Olympic Athlete Turns Her Back on the US Flag as Star Spangled Banner Played

Can you elaborate on my "worked up" on this message board. You know, the message board where people write words....all the time.

There is a Tucker thread on here that has 10X as many posts and I see some members that say this thread is "worked up" and see them posting over there...lulz
I swear, with all of the belly aching about some no name athlete protesting in a no name event, you would think we were living in a country where elections were clean and free of corruption, the right to free speech was protected and not in jeopardy and that every home had a father and chicken in every pot.
We mostly do.
The only reason why this is even newsworthy is because the media knows that some of your guys on the right will get bent out of shape. Meanwhile, you're distracted with nonsense while they steal the country from under our noses and rob us of freedoms every day.

Lol. Your assumptions on this are hilarious. Some get bent out of shape because they love their country and think what this girl did was disrespectful. Is there anything wrong with that? No. People feel differently about different things. This doesn’t bother you. Cool. It bothers others and that’s cool.

also, you assume that some of us don’t realize that our freedoms are being robbed from us. Newsflash, I would be willing to be that most on here know that fact. I would bet that most Americans know that. But is there really anything we can do about it? No there isn’t. You can claim otherwise but you would be fooling yourself. Every single election we have no other real choice except for a Democrat or Republican. A conservative or a liberal. A douche or a turd. That’s it. No third party is ever going to be president. No magical person whom is not a lying, corrupt narcissist is going to be the president.

So you can keep up this fallacious thinking that we are just ignoring what’s happening while focusing on the trivial things all you want. But you are wrong.
Then why are you commenting on it? As an American, I find her conduct offensive. But I guess since I am a white male that means it is open season to offend me.
Really? I'm seriously asking. Are you truly offended and feelings hurt? Are you able to pull yourself together?

We've got rigged elections, social media companies deplatforming the POTUS and all of these lockdowns and nonsensical COVID mandates over the last year and the most pressing thing on your mind is some no name athlete attention whore?

Proportionality... we got far bigger things to worry about. And addressing this woman won't even put a dent in the problems that need fixing.

She f^*king lost.
Really? I'm seriously asking. Are you truly offended and feelings hurt? Are you able to pull yourself together?

We've got rigged elections, social media companies deplatforming the POTUS and all of these lockdowns and nonsensical COVID mandates over the last year and the most pressing thing on your mind is some no name athlete attention whore?

Proportionality... we got far bigger things to worry about. And addressing this woman won't even put a dent in the problems that need fixing.

She f^*king lost.

Again, wtf are you talking about? He is giving his opinion in a thread on a message board. He can do this and still have your same level of concern over these bigger problems you are concerned over.
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Again, wtf are you talking about? He is giving his opinion in a thread on a message board. He can do this and still have your same level of concern over these bigger problems you are concerned over.
When people say "I'm offended", that is string emotional reaction. I just can't imagine being that upset over something like this. Nobody ever heard of her before this weekend, and since she lost, no one would have known her afterwards outside of this stunt.

Do we even know who won or came in second?
When people say "I'm offended", that is string emotional reaction. I just can't imagine being that upset over something like this. Nobody ever heard of her before this weekend, and since she lost, no one would have known her afterwards outside of this stunt.

Do we even know who won or came in second?

I think she is an idiot. I'm not upset about it.
I know the IOC doesn't allow it. I think there would be extreme power in oppressed countries citizens seeing our athletes feeling free and able to do this on the world stage.
Wait... so other people in other countries might want the same freedom of expression as we have (for the moment) here in the US? You mean this might influence other people to want the same rights?
I know the IOC doesn't allow it. I think there would be extreme power in oppressed countries citizens seeing our athletes feeling free and able to do this on the world stage.
I wonder what the CCP would do if a Chinese athlete pulled this stuff.
Wait... so other people in other countries might want the same freedom of expression as we have (for the moment) here in the US? You mean this might influence other people to want the same rights?

Yes, none of those people have any grasp of the concept of freedom unless and until they manage to see this idiot turn her back on her anthem. She is literally the George Washington of the 21st century.
I know the IOC doesn't allow it. I think there would be extreme power in oppressed countries citizens seeing our athletes feeling free and able to do this on the world stage.
People in actual oppressed countries are probably wondering what these athletes are bitching about.

There's a time and place for everything. I don't believe in turning sporting events into political stages. JMO. You're welcome to disagree. This is America after all.
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People in actual oppressed countries are probably wondering what these athletes are bitching about.

There's a time and place for everything. I don't believe in turning sporting events into political stages. JMO. You're welcome to disagree. This is America after all.
Disagree. They are probably taken aback that such a thing could exist.

Sports and politics have always been married.

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