Now Joe Says He Will Debate

I think this is the democrats and rhino republicans biggest mistake. MAGA is an ideology fused from the materials of conservatism, populism and nationalism. It has core concepts that one can either adhere to or violate. Trump is its most famous proponent but by no means its only messenger and certainly not its best representative. In fact, MAGA is something even greater than Trumpism, which itself can be separated from Trump himself.

The growing disparity between rich and poor since the 50s has rightly been identified by democrats as a major problem but sadly they offered marxism as a solution. A huge swath of the GOP has broken from the country club crowd and in many ways adopted some insights of what democrats once promised for the working poor.

In general MAGA can probably best be defined as a framework with these tenets:

1. Patriotism and National Pride
2. Economic Nationalism
3. Immigration Control
4. Law and Order
5. Military Strength but Avoiding Foreign Wars
6. Skepticism of Globalism
7. Constitutionalism and Traditional Values
8. Populism and Anti-Establishment Sentiment
9. Economic Policies Favoring Growth
10. Christian Values and Religious Freedom
11. Free Speech and First Amendment Rights

For 1, 3, 4, 6, and 8, you can substitute in "replacement theory."

For 10, "Christian Values and Religious Freedom," you should make that "Christian Nationalism," as in the version of Christianity that presents a particular view of Christianity which seeks to preserve the status quo, economically and sociologically, and which sets aside traditional Christian values when they conflict with that political ideology.

For 11, "Free Speech and First Amendment Rights," you should say "as long as it supports the speaker who aligns with the above values."
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Weren't you saying that it was part of the "MAGA movement" to reduce the scope of government?

No, I was saying that is what any movement MAGA or otherwise is missing. BTW calling MAGA a movement is crazy, if anything it's just a moniker for people fed up with the DC political establishment.
At this point, I don't think Carlson would pass Secret Service vetting to get close to either Biden or Trump.

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If it would allieve your concerns about moderator bias, I'd be happy to have each candidate be given an hour's notice of what the questions are going to be, let them huddle with their teams about their responses -- two minutes each -- then allow follow up based on each other's comments.

If a candidate thinks a question is unfair, he can prepare to point that out then, during his answer. He can explain he thinks there is a bias to it and why. The replies will be more organic.
I'm sure you would. You want Biden to get prepped by his handlers. Hell no. I want him thinking on his feet
I understand that, and it doesn't matter to my point. The point is I don't believe Trump is untouchable to at least half the party. Half the party would be thrilled with a charismatic, small government conservative who went on the offensive against Trump.

Again, where did Scott end up? How is he a good example?

I disagree since I don't think half the party does. If that was the case, you'd be hearing CNN and MSNBC screeching about a GOP "civil war" and brokered convention like they did back in 2016. There would still be candidates running against him as well like we saw in 2016.

There is a division there, I'll agree to that. But not as widespread as you believe it is.
You left the most important and really only thing that will save this country off your list. The one thing no serious presidential candidate has even addressed once in office.

12. Reduce the size, scope and power of the federal government to the point where it doesn't matter to the average American who's in power.

You do that right there and the rest pretty much fixes itself.

I agree with you on that but I am not sure that is high priority to a growing number of the working poor who are adopting MAGA. Certainly it has not been acted upon by a single leader we have. Trump may well get rid of a few gov agencies but I sincerely doubt that spending will go down that much.

Trump doesn't represent hardly any of those things. Certainly not law and order or Christian values.

Your mistake is thinking that MAGA is looking for someone to represent those things so much as FIGHT for them. Trump is not a representative of these ideals so much as an avatar of MAGA wrath sent to scourge the temple.

For 1, 3, 4, 6, and 8, you can substitute in "replacement theory."

For 10, "Christian Values and Religious Freedom," you should make that "Christian Nationalism," as in the version of Christianity that presents a particular view of Christianity which seeks to preserve the status quo, economically and sociologically, and which sets aside traditional Christian values when they conflict with that political ideology.

For 11, "Free Speech and First Amendment Rights," you should say "as long as it supports the speaker who aligns with the above values."

Your first statement demonstrates unequivocally that you are a racist to your core. That you could in any way get race from patriotism shows the utter defilement of your soul.
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I disagree since I don't think half the party does. If that was the case, you'd be hearing CNN and MSNBC screeching about a GOP "civil war" and brokered convention like they did back in 2016. There would still be candidates running against him as well like we saw in 2016.

There is a division there, I'll agree to that. But not as widespread as you believe it is.

You're acting like I said half the party is against Trump. They just don't hold him sacred like the other half. That's not civil war material.

They'd be glad to move on if there were a halfway decent candidate, but there wasn't.
Your mistake is thinking that MAGA is looking for someone to represent those things so much as FIGHT for them. Trump is not a representative of these ideals so much as an avatar of MAGA wrath sent to scourge the temple.
You are describing a hypocrite. You are saying that Trump advocates for ideals that he does not embody.

..... but of course, that is not what he's doing at all. He panders to traditionally conservative voters as the politically incorrect candidate who triggers the libs.
$5 BILLION VN bucks says Puddinhead will find an excuse to no show. Or the party will do it for him. Sounds like Trump is willing to play Biden's game and I'll bet that STILL isn't enough. Unless Trump is gagged like Hannibal Lechter, Puddinhead won't show.
You are describing a hypocrite. You are saying that Trump advocates for ideals that he does not embody.

..... but of course, that is not what he's doing at all. He panders to traditionally conservative voters as the politically incorrect candidate who triggers the libs.
I'm OK with that. Biden is a ****ing moron and his next in line is even worse.
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$5 BILLION VN bucks says Puddinhead will find an excuse to no show. Or the party will do it for him. Sounds like Trump is willing to play Biden's game and I'll bet that STILL isn't enough. Unless Trump is gagged like Hannibal Lechter, Puddinhead won't show.
I'd say the debates last go around played a major factor in undecideds breaking towards Biden.
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Having read both Biden's challenge and Trump's response, I'll add that the state of American politics is pathetic.

Make my day?

Let's get ready to rumble?

A pox on both their houses for their respective appeals to the most pedestrian, cheap, tired slogans of modern history.

That’s the closest you come to a reasonable, rational response since .. wait , are you ok ?
What happens if he/she flunks it? What do you test for? What rule of law would be enforceable? These are elected officials, apples 🍎 and oranges 🍊
Why does being elected exempt them? Joe Biden has ****ed up the lives of 300 million people. On my worst day I can only kill 300, and I am subject to random drug and alcohol testing
Somebody should make a PF Hall of Fame thread. I forgot about Mick. It'd be funny to call out a bunch of these old handles. Not hall of fame, this would be the hall of shame wing, but remember the guy who had an av with some dude holding up some carrots? That guy was out there, man.

Who was the guy who did grad work at Kansas? TRUT? Hall of fame all the way.

Orange Empire

Who was the guy @DinkinFlicka would harass about having young girls in his avs? Hall of shame first ballot.
Was the carrots guy GSvol or something like that? I think he ended up getting banned

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