Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

So in the final analysis, we've got a handful of people in here strongly defending a rapist and domestic abuser that was armed and prepped to do who knows what to the people around him.

The absolute state of this country where actual supporters of rape, racism, and violence against women in children just... get away with it.

Edit: actually, they claim moral superiority. Much worse.
I can't even with you. It'd like talking to a Rush Limabugh puppet. Have a good one thanks for the laughs.

Again with your ignorance, I rarely post so you have no clue about me. If you did, you would probably be surprised that I can't stand Trump, I think Biden is a fool, and you young fellow are nothing but a tool. You have yet to make a cognizant argument, you are light on facts and heavy on innuendo. You are truly a sad, little person. I feel for people like you that constantly argue from a position of ignorance. Take some advice, quit digging because your hole is big enough already.
Temporary blindness and burning eyes? Am I missing something? You talk about this like policing is martial arts but it's blatantly obvious the cops should have been able to deescalate the situation without resorting to shooting.
When do we start putting the responsibility on the criminal that continuously makes bad decisions including sexual assault of a 14 year old..... domestic assault..... pointing a gun at a bar..... assaulting a police officer
Here we are, jumping to conclusions again. He didn't have a gun. There was a knife on the floorboard which he may have been holding but I have not seen any reports of him having a gun

This video is hilarious while also completely accurate. THIS is how America wants us to police now.


Should it matter if there was a gun or not? Serious question. Should it? Should the cops, who were holding a ARMED male subject at gun point, have allowed him to reach inside the vehicle and pull out whatever it was he was retrieving...or allowed him to drive away...or simply just ignored everything and left the scene? Honestly...what should they have done??
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Again with your ignorance, I rarely post so you have no clue about me. If you did, you would probably be surprised that I can't stand Trump, I think Biden is a fool, and you young fellow are nothing but a tool. You have yet to make a cognizant argument, you are light on facts and heavy on innuendo. You are truly a sad, little person. I feel for people like you that constantly argue from a position of ignorance. Take some advice, quit digging because your hole is big enough already.

You know nothing about me. Maybe I got the wrong conservartive comentator, but your instant resorting to questioning someone's manhood says a lot about you. You know like lacking in a certain kind of area. Overcompensating if you will.

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