Obama's Comments to the Russians

Take me serious? Who the **** are you? Child please. Miss me with elitist bull****.

Ooh. I look foolish, per you. I really care. Again, miss me dude.

Where in any of my posts have I inferred that I am elite to you? I am simply asking for an explanation for your very broad comments, yet all you can do is offer no explanation and deflect. That's fine.
Erroneously infer what you like. "Free country" pal. I have said enough to not be misquoted. Thanks.

how can it be erroneous when there's nothing else to go on? How were you misquoted? If you never give specifics then you leave a lot open to interpretation

Does Obama finally own this economy 4yrs into his term?

Do you think that based his performance the last 4yrs he deserves 4 more?

Will things improve if he does win 4 more years? How?
The genesis of your elitist bullshat posting. They continued. Politely farck-off now. Thanks.

You're impossible to have a rational discussion with. Continue your practice of throwing **** up against the wall to see if it sticks. Good day.
the "study" is based on no specifics. Pretty sure that's even stated by them. Did you believe Obama when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making over $250k too? Why not Romney?

I beg to differ. The study was recently updated after Romney lashed out at it. The math is pretty simple.

Romney says his plan is revenue neutral. By cutting all rates by 20 percent, maintaining special tax treatment on investments, and eliminating the AMT, there is simply no way for the Romney plan to work and be revenue neutral without raising taxes on people making less than $200,000.

Otherwise, there is a gaping annual $86 billion hole.

So its either going to increase the deficit or taxes on the middle class go up. The math does not work out, otherwise. As noted in the update, the proposal results in a tax cut for those making over $200,000, a tax increase for those making less.

Tax Policy Center stands by Romney analysis - The Hill's On The Money
To a point you are right but out of the two one will be POTUS and I trust MR more. If you ask why, lets just say he is the evil money grubbing rich guy the dems potray him as, then I trust his greed!

Greed is good, if the rich guys are not buyng yachts, planes, mansions ext, then the there are no middle class/poor people needed to build them.

That goes both ways.

If the poor/middle class does not have the money to buy the rich guys product or service, how is the rich guy going to make his money.

It takes the rich investing and it takes the poor/middle class buying the products and services the rich provides to have a vibrate economy.

There has to be medium. Trickle down/supply side does not work by itself, bottom up or middle out cannot work by itself.

Until the GOP and Dems actually sit down and try to fix America, things are not going to get better. Romney nor Obama can make things better unless both sides sits down with each other and do what is best for the USA for once.

I have no hopes of this happening. Members of the House and Senate are owned by lobbiest. If they try to do the right thing, they may not get that contrubution they have been counting on.

All I hear from the GOP is lower the taxes. . All I hear from the Dems is the rich need to pay their fair share. neither one of those will solve our problems .Taxes are not the problem The problem is the morons in Washington on both sides of the isle.
That goes both ways.

If the poor/middle class does not have the money to buy the rich guys product or service, how is the rich guy going to make his money.

It takes the rich investing and it takes the poor/middle class buying the products and services the rich provides to have a vibrate economy.

There has to be medium. Trickle down/supply side does not work by itself, bottom up or middle out cannot work by itself.

Until the GOP and Dems actually sit down and try to fix America, things are not going to get better. Romney nor Obama can make things better unless both sides sits down with each other and do what is best for the USA for once.

I have no hopes of this happening. Members of the House and Senate are owned by lobbiest. If they try to do the right thing, they may not get that contrubution they have been counting on.

All I hear from the GOP is lower the taxes. . All I hear from the Dems is the rich need to pay their fair share. neither one of those will solve our problems .Taxes are not the problem The problem is the morons in Washington on both sides of the isle.

I agree with this. Right now, the immediate and urgent need in this economy is on the demand side, pure and simple.

The amount of capital sitting on the sidelines right now is staggering. To unleash it, we have to give businesses a reason to think that demand will go up.
I beg to differ. The study was recently updated after Romney lashed out at it. The math is pretty simple.

Romney says his plan is revenue neutral. By cutting all rates by 20 percent, maintaining special tax treatment on investments, and eliminating the AMT, there is simply no way for the Romney plan to work and be revenue neutral without raising taxes on people making less than $200,000.

Otherwise, there is a gaping annual $86 billion hole.

So its either going to increase the deficit or taxes on the middle class go up. The math does not work out, otherwise. As noted in the update, the proposal results in a tax cut for those making over $200,000, a tax increase for those making less.

Tax Policy Center stands by Romney analysis - The Hill's On The Money

also linked in your article

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible - WSJ.com

In the appendix, the Tax Policy Center lists, among others, two giant tax deductions that it says would go untouched: the exclusion of interest on tax-exempt municipal bonds, and the exclusion of interest on life insurance savings. The study claims that Mr. Romney won't close these because they are incentives for saving and investment.

One problem: Nowhere do Mitt Romney or his advisers say that these deductions can't be touched. Senior economic adviser Glenn Hubbard says these deductions are definitely "on the table."
Scholars at the American Enterprise Institute examined what happens to the Tax Policy Center math when this error is corrected. AEI economic research associate Matt Jensen found that "Both of these exclusions largely benefit the wealthy, and, according to the Treasury Department, added together their repeal would net upwards of $90 billion that could be redistributed to lower-income individuals. That would go a long way towards balancing the supposed $86 billion windfall for the rich and tax hike on the middle class and poor, and it could make the impossible suddenly possible."
That goes both ways.

If the poor/middle class does not have the money to buy the rich guys product or service, how is the rich guy going to make his money.

It takes the rich investing and it takes the poor/middle class buying the products and services the rich provides to have a vibrate economy.

There has to be medium. Trickle down/supply side does not work by itself, bottom up or middle out cannot work by itself.

Until the GOP and Dems actually sit down and try to fix America, things are not going to get better. Romney nor Obama can make things better unless both sides sits down with each other and do what is best for the USA for once.

I have no hopes of this happening. Members of the House and Senate are owned by lobbiest. If they try to do the right thing, they may not get that contrubution they have been counting on.

All I hear from the GOP is lower the taxes. . All I hear from the Dems is the rich need to pay their fair share. neither one of those will solve our problems .Taxes are not the problem The problem is the morons in Washington on both sides of the isle.

The medium is unabated free enterprise. Don't favor any group and people will pursue their own best interests, resulting in greater wealth for everyone.
how can it be erroneous when there's nothing else to go on? How were you misquoted? If you never give specifics then you leave a lot open to interpretation

Does Obama finally own this economy 4yrs into his term?

Do you think that based his performance the last 4yrs he deserves 4 more?

Will things improve if he does win 4 more years? How?

I don't think he has done anything to preclude re-election. To improve things will take radical change. America is scared of that. I will say REAL improvement will be hard to come by based on this fact. Not neccessarily because Obama is incapable. -- by "owning" the economy, do you mean accepting responsibilty for the current economic state? I don't personally feel he is responsible for the things that put us in the crapper. It is his job to fix it though. To date he has NOT. Does that mean he can't? Certainly not. But will Obama recieve the needed support for his plan? Does MR have a better plan? Does anyone really know? Hate to answer a ? with a ?, but that is where I am right now.
The medium is unabated free enterprise. Don't favor any group and people will pursue their own best interests, resulting in greater wealth for everyone.

Do you have any hopes of this happening with the group of morons that will be reelected to congress ?

Those mechanisms are "on the table"? And that would be a way to minimize a tax increase?

Well, by golly, why not say that he's going to go after those deductions? Why not just say that, if it avoids the problem?

That "on the table" lingo is awfully weak-kneed, don't you think?

(PS ilike how the AEI guys go on to say that, once you correct for that "math error" it works out. What error? Its only an error if Romney is going to go after those deductions.)
I don't think he has done anything to preclude re-election. To improve things will take radical change. America is scared of that. I will say REAL improvement will be hard to come by based on this fact. Not neccessarily because Obama is incapable.

So increased debt, deficit and uncontrolled spending are ok with you? Bypassing Congress to pass laws is ok with you? Meddling in the affairs on other nations militarily is ok with you?

What radical changes has he proposed that would change anything for the positive?

by "owning" the economy, do you mean accepting responsibilty for the current economic state? I don't personally feel he is responsible for the things that put us in the crapper. It is his job to fix it though. To date he has NOT. Does that mean he can't? Certainly not. But will Obama recieve the needed support for his plan? Does MR have a better plan? Does anyone really know? Hate to answer a ? with a ?, but that is where I am right now.

so even though he promised his plans would save us, yet they only made it worse, he is not to blame for our current state?

Again I ask, what have you seen or what has he proposed that would change our current direction toward the positive?
Sure feels like a recession around here. There is a group of Americans that are doing just fine however. Only they are not Americans. Nor do they speak English. Nor can they read road signs or drive in general. But they can find a job like nobody's business (and monopolize convenience stores from 5 to 7 in the morning). And multiply. Babies and adults. They are getting it from both ends, it seems (sometimes I think I am so high that I went to Jaurez with all these adult spanish speaking Mexicans right here in middle Tennessee). America's working class is no longer American. Hard to sustain economic growth in America when Americans are not a part of the economy. How long can the US bleed before "we" die? -- But to your original question, unless we make a DRAMATIC change in immigration policies and hiring practices this trend will continue. As planned.

Pretty racist rant. Pimp, in your view, does this reflect the opinion of the Black community as a whole or just the middle class?
"asking for patience, because he can do things differently after the elections..." should scare the shiz out of everyone considering voting.

First, he's saying the actual electorate is precluding him from really pursuing his agenda. Think through that. Secondly, it applies to everything, particularly his ignorant world of economics.

There has been no doubt since his first campaign that he'll say anything for election, but how has this not been shoved in his ear? Why is Romney not hammering this quote as a centerpiece of his campaign?

I don't remember what the quote pertains to, but if it's missile defense then it could just be feeding the Russians what they want to hear. As I understand we've been doing that for years with missile defense talks because they are irrational and paranoid (well maybe not paranoid).

edit: And by years, I mean every president since Reagan and the first START treaty negotiations.
Do you have any hopes of this happening with the group of morons that will be reelected to congress ?

It has nothing to do with congress and everything to do with the ignorant populace that elects them, IMO. Nobody wants a free market. We're big ol' pussies and we are scared of freedom.
Those mechanisms are "on the table"? And that would be a way to minimize a tax increase?

Well, by golly, why not say that he's going to go after those deductions? Why not just say that, if it avoids the problem?

That "on the table" lingo is awfully weak-kneed, don't you think?

(PS ilike how the AEI guys go on to say that, once you correct for that "math error" it works out. What error? Its only an error if Romney is going to go after those deductions.)

the math error is automatically excluding things that were never excluded in the original plan. They categorized them without any direction. A weakness of Romney's plan is that it lacks specifics but this makes the evaluation that much weaker too. I am 100% sure someone making under $200k in this country will have their taxes increased by Obama's policies. Same can't be said for any other candidate

You carried the water for a guy short on specifics and long on promises that proved to be bogus yet want to criticize the other side if they do the same?
I don't remember what the quote pertains to, but if it's missile defense then it could just be feeding the Russians what they want to hear. As I understand we've been doing that for years with missile defense talks because they are irrational and paranoid (well maybe not paranoid).

I'm just not sure that was the context in which he said it. I agree with bpv's point that it is very likely he meant that he could implement more stringent policies once he was reelected. But, your point is interesting.
So increased debt, deficit and uncontrolled spending are ok with you? Bypassing Congress to pass laws is ok with you? Meddling in the affairs on other nations militarily is ok with you?

What radical changes has he proposed that would change anything for the positive?

so even though he promised his plans would save us, yet they only made it worse, he is not to blame for our current state?

Again I ask, what have you seen or what has he proposed that would change our current direction toward the positive?

I have seen nothing that makes me feel America will right it's ship. Therefore I feel the US has seen it's best days. The way the parties conduct business precludes fixing the many problems. I have seen nothing but more problems. Have you seen anything that might help? Maybe you can run in 2016.

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