The school would need to disassociate with him, something like that normally happens when a booster is found to have been causing NCAA violations.
Not sure if that would work here, but at this point, the man/family has caused irreparable harm to the university and athletic program, if that's not grounds to disassociate with him I don't know what is.
I see NO path in which this ends well. I cannot believe any top tier coach would step within a mile of UT!
Exactly what I said yesterday. This was a serious black eye and it's not just the AD looking incompetent, the national media outlets are blasting the state and the fans. Listening to ESPN radio this morning and they're blaming it on social media and fans being pissed about the hire and using false info to protest it.
You don't have to disassociate from them. You just stop listening to them.
"It always looks darkest just before it turns completely black." - Linus Van Pelt
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." - Pogo
"Turn out the lights, the party's over." - Willie Nelson
"I'm afraid she's gone." - Merle Haggard
"We'll always haveParisTempe." - Bogie
This coach better be Grude (or a reasonable facsimile thereof,) else I'm done. Basketball, maybe?
Me too. Of all of the options out there, it appears that this is the guy that Currie locked into from the outset. Not Gruden, not Petersen, not Patterson, but freaking Schiano.
Currie clearly is incompetent.
Ah but there is the problem, so long as he's still tied to the University in some fashion, someone will listen to him.
They will literally have to remove any association with them for UT to be able to move forward and get people in there that won't bow down to an old man with money.
Either that or someone needs to grow a pair and tell the Haslam's to shut up and walk away.
Serious Question here.... how did Currie talking to Schaino make any sense whatsoever?
And there still has been no statement from the AD or the University! Have they ever talked to Peyton and Fulmer for advice? ( I read somewhere that Peyton and SChaino don't get along very well).
I guess I am just looking for answers....
I'll go back farther: Currie kept Butch on weeks after he should have been let go.
If he was such a master planner, he should have had plans in place to replace him early on. The only reason I can think of that he did so was to once again not put anyone in a position of potential power in the future coaching search.
Man I woke up this morning feeling like Ive been kicked right square in the nuts. I dont see any scenario where Gruden comes now. Maybe a slight chance if Blackburn ends up AD, but even then I feel like were all about to be highly disappointed. I hate to be all doom and gloom but I think we witnessed the death of TN football this weekend.
Not sure where things go from here. While we might have avoided Schiano and takien the highroad in that respect,serious damage to the Tennessee brand has been done. Like it or not, looking from outside this is a shi* show most coaches would want to avoid. Clearly there was never a deal with Gruden or we wouldn't be where we are with Schiano. There's going to have to be some type of a statement from UT