Here is the thing that many will not acknowledge. America works because people will blend together eventually. People arrive and seek their own kind whether its Irish, Muslim, Italian etc, but by the second generation they no longer need that comfort and they blend into the fabric of our country. The fear mongering about the attack from within just reeks of the white christian people longing for the good old days when they represented a solid majority and could impose their will across the board through governmental power.
In my opinion, to survive everyone is going to have to learn to work together and compromise. This attitude of you're either with me or you can GTFO ain't gonna cut it. Neither side has all the solutions and the constant refusal to reach across the aisle is hurting us as a nation. Working together should be something we aspire to do. Now, if you even suggest a disagreement with your party you are labelled a traitor and every attempt will be made to toss you out. It's disgusting.
I agree on the working together. Too much focus is put on immigrants, most of the cultural clash is actually multi-generational Americans who just changed their views.
Not sure about the rant against White Christians. I do think that some of MAGA is misunderstood but that is MAGA/Trump's fault in how they communicate things. There are racists/sexists people out there that won't some of that old system back, sure. Most people, however, really want to just get back to having stable families (2 parents and children), a respect for law (not having over 40-50% of our population committing felonies), stronger support for our Nation (not constantly nitpicking and attacking our nation for past and present; see RasputinVol as example), and most importantly, more accountability for people to take responsibility for their actions and not blame others.
Americans lost a lot of moral principles such as being honest, respecting elders, putting others first, working hard and not making excuses, sticking with your spouse, loving your children, etc. That is what people want back. What you see in this Alan Jackson song for example:
The key issue that I will agree with you on is that I don't think you can go through the Government process to get this done. It is a heart change in individuals. From a Christian perspective, I see it like the early Church, it is via missionary work/changing hearts and not trying to force laws that you will see success.
Perhaps the key is there shouldn't be MAGA because we never had that perfect nation. Perhaps it should be MAG (Make America Great) because family life was great for whites in the 1950s and the past but sucked for blacks. I don't think we want to go back to that era either.
At the same time, there were cultural attributes in the past that we definitely need to bring back.