Still waiting on someone to show the math that makes it likely that the '15 class ends up in the top 5 nationally or top 3 or 4 in the SEC.
It won't bother me at all to be wrong. The math just doesn't work the way it looks right now.
Waiting to see... Recruiting was admirable the first year, great the second, and currently is tracking to be "average" in the 3rd.
The coaching last fall looked downright bad at times. It wasn't just players lacking physical ability but them not understanding where they should be, failing to play assignments, and not showing evidence of being up on opponent tendencies. My HOPE is that part of last fall was part of a strategy to turn the program around... but until that happens it is wise to wait and see.
You don't know how our class is going to round out either. This is taking star gazing to an extreme. Rivals has Dormady as a 2* and yet he had an offer from Alabama. Richmond and Tuttle are 5* and not just realistic but it looks likely to in Tenn's class.
How much solace would you feel if you were publicly humiliated and fired and got a 3 year severance at your current salary? Or do you really and truly believe that money in and of itself buys happiness and contentment?
dooley wanted to be his father (nick saban), and hamilton bought into the fantasy. The problem was, dooley is really his mother. He's much better at quipping in front of a camera or playing the room at fundraisers than he is at coaching. Pretty soon, he'll give up on trying to make it as a coach and end up making millions on tv.
Sadly I had heard by the middle of his first season that he was a pompous control freak (no pun intended poobah) from someone whose sister worked directly with him. They told me then he was majorly out of balance with his personality and it would end badly. I had a hard time believing it but it sure seems consistent with everything I've heard since.
Dooley did himself 0 favors with fans, alumni, letterman, players, or coaches. In that regard he deserves little sympathy. Whether he was doing it all intentionally or not he was callous to many.
With all due respect sir, the "math" seemed to work out pretty well for the '14 class to finish 5th. I honestly don't see the '15 class having much of a dropoff from the '14 class especially if we add ANOTHER 5* in Tuttle.