Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Does anyone else ever think that if you believe in global warming, Thanos had the right idea on how to combat it? It's not the cow farts we need to get rid of. The world is overpopulated. Eliminate half the people and maybe we solve the problem?
Confession: when COVID first started I thought maybe it would be like the movie The Happening and the Earth was just trying to cleanse itself... I was like 🤷🏻‍♀️ Might be a good thing...
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I still haven't found anyone to program one of my sets. Manufacturer says it supposed to auto program.
Think a return/refund is in my future.

If you simply had one bad sensor, the warning light would supposedly come on and show a system failure. I found something about using a reasonably cheap OBD test unit that would connect to something like an iPad and show individual sensors. The question is whether that is the raw signals from the sensors or some processed signal making it difficult to know if it's a sensor or an OBD problem. I'll see if I can find it again. I almost bought one, but my wife decided she needed to get an OBD test unit herself - without asking if I had one ... as usual. I was going to see what she bought, and somehow got sidetracked. Which brings up another question; why do wives think they need to buy stuff they know nothing about? It may not be tonight or tomorrow - had the second covid vaccine today and I'm getting the impression that tomorrow might not be a good day.
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I'm thinking of running for POTUS sometime in the future on the platform of invading Canada before spreading American imperialism southward. I think taking over the Americas is the only solution to the border crisis.

Join me in uniting the Americas.
Some of us do constructive things during break time. I managed to write three stories.

I was thinking of asking @Freak to put in an area in the Pub for amateur writers like Dink, LV and myself (I assume there are probably more) but the character count limit would make it hard.
Do it. You could make a writing thread. Spread the content across multiple posts, if needed. Unless we're talking like a novel. :)

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