Nobody Likes Ted Cruz

Which ones do you disagree with?

It's a fact he had been accused of sexual assault.
In the previous post (posted below), which I replied to, you had stated "sexual assault", as though the commission of a sexual assault had been proven to be a fact, when it is still just an accusation.

Not really an opinion when you look at the cheating, plagiarism, adultery, sexual assault, questionable acts around children, enriching his family thru the us govt, etc.
Just like with Donald Trump, Joe Biden does have some sexual assault accusations, but that's all they are at this point... with Donald Trump's accusations being far more prevalent. An accusation alone, does not factually establish that the alleged activity occurred.

Trump sexual assault allegations share similar patterns from 19 women

Trump far outstrips Biden in the sexual assault accusation department

... and yes, before anyone checks me for consistency, Donald Trump is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as Joe Biden. These are not "FACTS" of sexual assault crimes. These are "unproven accusations" of sexual assault crimes.
Wasn't Hillary pretty much running the show for her husband anyway?
IMO, she was definitely the committed idealist. But he was the guy people liked working with. She was hateful and pretty much hated. People liked Bill.
In the previous post (posted below), which I replied to, you had stated "sexual assault", as though the commission of a sexual assault had been proven to be a fact, when it is still just an accusation.

Just like with Donald Trump, Joe Biden does have some sexual assault accusations, but that's all they are at this point... with Donald Trump's accusations being far more prevalent. An accusation alone, does not factually establish that the alleged activity occurred.

Trump sexual assault allegations share similar patterns from 19 women

Trump far outstrips Biden in the sexual assault accusation department

... and yes, before anyone checks me for consistency, Donald Trump is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as Joe Biden. These are not "FACTS" of sexual assault crimes. These are "unproven accusations" of sexual assault crimes.
You claimed none were facts yet only address one at length. It's telling
It's all the proof that anyone should need of where the trumpublican party is today.
False. I do not like Trump. I did not vote for Trump. And the last election exposed some MAJOR problems with our voting systems.

I get in arguments frequently with Trump supporters when I say that we do not and probably never can know how much fraud was committed. However, fraud was committed. The investigation is still on-going in GA.

The year we moved from ATL to MO the very liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an investigative report showing that 4,000 dead people had voted in the city of ATL in the previous election. Since ATL by that time was well over 80% Democrat... you can presume that most of that cheating was done by Democrats. Do you think Democrats have become MORE honest over the last 20 years... less inclined to use new and GAPING holes in election security to assure their "better ideas and moral imperatives" win the day? There is diversity of focus within the Democrat party. But the one prevailing value that can be applied across the board is that Democrats are relativistic when it comes to morals and truth. The Democrat Party is a Post-Modern/Post-Christian party. A relativist would feel FULLY justified in stuffing a ballot box as a restitution for slavery... or because illegals aren't permitted to vote... or some other group in their opinion has been "disenfranchised".

They rationalized the Ferguson riots then a whole summer of destruction because of the false George Floyd narrative... and you don't think they would mind stealing unsolicited ballots out of mailboxes and sending them back in? You think they would not engage in illegal vote harvesting?

New voting technologies/procedures have surpassed the laws intended to prevent election fraud. GIANT holes exist in the system. Democratic relativists are not only likely to use those holes... but will be fully convinced they're doing the "right thing".
You claimed none were facts yet only address one at length. It's telling
That was all that I took the time to address with that one post, but you really can't call it a fact that Joe Biden broke up Jill's marriage unless you were there and have heard from both sides. It's probably something that both Joe and Jill would deny... and when it comes to something that personal in nature - it's really none of your business, anyway, even if true.
That was all that I took the time to address with that one post, but you really can't call it a fact that Joe Biden broke up Jill's marriage unless you were there and have heard from both sides. It's probably something that both Joe and Jill would deny... and when it comes to something that personal in nature - it's really none of your business, anyway, even if true.
It absolutely goes to character which is the discussion. The character of the POTUS is my business
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False. I do not like Trump. I did not vote for Trump. And the last election exposed some MAJOR problems with our voting systems.

I get in arguments frequently with Trump supporters when I say that we do not and probably never can know how much fraud was committed. However, fraud was committed. The investigation is still on-going in GA.

The year we moved from ATL to MO the very liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an investigative report showing that 4,000 dead people had voted in the city of ATL in the previous election. Since ATL by that time was well over 80% Democrat... you can presume that most of that cheating was done by Democrats. Do you think Democrats have become MORE honest over the last 20 years... less inclined to use new and GAPING holes in election security to assure their "better ideas and moral imperatives" win the day? There is diversity of focus within the Democrat party. But the one prevailing value that can be applied across the board is that Democrats are relativistic when it comes to morals and truth. The Democrat Party is a Post-Modern/Post-Christian party. A relativist would feel FULLY justified in stuffing a ballot box as a restitution for slavery... or because illegals aren't permitted to vote... or some other group in their opinion has been "disenfranchised".

They rationalized the Ferguson riots then a whole summer of destruction because of the false George Floyd narrative... and you don't think they would mind stealing unsolicited ballots out of mailboxes and sending them back in? You think they would not engage in illegal vote harvesting?

New voting technologies/procedures have surpassed the laws intended to prevent election fraud. GIANT holes exist in the system. Democratic relativists are not only likely to use those holes... but will be fully convinced they're doing the "right thing".
It's 100% true. Trump controls the party. That doesn't mean that everyone who calls themselves a republican loves Trump, but it means that anyone who wants to hold office must bow down to Trump.

Can you link the AJC report?....just out of curiosity.

I asked a couple of times earlier....
Can anyone name one republican who has remained respected and popular within the republican party who stands up to Trump?

Plus, it's asinine to question the validity of the 2020 election without questioning the validity of every election.
It absolutely goes to character which is the discussion. The character of the POTUS is my business
That's a matter for debate.... and like I said, you weren't there. It's hardly something that should be described as a "fact".

Were you equally concerned over Donald Trump's fling with a stripper/porn star named Stormy Daniels, while Melania was pregnant with Baron? Because the Stormy Daniels' hush money payment, and non-disclosure agreement from October of 2016, make Donald's adultery much easier to prove. Ditto with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal.
That's a matter for debate.... and like I said, you weren't there. It's hardly something that should be described as a "fact".

Were you equally concerned over Donald Trump's fling with a stripper/porn star named Stormy Daniels, while Melania was pregnant with Baron? Because the Stormy Daniels' hush money payment, and non-disclosure agreement from October of 2016, make Donald's adultery much easier to prove. Ditto with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal.
Yes. You can check my posts if you're interested. However I do value children over adult transactions
That's a matter for debate.... and like I said, you weren't there. It's hardly something that should be described as a "fact".

Were you equally concerned over Donald Trump's fling with a stripper/porn star named Stormy Daniels, while Melania was pregnant with Baron? Because the Stormy Daniels' hush money payment, and non-disclosure agreement from October of 2016, make Donald's adultery much easier to prove. Ditto with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal.

you weren't there so you don't know if his wife gave him permission to have the fling.

And it's an established fact Joe and Jill were having an affair while she was still married.
Yes. You can check my posts if you're interested. However I do value children over adult transactions
Then Donald Trump's chummy relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and his flights aboard Epstein's private jet with Virginia Giuffre also on board, should bother you as well.
Then Donald Trump's chummy relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and his flights aboard Epstein's private jet with Virginia Giuffre also on board, should bother you as well.
Yeah I've posted on those too. Also posted on how trips thru the pageant changing rooms

We're seriously discussing which total pos is worse (and one of us is defending one of those). Both have been elected leader on the USA. That is a serious problem
you weren't there so you don't know if his wife gave him permission to have the fling.

And it's an established fact Joe and Jill were having an affair while she was still married.

Because I do have several links I can post to reports describing the Stormy Daniels hush money payment from October of 2016, and the non-disclosure agreement she was forced to sign. If Melania had no problem with it (unlikely), then why the NDA?
I also left out Joe lying and blaming the other guy for his wife's death. That was a classy move
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It's 100% true. Trump controls the party. That doesn't mean that everyone who calls themselves a republican loves Trump, but it means that anyone who wants to hold office must bow down to Trump.
That's no more true of Trump than Obama. It isn't Trump that's feared it is the 20-30% of GOP voters who are pretty hard core supporters for him. I've said numerous times that if he cares about "his country" as much as his supporters think then he will step to the background and help build the party around someone else who doesn't have his baggage. DeSantis maybe. Tim Scott maybe better.

Can you link the AJC report?....just out of curiosity.
Probably not. It was published in actual ink in the late 1990's. I should have clipped it but didn't. It has remained in my memory because it was pretty flagrant... and reported by such a blatantly liberal paper. They did have a focus on corruption in ATL city politics around that time as well. The concern was likely more along the lines of cheating for city candidates.

I asked a couple of times earlier....
Can anyone name one republican who has remained respected and popular within the republican party who stands up to Trump?
Depends on what Republicans you are talking about. I have immense respect for Pence for simply saying I do not have the facts to do what you are asking me to do. Justin Amash is pretty much persona non grata in the GOP but I would vote for him in a minute if he ran as a Libertarian although I have some fairly sharp disagreements with him starting with Middle East policy. I wouldn't put a stamp on Nikki Haley yet.

I'll toss that one back at you... can you name any Dem who even had the character to stand up to the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc much less pay the price for it? You could say the good Senator Manchin from WV but then you have to look at his voters. They are trending red in a hurry. The Dems have abandoned coal workers which are still a powerful constituency in his state. IOW's... he's a functional Republican.

Plus, it's asinine to question the validity of the 2020 election without questioning the validity of every election.
Well, Heritage has a fairly large data base of REAL election issues.

But you are still wrong. We have not had widespread mail in ballots prior to the last election. New voting and vote counting technologies were brought on line. Vote harvesting has never been as easy or apparently as widespread. They even legalized it in CA... they literally legalized cheating.

And yes, there was very, very suspicious actions at vote counting centers in key states.

I'm not saying it can be proven. In fact, I'm specifically saying that it cannot be proven. And that is the sum total of the problem. The laws and monitoring need to catch up with the systems and technology. You would think that everyone would agree with that idea... but the Dems are pouring their full resources into stopping it. There is the myth that voters are being disenfranchised... but outside of that... there's just the likelihood that they know it would cost them a lot of votes.

The difference between you and me is if the labels were reversed... I would still oppose vote fraud and support measures to prevent it from happening. You would be a zealot for tighter voting laws if it cost Dems votes.
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That's no more true of Trump than Obama. It isn't Trump that's feared it is the 20-30% of GOP voters who are pretty hard core supporters for him. I've said numerous times that if he cares about "his country" as much as his supporters think then he will step to the background and help build the party around someone else who doesn't have his baggage. DeSantis maybe. Tim Scott maybe better.

Probably not. It was published in actual ink in the late 1990's. I should have clipped it but didn't. It has remained in my memory because it was pretty flagrant... and reported by such a blatantly liberal paper. They did have a focus on corruption in ATL city politics around that time as well. The concern was likely more along the lines of cheating for city candidates.

Depends on what Republicans you are talking about. I have immense respect for Pence for simply saying I do not have the facts to do what you are asking me to do. Justin Amash is pretty much persona non grata in the GOP but I would vote for him in a minute if he ran as a Libertarian although I have some fairly sharp disagreements with him starting with Middle East policy. I wouldn't put a stamp on Nikki Haley yet.

I'll toss that one back at you... can you name any Dem who even had the character to stand up to the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, etc much less pay the price for it? You could say the good Senator Manchin from WV but then you have to look at his voters. They are trending red in a hurry. The Dems have abandoned coal workers which are still a powerful constituency in his state. IOW's... he's a functional Republican.

Well, Heritage has a fairly large data base of REAL election issues.

But you are still wrong. We have not had widespread mail in ballots prior to the last election. New voting and vote counting technologies were brought on line. Vote harvesting has never been as easy or apparently as widespread. They even legalized it in CA... they literally legalized cheating.

And yes, there was very, very suspicious actions at vote counting centers in key states.

I'm not saying it can be proven. In fact, I'm specifically saying that it cannot be proven. And that is the sum total of the problem. The laws and monitoring need to catch up with the systems and technology. You would think that everyone would agree with that idea... but the Dems are pouring their full resources into stopping it. There is the myth that voters are being disenfranchised... but outside of that... there's just the likelihood that they know it would cost them a lot of votes.

The difference between you and me is if the labels were reversed... I would still oppose vote fraud and support measures to prevent it from happening. You would be a zealot for tighter voting laws if it cost Dems votes.
Your posts are way to long.
I agree - Trump is to the republican party what Clinton was to the democratic party, or Obama - That's my point.

I lived and worked in ATL in the 90's, I would love to see the report.

Your last point is total nonsense and doesn't deserve a response.
Your posts are way to long.
I agree - Trump is to the republican party what Clinton was to the democratic party, or Obama - That's my point.

I lived and worked in ATL in the 90's, I would love to see the report.
If I had it, I would give it to you. It made a big impression obviously.... as did the vote fraud committed by Dems in the area where I grew up years ago (western NC).

Your last point is total nonsense and doesn't deserve a response.
No it isn't. You've shown very clearly that you are double minded. You have one standard for Dems and another for Republicans. One standard for Trump and another for politicians whose party you prefer. There is now a long running conversation where both sides are making my point for me. Biden was not morally qualified to be POTUS and Trump wasn't either. Both had "baggage" that would have cost them the election as late as 1980... and should now. You refuse to recognize or condemn Biden for doing the same or worse than Trump.

There's proof that you have two standards and are driven by the party label. Prove that you aren't if I'm wrong.
If I had it, I would give it to you. It made a big impression obviously.... as did the vote fraud committed by Dems in the area where I grew up years ago (western NC).

No it isn't. You've shown very clearly that you are double minded. You have one standard for Dems and another for Republicans. One standard for Trump and another for politicians whose party you prefer. There is now a long running conversation where both sides are making my point for me. Biden was not morally qualified to be POTUS and Trump wasn't either. Both had "baggage" that would have cost them the election as late as 1980... and should now. You refuse to recognize or condemn Biden for doing the same or worse than Trump.

There's proof that you have two standards and are driven by the party label. Prove that you aren't if I'm wrong.
The only thing you have proven is that you do not have the ability to separate yourself from your own biases enough to have a clear view of my positions.

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