Now Joe Says He Will Debate

What’s your view on the war in Gaza?

“The thing with wars is, people die. And when people die, that’s forever. That’s what happens in a war”

“If I were president, it would be the best war. 7 day war? You think that’s something. Wait until I’m elected. They’ll call it the 7 second war. The 7 second war. Joe, they say your wife has fought in that war a few times. Yes, she’s veteran. I love veterans”
I want Kamala as presidential candidate now.
How is this even up for debate? We got like 5 lefties doing tons of work, yes, but that's about it. We got maybe 20% of us that are genuinely 3rd party, and the rest is right wing.

At least 5 to 1 IMO
Quote this for @n_huffhines I’m interested in both of your views.

You think there are 100+ Conservative/Republican/Far Right posting in this forum? I find that hard to believe.

(I’ve posted this before) -

Certainly not “Far Right”

Weird Russian Plants

Angry Old Men
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I find it hard to believe that you actually think that Republicans/Conservatives aren't in a much larger majority on this forum. It does seem a ridiculous thing to argue. It makes sense that it is that way .... Tennessee is a red state, and east Tennessee especially, tends to vote heavily Republican.
Then address the list.

Im not saying it’s perfect - it was mostly done on memory.

But don’t simply make unquantified blanket statements. Make an actual counter.
That’s never been in question with the anyone but Trump crowd. If he loses the election, so be it. Although, it will not be to JB unless the 11th hour shenanigans take place again.

Polls are way too far in favor of Trump to steal another election. Thus the desperation. No way they risk a debate except for this desperation.
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I disagree since I don't think half the party does. If that was the case, you'd be hearing CNN and MSNBC screeching about a GOP "civil war" and brokered convention like they did back in 2016. There would still be candidates running against him as well like we saw in 2016.

There is a division there, I'll agree to that. But not as widespread as you believe it is.

You're responding to a false hope poster that would like nothing more than his post to be true. It's not.
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Polls are way too far in favor of Trump to steal another election. Thus the desperation. No way they risk a debate except for this desperation.

Do not act so sure. The current administration has been working on every robbery idea they can think of since 2021. It has been discussed in the last few weeks that they had an executive order from 2021 that instructed every unelected department to register voters. It has been and will be their kind of voters. Once a voter is on the rolls, that's another vote that can be harvested at the very least. You can't harvest an unregistered voter. That is why they are always talking this voter suppression nonsense. These folks are shysters.
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I think this is the democrats and rhino republicans biggest mistake. MAGA is an ideology fused from the materials of conservatism, populism and nationalism. It has core concepts that one can either adhere to or violate. Trump is its most famous proponent but by no means its only messenger and certainly not its best representative. In fact, MAGA is something even greater than Trumpism, which itself can be separated from Trump himself.

The growing disparity between rich and poor since the 50s has rightly been identified by democrats as a major problem but sadly they offered marxism as a solution. A huge swath of the GOP has broken from the country club crowd and in many ways adopted some insights of what democrats once promised for the working poor.

In general MAGA can probably best be defined as a framework with these tenets:

1. Patriotism and National Pride
2. Economic Nationalism
3. Immigration Control
4. Law and Order
5. Military Strength but Avoiding Foreign Wars
6. Skepticism of Globalism
7. Constitutionalism and Traditional Values
8. Populism and Anti-Establishment Sentiment
9. Economic Policies Favoring Growth
10. Christian Values and Religious Freedom
11. Free Speech and First Amendment Rights
Those are not MAGA tenets, but rather claimed MAGA tenets. For instance, they are only for patriotism and national pride within the confines of their beliefs. If you disagree, you’re branded as unpatriotic. If you speak out against them they want to silence you. Disagree with the war in Gaza and they label you an antisemite and threaten to ship you to Gaza. Both unconstitutional and unpatriotic.

Religious freedom? Only if you’re Christian.
Those are not MAGA tenets, but rather claimed MAGA tenets. For instance, they are only for patriotism and national pride within the confines of their beliefs. If you disagree, you’re branded as unpatriotic. If you speak out against them they want to silence you. Disagree with the war in Gaza and they label you an antisemite and threaten to ship you to Gaza. Both unconstitutional and unpatriotic.

Religious freedom? Only if you’re Christian.
I think that is the one area the FFs may have not taken into account. Religious freedom is great..pray to whatever God you believe in..issue is that if your religion is openly against the religion of the US I dont believe you should be allowed in..I think have yea Christian compatible religion only would be better..other wise you literally have a portion of the country that hate everything the US stands for while enjoying all the benefits of a Christian society. Like assimilation in immigration..there should only be 1 standard language. And you should be forced to learn it if you wanna live here.
Other counties have polices like this. Why does the US have to the dumping ground for the trash of the world
I think that is the one area the FFs may have not taken into account. Religious freedom is great..pray to whatever God you believe in..issue is that if your religion is openly against the religion of the US I dont believe you should be allowed in..I think have yea Christian compatible religion only would be better..other wise you literally have a portion of the country that hate everything the US stands for while enjoying all the benefits of a Christian society. Like assimilation in immigration..there should only be 1 standard language. And you should be forced to learn it if you wanna live here.
Other counties have polices like this. Why does the US have to the dumping ground for the trash of the world

The dim party knows that Christianity is antithetical to their ideas, abortion, sex change for kids, sodomy marriage, Etc. That's why they want these illegals in here
I think that is the one area the FFs may have not taken into account. Religious freedom is great..pray to whatever God you believe in..issue is that if your religion is openly against the religion of the US I dont believe you should be allowed in..I think have yea Christian compatible religion only would be better..other wise you literally have a portion of the country that hate everything the US stands for while enjoying all the benefits of a Christian society. Like assimilation in immigration..there should only be 1 standard language. And you should be forced to learn it if you wanna live here.
Other counties have polices like this. Why does the US have to the dumping ground for the trash of the world
Because we were founded on the ideal of religious freedom.
I think that is the one area the FFs may have not taken into account. Religious freedom is great..pray to whatever God you believe in..issue is that if your religion is openly against the religion of the US I dont believe you should be allowed in..I think have yea Christian compatible religion only would be better..other wise you literally have a portion of the country that hate everything the US stands for while enjoying all the benefits of a Christian society. Like assimilation in immigration..there should only be 1 standard language. And you should be forced to learn it if you wanna live here.
Other counties have polices like this. Why does the US have to the dumping ground for the trash of the world
I think you've missed the whole idea of what they were aiming for. You don't seem to understand the FFs at all

What you're saying is directly against the constitution. Why should that kind of speech be allowed?
I think you've missed the whole idea of what they were aiming for. You don't seem to understand the FFs at all
Explain it then? Do you believe they wanted a country full of people who would celebrate the death of America? Or that support terrorists??

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