Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

That's because I in no way agree with the first part of your statement.

Think back to 2015 and the 17 repub candidates. If someone would have said "pick out the one you consider to be the most horrendously despicable human in the bunch" who would you have picked?
For me, it was a slam dunk, easiest decision ever.
My answer.......Trump!
That's because I in no way agree with the first part of your statement.

Think back to 2015 and the 17 repub candidates. If someone would have said "pick out the one you consider to be the most horrendously despicable human in the bunch" who would you have picked?
For me, it was a slam dunk, easiest decision ever.
My answer.......Trump!

Habitual liars - Both
Habitual philanderers - Both
Says/tweets mean things - Trump
Enriched himself and his family off the backs of taxpayers - Biden
Mountainous history of racist comments and actions - Biden

Again how is Biden less worthy of your hate?
Habitual liars - Both
Habitual philanderers - Both
Says/tweets mean things - Trump
Enriched himself and his family off the backs of taxpayers - Biden
Mountainous history of racist comments and actions - Biden

Again how is Biden less worthy of your hate?
You already answered it oh sharp one with simple brain.
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Habitual liars - Both
Habitual philanderers - Both
Says/tweets mean things - Trump Both
Enriched himself and his family off the backs of taxpayers - Biden
Mountainous history of racist comments and actions - Biden

Again how is Biden less worthy of your hate?

I think Trump might tweet more mean things than Biden, but Biden is one hateful SOB when talking to people and treats a lot of people he talks to like crap.
I actually think that's true... but if I looked at the Democrat candidates... that described ALL of them.
You feel about the typical dem candidate the same as I feel about the typical repub. candidate.

Now imagine looking at the same field of Democratic candidates, only now they have added a new candidate who you feel is so much worse than the others it almost makes them look good in comparison.

That was Trump to me and tens of millions of others - still is.
You feel about the typical dem candidate the same as I feel about the typical repub. candidate.

Now imagine looking at the same field of Democratic candidates, only now they have added a new candidate who you feel is so much worse than the others it almost makes them look good in comparison.

That was Trump to me and tens of millions of others - still is.
You have no ability to be objective and see the faults of the candidate you were told to vote for. You just mark the box and complain about the other guy like they hope you will
You feel about the typical dem candidate the same as I feel about the typical repub. candidate.

Now imagine looking at the same field of Democratic candidates, only now they have added a new candidate who you feel is so much worse than the others it almost makes them look good in comparison.

That was Trump to me and tens of millions of others - still is.
You'd make a great resident of the state of California. Might I suggest San Francisco or Los Angeles.
You'd make a great resident of the state of California. Might I suggest San Francisco or Los Angeles.
They are all leaving. Them and New Yorkers. My BIL is a realtor there in Knoxville, and he put a house under contract the other day... $20K OVER asking, and get this... sight unseen.... by a New Yorker. Tennessee is in trouble.
They are all leaving. Them and New Yorkers. My BIL is a realtor there in Knoxville, and he put a house under contract the other day... $20K OVER asking, and get this... sight unseen.... by a New Yorker. Tennessee is in trouble.
Yeah, I know. Half of the houses on my street have sold in the past couple of years, and only one or two showed up with TN plates when they moved in. If the out of staters use muscle memory when they go to the ballot box and vote straight down the democratic line, TN is doomed.
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You feel about the typical dem candidate the same as I feel about the typical repub. candidate.
I really doubt that's true. I sincerely regret voting for McCain or Romney. Both were traitors to conservative (which are actually liberal in the world political spectrum) ideals and snakes in the grass. What Romney and the establishment did to Herman Cain still sticks in my craw. McCain got good press but he was every bit as mean and hateful as HC, Trump, or Biden. He was a vile human being that the MSM liked because he had a habit of betraying conservatives.

By this past election, I could have voted for Cruz though he's not particularly likeable. I believe he would have made a sincere effort to move the federal government back toward the small government model defined by the US Constitution. Paul would have been better but he has a pretty wooden personality. I don't vote for personality but realize that many do. Marco Rubio would have been at the edge of my tolerance.

Again, I am done with the insanity of believing that voting for a "lesser evil" will ever do anything except make our next President more evil regardless of party. A vote is an AFFIRMATION of both the policies and character of the candidate. Our system does not allow for "voting against" someone though I suspect well over half of voters intend to do that each election. I wish it did. I wish we had the opportunity to cast negative votes so we knew clearly when someone was elected with a mandate.

Good character isn't moral perfection. A liar is a person whose general behavior includes lying. A person who slips up and lies then feels bad and makes it right... isn't someone we consider a "liar". By the same token, someone with good character is someone whose behavior is generally moral and good. First and foremost, I want someone with "good" character. Second, I want someone committed to returning our federal government to its constitutional bounds and who will govern in accordance with the rule of law.

Democrats fail on all of these criteria and maybe the worst being that their philosophy affirms rule of men... not rule of law.

Now imagine looking at the same field of Democratic candidates, only now they have added a new candidate who you feel is so much worse than the others it almost makes them look good in comparison.

That was Trump to me and tens of millions of others - still is.
And you still voted for policies that are evil and destructive and a man who is Trump's equal in poor character.

The standard to "earn" your vote is nowhere near as high as mine if you voted for Hillary or Biden. Hillary for her part is 100 times worse than Trump on his very worst day. She is a truly evil human being.
No it's not, you're still b_tching about Trump a year after he's left office.
You could say a year after he left office or a year before he announces he is running again.
When you can tell me Trump is no longer not only A major player, but THE major player in the republican party; I MIGHT stop bitching about him.
You could say a year after he left office or a year before he announces he is running again.
When you can tell me Trump is no longer not only A major player, but THE major player in the republican party; I MIGHT stop bitching about him.
You used to be a much more mellow guy Luther, I think the stress of being a liberal in today's world is affecting you in a not so pleasant way.
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The standard to "earn" your vote is nowhere near as high as mine if you voted for Hillary or Biden. Hillary for her part is 100 times worse than Trump on his very worst day. She is a truly evil human being.

Wasn't Hillary pretty much running the show for her husband anyway?
Wasn't Hillary pretty much running the show for her husband anyway?
She tried to pick up the healthcare gauntlet and run with it, and was quickly shot out of the sky. There were a lot of rumblings about she wasn't elected President, who the hell does she think she is, and blah, blah etc. She quickly faded from public policy after that failed disaster.
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There would be some single acts which would be enough (raping and then murdering your mother in law), but it's more of a cumulative total of characteristics and actions that determine the overall rating.
Nice way of saying that you aren't going to say.
It's not. You fail to acknowledge the absolutely despicable person Biden is while condemning Trump. Biden is every bit the lowlife but you were told to vote for him and did
Okay. I understand your perspective.
Habitual liars - Both
Habitual philanderers - Both
Says/tweets mean things - Trump
Enriched himself and his family off the backs of taxpayers - Biden
Mountainous history of racist comments and actions - Biden

Again how is Biden less worthy of your hate?
This one that I placed in bold, goes under the "Both" column as well.

Donald Trump spent his 4 years as President of the United States, racking up emoluments clause violations by steering foreign diplomats to his properties.

The 1st link below is to a non-partisan, government watchdog organization, known as The American Constitution Society. I think you would find, that they are well-respected for being fair to members of both parties.

Profiting off the Presidency: Trump’s Violations of the Emoluments Clauses | ACS

Donald Trump and his adult kids (primarily Donald Trump Jr.) also bilked American taxpayers by way of the Secret Service.

This 2nd link (Politico) details Donald Trump Jr.'s numerous vacations to Vancouver, and how he always stayed at a Trump-owned property with his large Secret Service detail in tow.

Why the Secret Service spent thousands at a Trump hotel

This 3rd link (USA Today) involves Donald Trump more directly.

Trump charged Secret Service over $10K in May after move to NJ

This 4th and final link (The Washington Post) discusses the Trump's handling of the Secret Service more broadly.
It's not. You fail to acknowledge the absolutely despicable person Biden is while condemning Trump. Biden is every bit the lowlife but you were told to vote for him and did
As will be the case with most instances of name-calling, that's a matter of opinion. An opinion which a Biden voter would obviously not agree with.
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