Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

In my personal record book you are undefeated in games you have attended Marcus

Mine too broski. Mine too. It was even worse in live action. Gaffney never even slowed the ball down...much less caught it. It ricocheted off his chest and because he was bent over forward a bit, the ball went straight thru his hands to the ground. A "click,bang" type play. There have been some horrible calls vs UT in the last 30 years...UNC, Ole Miss fumble whistled dead taking a TD off the board, Purdue TD in bowlgame negated etc...that Gaffney play was the worst. Probably cost us a national Chip. Absolute BS and it pisses me off still to this day. My Dad had tears in his eyes after that BS call. The game was over man. Over. It was that black bald headed Vandy grad ref that signalled TD on that play....from like the 20yd line. The ref that was 10 feet away and saw the whole thing did NOT throw his arms up. Only that same garbage ref that used to always get the 330 CBS game of the week signalled TD. He robbed us blind so many times in that era...would call ghost penalties every game. Always getting holding calls or PI calls on 3rd down to kill or extend drives. Hate that bastard. I hope he gets ass cancer, and all his fingers fall off so he cant even scratch his sphincter.
I got given a new task at work, sometimes it sucks being the competent person, because I get all the work no one else can do.

task is to bring some old projects up to current codes. So i need to print out the drawings, and review them. Well the files are so old, 2002, that the program that created them no longer really runs them well. I can open and look at them, but doing ANYTHING else is impossible. even universal commands like saving or printing. for reference I wasn't even in high school when these were formatted.

So I am having to try and export the files into a format I can actually manipulate enough to work. problem is we are at least two generations behind, and I don't mean from year to year. like two generations of file extension (.pdf, .jpeg, .dwg, .rvt, .doc).

current files are (.af), which made me laugh, yeah these old AF. note the extension only has two characters, thats a big sign of how old it is within this program. apparently that stands for Archive Format. the program automatically converts anything it once ran into that if it is very far behind, apparently there were a lot of different file formats within this same program way back when.

so I am now into a third conversion from .af. I can finally print them. however the formatting still doesn't auto fill the print selection information, even to the point of finding printers I am networked too. So I am having to manually path to the printers, manually path to the page sizes, manually path to the print styles that modern programs, and file extensions I guess, go to.

and after that it takes at least 10 minutes for the printer to actually print the sheet, because the way the drawings are created, raster or vector, is still old, and the printer can't translate something like a letter, as a letter. it only reads several lines that form a letter.

Had to explain to my daughter that we had to tape songs off the radio then listen repeatedly rewinding etc to get all the lyrics down...because not only was there no YouTube with Lyric videos, there was no internet.

F*$k you, Eddie Vedder. Especially for "yellow ledbetter". Dude was like Mushmouth from the Fat Albert show. I dont think Eddie even knows the lyrics to half their songs

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