"Let me explain Dooley's mindset, because most of you don't understand responsibility the way Dools and I do. Even though he was a d*ck to everyone in the program, it wasn't because he was a d*ck but because of the stress created by responsibility. Don't worry; you wouldn't get it."
Yeah. Based on your graciousness and class here, I am certain that you are pleasure to be around when you are under stress... that likely comes nowhere close to what a college HC faces even under the best of circumstances. But... you know all, see all including the depths of the souls of other human beings. You're quite a guy I'm sure.
Then, some talk about how Dooley actually recruited about as well as you can expect, took over the worst situation ever and turned it into a good situation
Dooley did about as well as anyone could have expected for the first class. His 2nd class was OK. It included 11 players who are likely to start this fall. The last one he signed only included 5-7 players who will ever contribute in a meaningful way. It is accurate to say his recruiting declined and then he left Jones in horrible shape.
He took over a horrible situation. We've had the meaningless debate several times here about who was left in worse shape. Neither guy inherited a good situation... and it is unlikely that either guy would have gotten the job if the situation had been better.
for Butch because of "stability," and how his tenure was actually not all bad.
Yep... you're right. By definition when you say someone failed and should have been fired around the mid-point of their 3rd year... you REALLY mean that things were just fine.
And if someone responds with something like, "well, he did lose to Kentucky and post the worst back-to-back seasons in a century," he'll respond with "But what do YOU know about responsibility? Because where I work, I have a lot, and let me tell you: it's hard."
Well no. I'll respond just like I have... He failed. In 2012 in particular he took a team that should have won 10 and won 5. Not sure how much more clear I can be. Of course you don't actually read what people write... you just make crap up.
Oh, and by the way, Dooley had PLENTY of ego when he left UT. Sjt's little anecdote didn't even have a point.
If you ever rise very far in responsibility and the attitude you have here carries over to real life... you are likely to have that feeling one day. It isn't dissimilar from the stress of a divorce. Even as big of a jerk as you are, I don't wish this on you... but your attitude makes you a prime candidate.
The humorous thing about you is your rants about Dooley being arrogant, a jerk, et al... How's the cooking business Pot?