Olympic Athlete Turns Her Back on the US Flag as Star Spangled Banner Played

You pay them far too much attention.
I don't think so. The Olympics used to be a thing of pride for both athlete and spectator. Now it is a political platform. Well **** them. I have better things to do for 2 weeks than expose myself to their pathetic statements. I hope this is the catalyst that eventually sends the Olympics the way of the dodo bird. I will have my memories of Jim Craig wrapped in the flag. You can remember this **** turning her back on it.

This. It’s sickening to see other countries love and praise their country at events. I understand that here in America, people have the right to do it, but still…

Funny but actually the female was nicely curvaceous but I'm not a fan of the fake stallion length eyelashes.
I don't think so. The Olympics used to be a thing of pride for both athlete and spectator. Now it is a political platform. Well **** them. I have better things to do for 2 weeks than expose myself to their pathetic statements. I hope this is the catalyst that eventually sends the Olympics the way of the dodo bird. I will have my memories of Jim Craig wrapped in the flag. You can remember this **** turning her back on it.

It wasn't a political platform in 1936 Berlin? What about 1968 in Mexico City? 1972 in Munich? 1980 boycott? USSR boycott in 1984?

This. It’s sickening to see other countries love and praise their country at events. I understand that here in America, people have the right to do it, but still…

Are you really outraged... or are you just virtue signaling?

I swear, with all of the belly aching about some no name athlete protesting in a no name event, you would think we were living in a country where elections were clean and free of corruption, the right to free speech was protected and not in jeopardy and that every home had a father and chicken in every pot.

We have far bigger things to be worried about than this.
It wasn't a political platform in 1936 Berlin? What about 1968 in Mexico City? 1972 in Munich? 1980 boycott? USSR boycott in 1984?
So are you supporting what this woman did and do you want her to represent you and your country in the Olympics?
As far as the examples you gave 1968 was the only one that I recall that the athletes actually disrespected the US the others were all politicians or killers.
So are you supporting what this woman did and do you want her to represent you and your country in the Olympics?
As far as the examples you gave 1968 was the only one that I recall that the athletes actually disrespected the US the others were all politicians or killers.
I don't support what she did because it is virtue signaling and will accomplish nothing. As far as her representing our country, I don't care about the Olympics, or really any athletic event enough to get myself worked up in a frenzy anymore.
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Interesting take. Do go on....
We wouldnt be so divided if people didnt pay attention to this crap. Or at least if they didnt dig in and hate each other over what some third party tells them to think about the subject.

You can be friends with people you dont 100% agree with. And I hardly see THIS issue as life or death and worth actually fighting over. So just move on.

If someone believes she is doing good, good on them.
If someone believes she is doing bad, good on them.

Shouldnt impact anything beyond personal opinion. But now we let those opinions determine morality.
Also, some of you don't even know how to win or know how to acknowledge a win. If it really means that much to you, support the girls that actually finished first and second.
You guys should borrow a page from Isiah Thomas with regards to Pippen saying he shouldn't have been on the original Dream Team. Gwen Berry would be Scottie Pippen in this case. Its OK to take a win sometimes... maybe even say "Scoreboard" every now and then. Damn...

The only reason why this is even newsworthy is because the media knows that some of your guys on the right will get bent out of shape. Meanwhile, you're distracted with nonsense while they steal the country from under our noses and rob us of freedoms every day.

Thank goodness you're fighting the good fight for us ignorant ones. What did you accomplish today?
Not sure why some say "move on" as this is an opinionated political message board. She wants to convey her message, we want to convey ours. Thread will die quickly, or until she does something else
It wasn't a political platform in 1936 Berlin? What about 1968 in Mexico City? 1972 in Munich? 1980 boycott? USSR boycott in 1984?
1936. Hitler wanting errybody but Germans dead. Jesse Owens... proved his master race theory a bit on the incorrect side.. on the track, not at the podium.
1968 That is the only one that has individual athletes making statements.
Munich 1972. Terrorists. Not the athletes individually.
1984 and 1980 both were government instigated crap.

I still think this entitled bitch is a waste of oxygen and should be thrown off the team. If she is so ashamed of her country, let her throw hammers professionally.
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I don't support what she did because it is virtue signaling and will accomplish nothing. As far as her representing our country, I don't care about the Olympics, or really any athletic event enough to get myself worked up in a frenzy anymore.
Then why are you commenting on it? As an American, I find her conduct offensive. But I guess since I am a white male that means it is open season to offend me.
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