Now trending - Bare Shelves Biden

Nope it’s clear he hasn’t done a damn thing to actually address supply chain, inflation, or any of the other things ailing the country. Well wait a minute he did throw more money on a heated economy and aggravated the issue. And that post was as close as you’ve ever come to admitting it cat lady and you know it 🤡
There are really no bullets left to address inflation. We're essentially in hospice and they're just making us comfortable
You would think that people could remember that only a short few years ago we had way lower gas prices, lots of employed Americans, and inflation wasn’t sky high due to fewer regulations. Much of this has been negatively affected by Biden.
You forgot that this administrations Covid Mandates have caused thousands to "quit" or be forced to take the shot. These "quitters" are creating staffing shortages in hospitals, the trucking industry, and across the board.
You would think that people could remember that only a short few years ago we had way lower gas prices, lots of employed Americans, and inflation wasn’t sky high due to fewer regulations. Much of this has been negatively affected by Biden.

The only thing they remember is that he was literally Hitler!

By now, if you aren’t able to comfortably grocery shop for the next 6+ months out of your spare room you may have missed the available food bus. 🤷‍♀️

You should also have back up non grid reliant heating, cooking, power and fresh water filtration/purification sources.
Noticed TP getting short again and had to Ilisten to the Clerk talk about the game last night and how horse she was
There are really no bullets left to address inflation. We're essentially in hospice and they're just making us comfortable
Guess we should all just give up then huh.

There’s actually one very basic action to take and current estimates are we will see it initiated as early as March. The Fed funds rate is going up. And the markets will react badly to that. And that will compound the idiot in chiefs problems further.
Guess we should all just give up then huh.

There’s actually one very basic action to take and current estimates are we will see it initiated as early as March. The Fed funds rate is going up. And the markets will react badly to that. And that will compound the idiot in chiefs problems further.
We should accept it was always going to get bad. Kicked the can for a while but we're long overdue for a correction. Hope people's personal food stores are up to date
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We should accept it was always going to get bad. Kicked the can for a while but we're long overdue for a correction
This started when Trump threw ridiculous money at the economy however the impact was masked since the damn Feds were also interrupting people’s livelihoods.
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Ron Klain furiously working on retooling Pajama Boy to message this situation

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But I thought they told the ports to go from 5 days a week to 24/7.

How did that not completely solve the problem? (the problem that doesn't exist, oh wait it kinda exists, no it does exist and it's Big Pork, Big Beef, Big Paper Towel, Big Cream Cheese, Big Cat Food, etc.'s fault)
Kraft is purposefully refusing to produce and stock cream cheese so the price goes up.
The question was asked. I answered it.

Yea about that accuracy.... If you get "drink bleach or fish bowl cleaner" out of this statement that's on you, not Trump.

"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked because of the testing," Trump said, speaking to Bryan during the briefing. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."

He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

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