Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

Except these aren’t power tripping cops. Having the public understand actual law and police procedures help a lot. Unfortunately you can lead a horse to water....

Just because you were trained that way does not make it right. Samsie about horse and water.
I am 100% pro police, but I'm gonna say that there's more than 10% that are "bad cops". I've literally seen about 8 THP officers under the age of 22 the last couple years and many many of the locals are made up of kids under 21. I think it's a TERRIBLE recipe when you're mixing a weapon and a badge with a kid...

Now, people will argue, "well what about an 18 year old in the military". That's not really the same. They usually have a commanding officer with them telling them what to do.

Regardless, I don't see a lot of these "kids" doing the shooting of the blacks. It's mostly grown men that have a lot of experience .

If you'd be complicit, you've got a 99% chance of surviving a police stop. If you've got a history of anti police stuff and you wanna act stupid... well your chance is a lot slimmer. Pretty easy, right?

Again, you are not required to follow unlawful orders. Not surviving because of your refusal to do so is called murder.
Were they lawful? Please explain why you believe them to be.

My understanding is , it’s a lawful order if they give you a command . The judge will determine if it’s not correct ? One would think the goal would be to make it in front of the judge not have the hearing over your cold dead body . 🤷‍♂️
So it’s just coincidence that 99% of police shootings also just happen to involve violent criminals with long criminal histories. You don’t think that has ANYTHING to do with the incidents at hand? You’re problem is you look to blame the “douchebag bullies” when in reality the vast majorities of their shootings are legal and justified. And even then shootings make up less than .0001% of all police-citizen encounters so it’s not like it’s a common occurrence when you consider all the interactions and even arrests of criminals that take place without them.

I had police encounters growing up to and only once did I have to “walk on eggshells” which was during an actual felony stop when my car matched the description of a car just stolen Five blocks away. I complied at gun point explained what was going on and the apologized and moved on. Some “Non criminal” people just get mad because they dont like to be called out and given a ticket for speeding or running a stop sign
Why would you apologize?
My understanding is , it’s a lawful order if they give you a command . The judge will determine if it’s not correct ? One would think the goal would be to make it in front of the judge not have the hearing over your cold dead body . 🤷‍♂️
Something funny on my Facebook from someone who thinks every cop shooting is murder.... it stated 1. He was there to break up a fight 2. ( the funny part) he was relieved the cops showed up and was letting them handle it while calmly walking to his cars to take his kids home safely
Why would you apologize?
I didn't, they did...i completely understood why they did the felony stop on me considering the circumstances..
but i also knew that
1) i wasn't a criminal and haven't committed a crime
2) it would be cleared up pretty easily when they got the information they needed
3) i am not an emotionally stunted idiot who has to scream, yell, run or fight because they were doing their jobs
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Let's wait for the facts to come out. The Minneapolis incident looks different than it did originally too.
Again, you are not required to follow unlawful orders. Not surviving because of your refusal to do so is called murder.
How can you not understand basic law?

The orders were lawful.
You are required to follow them.
The felon wasn't killed.
It's not murder, one because he wasn't killed and two it was justified
How are the officers supposed to know if he is driving off vs getting a weapon? Also they would be liable if they “let him go” and he hurt someone else or himself
Restrain him before he gets to the car. They had time, opprotunity (he turns aways), and numbers.

If their training allows the guy to get another weapon before acting they have terrible training.
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Restrain him before he gets to the car. They had time, opprotunity (he turns aways), and numbers.

If their training allows the guy to get another weapon before acting they have terrible training.
Looks from the new video they were still dealing with the other females that he was fighting with..they shouldve taken him down right there and handcuffed him, but 20/20 hindsight is easy after the fact

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