Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs

I believe states should be able to outlaw or legalize gay marriage and other such things.

If Oregon passes this, then TN drug users should move there in droves. Win win.

Thats right. Tear out the things that is wrong in the Bible and lets do whatever we want. There won't be any repercussions.
Terrible affliction, hate to hear that.
Ya he's a nice guy (canada, go figure) young and he texted me with what was going on, I suspected what it was, offered a few suggestions. His calcium level blew my mind once I converted it to US.
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Ya he's a nice guy (canada, go figure) young and he texted me with what was going on, I suspected what it was, offered a few suggestions. His calcium level blew my mind once I converted it to US.
My mom has sarcoidosis too. Her and 4 other teachers that taught in a brand new middle school building were diagnosed in the same year. Then they found a severe mold/air circulation problem.
My mom has sarcoidosis too. Her and 4 other teachers that taught in a brand new middle school building were diagnosed in the same year. Then they found a severe mold/air circulation problem.
Hate to admit it but many schools are in that shape. I wonder about some of the hospitals and their systems.
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I'm thinking of the hospital fallout of legalizing all drugs. OD, EMS, ventilated for 3 days, 2 More days for discharge. Either they learn or they die.
90% taxpayer money.
Most of the legalize it crowd has never actually seen this part of society and are limited in thinking to high school stoners smoking pot. They have no clue of real world applications of it
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Most of the legalize it crowd has never actually seen this part of society and are limited in thinking to high school stoners smoking pot. They have no clue of real world applications of it
I'm ok with pot, I'm not ok with all the other drugs being legalized. Seen way too many people OD and way too many fried brains and hearts.
No, everyone says "as long as the keep it to themselves" problem is they never do. They want acceptance and support. People said the same towards sodomites and their lifestyle choices. yet they couldn't keep it to themselves, they demanded to be accepted and praised for their lifestyle choice.
What is it with your obsession with sodomy?
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I'm thinking of the hospital fallout of legalizing all drugs. OD, EMS, ventilated for 3 days, 2 More days for discharge. Either they learn or they die.
90% taxpayer money.

Perhaps the legalizing legislation should also ban Narcan and hospital intervention for recreational drug use gone wrong. Own the "reward" from self inflicted drug use, and own the risk, too. We've gone so far in protecting people from harm that many people no longer recognize risky things as a risk.
Again go actually research the true costs, not some random studies of a handful of hospitals in states where the Medicare rates are different. NY and Tennessee aren’t the same
I did. I'm convinced it's cheaper. If you're claiming otherwise, prove your claim.
All drugs should be legal and the only things that should require a prescription is antibiotics.

So if I want to go to a tore and buy some crack thats cool? Dont need a script for fentanyl huh? Propofol? Hey thats cool. Synthetic opioids? yeah they dont need a doctor or pharmacist who knows about these drugs. They should just be legal to buy anywhere at anytime. But drugs that are helpful like anitbiotics? Oh yeah they definitely need a prescription. Jesus some of you are beyond stupid.
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That doesn't correlate with the legalization argument. Use logic.
Actually logic would dictate that the easier something is to get, the more commonplace it would be. You legalize crack, meth, etc. then logically there will be more meth and crack addicts on the street. Crack addicts and meth addicts are unemployable. Meth addicts and crack addicts would then have no income to support their habit, so they would be forced to steal and rob to support their habits. It's entirely logical.

Do you even know anyone who has been addicted to crack or meth? I do, and it has ruined not only their lives, but severely affected everyone's lives around them.
Actually logic would dictate that the easier something is to get, the more commonplace it would be. You legalize crack, meth, etc. then logically there will be more meth and crack addicts on the street. Crack addicts and meth addicts are unemployable. Meth addicts and crack addicts would then have no income to support their habit, so they would be forced to steal and rob to support their habits. It's entirely logical.

Do you even know anyone who has been addicted to crack or meth? I do, and it has ruined not only their lives, but severely affected everyone's lives around them.
Do you think there are people holding themselves back from using crack or meth just because it's illegal?
So if I want to go to a tore and buy some crack thats cool? Dont need a script for fentanyl huh? Propofol? Hey thats cool. Synthetic opioids? yeah they dont need a doctor or pharmacist who knows about these drugs. They should just be legal to buy anywhere at anytime. But drugs that are helpful like anitbiotics? Oh yeah they definitely need a prescription. Jesus some of you are beyond stupid.

Yes, you are beyond stupid and demonstrate it daily.

I never said anything about doing away with pharmacies and pharmacists but you shouldn’t need a prescription to buy medication from them. Recreational drugs should be sold like booze at the liquor store.

And yes, the overprescribing of antibiotics is 100x more dangerous than recreational drugs.
Actually logic would dictate that the easier something is to get, the more commonplace it would be. You legalize crack, meth, etc. then logically there will be more meth and crack addicts on the street. Crack addicts and meth addicts are unemployable. Meth addicts and crack addicts would then have no income to support their habit, so they would be forced to steal and rob to support their habits. It's entirely logical.

Do you even know anyone who has been addicted to crack or meth? I do, and it has ruined not only their lives, but severely affected everyone's lives around them.

Actually logic says otherwise.

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