Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

So Blake had a weapon on him, and a woman felt threatened by him. He had a warrant already out for his arrest, and had been charged w domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Merge w the Democrat War on Women thread
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Protesting income inequality and then using slurs like double wide is not a good look I gotta say.
I'll just reiterate that he's named himself after a movie that most anyone with brain function beyond the capacity of a 13 year old finds... overdone, to be nice.
Yeah they're all working on the RNC tonight.
SMH, so sad. You think you know do much, when in reality you know so little. How many participation trophies have you received in your life? Notice I didn't say earned, I seriously doubt that you have either the intellectual/ testicular fortitude to have earned anything in your life. Please crawl back under your rock so I can enjoy lurking again.
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Here we are, jumping to conclusions again. He didn't have a gun. There was a knife on the floorboard which he may have been holding but I have not seen any reports of him having a gun

There you go. Who are you to place the knife somewhere when you don’t have a clue where it was? You and the rest of idiotic left mob make up hypotheticals and present them as fact. You may be governor of Wisconsin. That said, don’t be dumb enough to bring a knife to a gun fight.
SMH, so sad. You think you know do much, when in reality you know so little. How many participation trophies have you received in your life? Notice I didn't say earned, I seriously doubt that you have either the intellectual/ testicular fortitude to have earned anything in your life. Please crawl back under your rock so I can enjoy lurking again.

I can't even with you. It'd be like talking to a Rush Limabugh puppet. Have a good one thanks for the laughs.
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