Now Joe Says He Will Debate

I'm betting we don't see them debate, Biden will be out of the race by mid June.
I don't think they'll debate either. Biden will make sure one of his leftist buddies has Trump tied up in a courtroom or a deposition somewhere, and the Biden will spin it that Trump was afraid to face him.
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Like I said .... just on the subject of the 2020 election alone, Trump is in a class by himself. This is a common tactic of the right. It's minimizing Trump's dishonesty by claiming everyone else is just as bad. They're not.
lol…. You can’t do it lol
I did like Squints. I didn't even notice that Golf was gone, probably because he and @Carl Pickens are pretty much the same poster, in my mind.
Zappa (fla69?)
Persian used to post here frequently. I still see him in other threads occasionally.
Orange crush?
Racist Joe...the real one, not the UGA fan
You don't have to vote for the R or D candidate, limiting yourself to just those two choices is exactly what they want.

How this simple little fact is lost on so many in a supposedly advanced and sophisticated society is a a mystery that boggles my mind. Nobody happy with their hand yet still going all in with a pair of deuces or less and then wondering and bitching about their chip stack being so small.
You yourself called him a moron for his answers regarding proud boys etc. How do you think undecideds reacted? And I am fully aware that you did not support him

I just don’t believe there were many undecided at that point.
Fast forward 4 years. If he runs on his administration’s accomplishments, he’s done.
There's enough anti trump where it will always be enough of a toss up if he's on the ballot. What I dont want to hear is trumpers biatching about Biden if he loses. Quit supporting losers and maybe you beat a feckless scumbag.
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There's enough anti trump where it will always be enough of a toss up if he's on the ballot. Why I dont want to hear trumpers biatch about Biden if he looses. Quit supporting losers and maybe you beat a feckless scumbag.

That’s never been in question with the anyone but Trump crowd. If he loses the election, so be it. Although, it will not be to JB unless the 11th hour shenanigans take place again.
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Few things I love more than a Kamala Harris speech.

“The thing with elections is, people get to vote. And their voice, gets heard, through votes. That’s what an election is.”

Not a real quote of hers, but that’s how 100% of her quotes go.
Followed by 30 seconds of insane laughter.
Few things I love more than a Kamala Harris speech.

“The thing with elections is, people get to vote. And their voice, gets heard, through votes. That’s what an election is.”

Not a real quote of hers, but that’s how 100% of her quotes go.
Trump should debate Kamala!

Moderator to Kamala: How important is this election?
KH: “The thing with elections is, people get to vote. And their voice, gets heard, through votes. That’s what an election is.”
Moderator: Mr Trump, same question.
DJT: "Elections. We have the best elections. The best. Everyone says so. If we didn't have elections, this whole process would be different."

Moderator: *slowly facepalms*
Trump should debate Kamala!

Moderator to Kamala: How important is this election?
KH: “The thing with elections is, people get to vote. And their voice, gets heard, through votes. That’s what an election is.”
Moderator: Mr Trump, same question.
DJT: "Elections. We have the best elections. The best. Everyone says so. If we didn't have elections, this whole process would be different."

Moderator: *slowly facepalms*

What’s your view on the war in Gaza?

“The thing with wars is, people die. And when people die, that’s forever. That’s what happens in a war”

“If I were president, it would be the best war. 7 day war? You think that’s something. Wait until I’m elected. They’ll call it the 7 second war. The 7 second war. Joe, they say your wife has fought in that war a few times. Yes, she’s a veteran. I love our veterans”
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I want real time fact checking going on.... Catch both of them lying and let the public know who is worse
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