Phil Just Got Served?

Savannah is such a crazy city. There is a very very distinct division between the artsy hipster kid areas, the historic areas, and the "don't go that way" areas.

That's the exact same way I would qualify Charleston also. I love Charleston.
Louisville was actually the first city that came to mind for me. Having grown up in Savannah, I would recommend visiting Charleston first.
Guys, let's stay on topic please. Feel free to start another thread if you want to debate top cities.
I'm a lawyer for the cup of coffee that will buy me. What surprises me is that 1. They are suing for libel. If the NCAA resonably believed the truth of what they said about Mr. Smith then that is a defense. If Fulmer gets on the stand and says "yeah I told them" what had been reported about Smith. Then that is a defense for the NCAA. Even if it is not true if they had a reasonable basis to believe it that is a defense. Why would Smith want to take his depo. to have Fulmer say even I lied to the NCAA it still hurts their case.
2 Sometimes you take an adverse witnesses depo to nail down their testimony before trial, but in this case they have already tried this case. The case was remanded by the court of appeals. The NCAA did not call Fulmer as a witness.
3. For this to make sense they would have to prove that the NCAA knew Fulmer was lying or they had reason to know he was lying.
I'm a horrible typist so I'm sure there are errors.

The claim by the lawyers is that the NCAA conspired with Fulmer. They are trying to prove that the NCAA used information from Fulmer and made it public. Said information damaged their client. Since Fulmer was the secret witness, they claim they want to find out where the allegations against their client came from.
The lawyers just admitted they made no prior attempt to get Fulmer's testimony. (through traditional channels)

They claim under normal circumstances they find this behavior (issuing a subpoena the way they did) unprofessional but...
One thing I've learned about Phil Fulmer is when he is pissed off, or his back is against the wall he can coach extremely well. I'd say these Bammers just succeeded in the former.

Someone needs to put on one of those rubber Urban Meyer masks and go punch Vicki in the face then.
getting off topic and I wasn't asked, but what the heck. My Top 5 "southern" cities:

Highlands, N.C.
Helen, GA
Natchez, MS
Edisto, S.C.
Lexington, VA

Do very much like the low country as well, pretty much anything from Wilmigton to Amelia but it's hard to pick a favorite, hence Edisto.

edit: Freak, I was already into my off-topic post when you posted.
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But I thought when Freak posted there was a thunderous voice amid lightning crashing?

There's gonna be lots of thunderous voices....of people wondering why they suddenly can't post anymore. :p

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