Now Joe Says He Will Debate

I totally disagree. He only burned bridges attacking Trump with people who were never going to vote for him against Trump in a primary, anyway.

I actually think the winning strategy for a Republican would be to attack Trump in the way that Trump attacks others. Not like a fkn nerd with facts and figures and reason. My parents didn't care that Desantis attacked Trump.

How did Scott and Vivek do? Still lost by a landslide?

I think that attacking Trump the right way would have been a winning strategy.

"Look, I treat everybody with respect, and I don't like politics being this way, but I also recognize that Trump and his people respond to this, and so I'm fighting with fire in this one case. Trump is a fraud. He's an idiot. His economy was fake. He didn't grow the private sector, he grew government. He's a big government stooge. His policies bloated government and are a big reason for the Biden economy. He led the party away from conservative principles. We abandoned our family values because of him." etc.

I'm not going to agree. The harder you go after Trump, the worse backlash you're going to get.

You don't pick fights with the biggest kid in the class and not expect to come away unscathed. The problem is the RINO crowd thinks the MAGA movement is a passing fancy like the Tea Party was. That's their mistake. It's here to stay at this point and they just aren't evolving to the new landscape.
I'm not going to agree. The harder you go after Trump, the worse backlash you're going to get.

You don't pick fights with the biggest kid in the class and not expect to come away unscathed. The problem is the RINO crowd thinks the MAGA movement is a passing fancy like the Tea Party was. That's their mistake. It's here to stay at this point and they just aren't evolving to the new landscape.

WTH is the MAGA movement?
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I'm not going to agree. The harder you go after Trump, the worse backlash you're going to get.

You don't pick fights with the biggest kid in the class and not expect to come away unscathed. The problem is the RINO crowd thinks the MAGA movement is a passing fancy like the Tea Party was. That's their mistake. It's here to stay at this point and they just aren't evolving to the new landscape.

So to be clear, you're saying the entire Republican party holds Trump up as such a sacred cow that you can't attack him in a primary and expect to win? I don't see the Republican party that way. I think there is the group that thinks Trump was sent to us by Jesus, and it's a big group and again, they're only going to vote for him anyway...but there is the other half of the party that thinks that person is stupid and doesn't care if you attack Trump.
Most of the liberals who were regulars here when I first started are long gone. @Mick was one.

Somebody should make a PF Hall of Fame thread. I forgot about Mick. It'd be funny to call out a bunch of these old handles. Not hall of fame, this would be the hall of shame wing, but remember the guy who had an av with some dude holding up some carrots? That guy was out there, man.

Who was the guy who did grad work at Kansas? TRUT? Hall of fame all the way.

Orange Empire

Who was the guy @DinkinFlicka would harass about having young girls in his avs? Hall of shame first ballot.
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Once again they’ve allowed the the MSM and the leftist filth to hijack and control the narrative. This is a no win for orange man.

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I'm not going to agree. The harder you go after Trump, the worse backlash you're going to get.

You don't pick fights with the biggest kid in the class and not expect to come away unscathed. The problem is the RINO crowd thinks the MAGA movement is a passing fancy like the Tea Party was. That's their mistake. It's here to stay at this point and they just aren't evolving to the new landscape.
Trump is turning 78 years old next month. The MAGA "movement," as you call it, isn't really based on any specific ideology or policy-based. It's simply a loud, brash brand of politics with no indication that it works for anyone but Donald Trump. Look at all of the Trump-endorsed candidates who echoed his election denial claims and lost in the 2022 mid-term elections. They did very poorly.
Trump is turning 78 years old next month. The MAGA "movement," as you call it, isn't really based on any specific ideology or policy-based. It's simply a loud, brash brand of politics with no indication that it works for anyone but Donald Trump. Look at all of the Trump-endorsed candidates who echoed his election denial claims and lost in the 2022 mid-term elections. They did very poorly.

Yeah, I don't even know what the MAGA movement is, besides a cult of personality and a general distrust of institutions. Cool movement, guys.
The other guy absolutely does tend to produce word salad, but at least he enunciates more clearly than Puddin-mouth. Mask or not...if the candidates are debating, the one who's more easily understood (even if spouting a word salad) may have a slight edge over someone who's struggling to pronounce words while arranging them into a coherent thought.

It's like a batter stepping up to the plate while blindfolded (Puddin-mouth) versus having one eye covered (the other guy). The latter may lack depth perception, but he has a better chance at timing it and making contact due to seeing the pitch.
It’s like watching beauty contestants answer questions on world affairs. The only thing that trump does clearly is name call and recently he doesn’t know who he’s supposed to be calling out. Both men are pathetic
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You have 4 or 5 guys on the far left that post often that regurgitate DNC lines/talking points 100% of the time.

You have at least 15-20 guys on the far right that post every batshit crazy post from Charlie Kirk/Catturd, etc.

You have a small number of guys whose post lean left but don't fall in the far left.

You have 6-8 who are right but not in the batshit crazy wing.

You have 3-5 that will hang near middle or will have points that will have agree with points from either side depending on the issue...
Somebody should make a PF Hall of Fame thread. I forgot about Mick. It'd be funny to call out a bunch of these old handles. Not hall of fame, this would be the hall of shame wing, but remember the guy who had an av with some dude holding up some carrots? That guy was out there, man.

Who was the guy who did grad work at Kansas? TRUT? Hall of fame all the way.

Orange Empire

Who was the guy @DinkinFlicka would harass about having young girls in his avs? Hall of shame first ballot.
It was a long time ago, but I had several clashes with @Squints. His avi was the kid from The Sandlot who kissed the lifeguard. @golfballs was another ....
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Somebody should make a PF Hall of Fame thread. I forgot about Mick. It'd be funny to call out a bunch of these old handles. Not hall of fame, this would be the hall of shame wing, but remember the guy who had an av with some dude holding up some carrots? That guy was out there, man.

Who was the guy who did grad work at Kansas? TRUT? Hall of fame all the way.

Orange Empire

Who was the guy @DinkinFlicka would harass about having young girls in his avs? Hall of shame first ballot.

That avatar you described sounded familiar. I went back to threads from around 15 years ago and he wasn’t hard to find. Think he started a few threads a day on this forum.

So, you're saying Rogan and PBD couldn't ask the tough questions? That they don't have informative casts that ask the questions that the American people are asking? You'd rather have a network shill lobbing softball questions and being biased in their questioning?

You think Rogan is a big Trump fan or something? You ever watch a Valuetainment podcast?

Tell you what, I'll agree to two media shills as additional moderators. Rogan gets Tucker Carlson as his second and PBD gets Chris Cuomo.


At this point, I don't think Carlson would pass Secret Service vetting to get close to either Biden or Trump.


If it would allieve your concerns about moderator bias, I'd be happy to have each candidate be given an hour's notice of what the questions are going to be, let them huddle with their teams about their responses -- two minutes each -- then allow follow up based on each other's comments.

If a candidate thinks a question is unfair, he can prepare to point that out then, during his answer. He can explain he thinks there is a bias to it and why. The replies will be more organic.
Somebody should make a PF Hall of Fame thread. I forgot about Mick. It'd be funny to call out a bunch of these old handles. Not hall of fame, this would be the hall of shame wing, but remember the guy who had an av with some dude holding up some carrots? That guy was out there, man.
IIRC that was GSVol. Long posts with lots of pictures. Agree or disagree he made it interesting.
So to be clear, you're saying the entire Republican party holds Trump up as such a sacred cow that you can't attack him in a primary and expect to win? I don't see the Republican party that way. I think there is the group that thinks Trump was sent to us by Jesus, and it's a big group and again, they're only going to vote for him anyway...but there is the other half of the party that thinks that person is stupid and doesn't care if you attack Trump.

There's a difference in attacking him and disagreeing. Tim Scott is a good example. He avoided attacking him, but disagreed with certain things. But did so respectfully.

Christie on the other hand is a prime example of what not to do. Need I explain how he tried to be the hero and go all out?

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