Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

My golden chalice with laurel wreathing, shall withstand the malice and cringing.
No amount of tarnish shall dull its glimmer,despite the naysayer whimper.
The detractors are mocking, withholding no contempt for thee.
A crowning award for an unaccomplished man from and for Tennessee.
Well f$&@… I was researching how to get rid of an unwanted tab on my new boat displays and I read on the internet what supposedly fixed it. So I did it and when in came up it was REALLY pissed off. Did more reading on the internet and what I did is a damn “soft reset” so I blew away the whole setup that I’d worked on for days on and off 🤬I’ve got the other unit for reference so I just need to replicate that manually on the other unit. But that’s probably a 2-3 hour job to get it all back. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 dammit…

BTW the damn unwanted tab is still there 🤬🤬🤬🤬
router it
Well f$&@… I was researching how to get rid of an unwanted tab on my new boat displays and I read on the internet what supposedly fixed it. So I did it and when in came up it was REALLY pissed off. Did more reading on the internet and what I did is a damn “soft reset” so I blew away the whole setup that I’d worked on for days on and off 🤬I’ve got the other unit for reference so I just need to replicate that manually on the other unit. But that’s probably a 2-3 hour job to get it all back. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 dammit…

BTW the damn unwanted tab is still there 🤬🤬🤬🤬
That sux. Can we blame this on an engineer, or programmer?
My golden chalice with laurel wreathing, shall withstand the malice and cringing.
No amount of tarnish shall dull its glimmer,despite the naysayer whimper.
The detractors are mocking, withholding no contempt for thee.
A crowning award for an unaccomplished man from and for Tennessee.
Went out today to play car battery wars with my new battery minders. Tested the minder overnight on my car - went well. Started to put it on the wife's car and noticed the battery connector moved on the post, and then I just pulled the connector off without unscrewing anything. She got the battery at a fast food for cars place (like a Pep Boys), and they installed it. Honda has bolts that have a large flat head intended to go on the inside of the fitting. The fitting is rounded back at the top and bottom so the large head is held captive and you can simply tighten up the nut on the other side - pretty convenient and reasonably foolproof. Whoever installed the battery put the nut under the rounded back side and the connector deformed - wouldn't tighten fully around the post. Turns out the guy was 2 for 2 - the negative post was the same and not tight. Amazing the battery worked as well as it did over the few years since it was installed.
Anyone here use Instacart? I've been using it for a year and according to my credit statements, I've spent way less on groceries than I did last year.

It finds sales, buy one get one/two free deals, and other specials for you.

This was delivered to my house tonight and total after delivery and tip was $85.

View attachment 657331
ah heck yeah man, two bags of sweet and spicy doritos? I see you too are a man of culture.
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Hey Sam’s Club, if you want to make sure I paid for everything in my cart have cashiers at the checkout. I’m not waiting 30 minutes for permission to leave your store with the goods I just paid for.

Last weekend was the first time ever the guy told me to go ahead without checking my cart. Once outside I realized I forgot to check out the $5 water below my cart.

VN Store
