nd link (Politico) details Donald Trump Jr.'s numerous vacations to Vancouver, and how he always stayed at a Trump-owned property with his large Secret Service detail in tow.

Why the Secret Service spent thousands at a Trump hotel

This 3rd link (USA Today) involves Donald Trump more directly.

Trump charged Secret Service over $10K in May after move to NJ

This 4th and final link (The Washington Post) discusses the Trump's handling of the Secret Service more broadly.

Cute. Nice attempt to try and equate 4 years of alleged graft to over 50 and counting.
As will be the case with most instances of name-calling, that's a matter of opinion. An opinion which a Biden voter would obviously not agree with.
Not really an opinion when you look at the cheating, plagiarism, adultery, sexual assault, questionable acts around children, enriching his family thru the us govt, etc. I have little confidence in a Biden voter anyways
Cute. Nice attempt to try and equate 4 years of alleged graft to over 50 and counting.
Trump was only in public life for 4 years. Had it been 50 years... then we would have been 50 years worth of graft to talk about. That's just who he is.
Not really an opinion when you look at the cheating, plagiarism, adultery, sexual assault, questionable acts around children, enriching his family thru the us govt, etc. I have little confidence in a Biden voter anyways
And I have no respect for people who voted for Trump... or for people who try to make the argument that Biden's character is just as immoral as Trump's or worse.

Every single one of those inferences can be made about Trump in equal number... but with considerably more proof.
And I have no respect for people who vote for Trump... or for people who try to make the argument that Biden's character is just as bad as Trump's or worse.

The evidence is there, it's clear and undeniable (unless you're in the Biden cult) that Biden is at the very least just as big of a lowlife as Trump.
And I have no respect for people who vote for Trump... or for people who try to make the argument that Biden's character is just as bad as Trump's or worse.
I don't like Trump voters much either

As for the second part, you simply don't want to admit it's true. Maybe you didn't pay attention before and it just sucks to know you supported suck a lowlife. Maybe you're just very accepting of lowlifes. Either way, ignoring it doesn't make it less true
I don't like Trump voters much either

As for the second part, you simply don't want to admit it's true. Maybe you didn't pay attention before and it just sucks to know you supported suck a lowlife. Maybe you're just very accepting of lowlifes. Either way, ignoring it doesn't make it less true
No, I simply don't agree with you.
No, I simply don't agree with you.
So you disagree with the facts I listed or you just weigh them differently? You're cool with adultery, sexual assault, and questionable acts around children? How about making a loser son rich using his VP office? Just trying to figure out where we hit lowlife on your continuum
Can a person get any more petty and vindictive than Donald Trump's recent public and personal attacks against Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota?

Donald Trump is angry, just because Sen. Rounds had the audacity to say that the 2020 Presidential Election was "fair", and that he had seen no compelling evidence of widespread voter fraud significant enough in nature to have altered the election's outcome.
The hilarious thing is the repubs claim to want someone with fight and who will stand up for what they know to be true, but they will turn on Rounds and call him a Rino for exhibiting the very things they claim to be looking for.
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So you disagree with the facts I listed or you just weigh them differently? You're cool with adultery, sexual assault, and questionable acts around children? How about making a loser son rich using his VP office? Just trying to figure out where we hit lowlife on your continuum
You have not listed any established facts.
The hilarious thing is the repubs claim to want someone with fight and who will stand up for what they know to be true, but they will turn on Rounds and call him a Rino for exhibiting the very things they claim to be looking for.

Insane people "know what's true" also.
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Leaders show you the way up the mountain. I am not sure what to call the person who stands at the top of the mountain and screeches about everything everyone else is doing wrong down below, but that's the company she's in.

The world needs uplift, not put-downs. Look for the light-bearers and peacemakers.

Btw, I find Kim Klasik message more tame, and I don't agree with some of Candice's approach. However black conservatives are constantly attacked by blacks and white democrats like they expect them to stay on a mental plantation.

Candice represents the new age that are a little more vocal and firey that matches the exact messaging the democrats have historically used.

BLEXIT Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of urban and minority communities by encouraging youth to seek and take advantage of opportunities in 21st Century America. The organization promotes educational initiatives, pursues criminal justice reform, educates minority communities regarding America’s founding principles, and highlights the importance of free markets and entrepreneurship as the antidote to poverty. The BLEXIT Foundation achieves these goals by providing news and commentary through BLEXIT websites, curating BLEXIT programming, producing BLEXIT merchandise, and hosting BLEXIT events.

BLEXIT Foundation
You have not listed any established facts.
Cheating and plagiarism are established facts. It's a fact he broke up Jill's first marriage. It's a fact he had been accused of sexual assault. It's a fact he behaves inappropriately around young children. It's a fact the big guy made deals for hunter.

Which ones do you disagree with?
The hilarious thing is the repubs claim to want someone with fight and who will stand up for what they know to be true, but they will turn on Rounds and call him a Rino for exhibiting the very things they claim to be looking for.
... but the Republican Party isn't really "The Cult of Trump", remember? LOL!

Sen. Mike Rounds is getting mercilessly attacked as a "RINO" by Republicans across the board right now, just because he had the nerve to say that the 2020 Presidential Election was fair. Unbelievable.
... but the Republican Party isn't really "The Cult of Trump", remember? LOL!

Sen. Mike Rounds is getting mercilessly attacked as a "RINO" by Republicans across the board right now, just because he had the nerve to say that the 2020 Presidential Election was fair. Unbelievable.
It's all the proof that anyone should need of where the trumpublican party is today.
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