Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

So Blake had a weapon on him, and a woman felt threatened by him. He had a warrant already out for his arrest, and had been charged w domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Merge w the Democrat War on Women thread

Jacob Blake had knife in car in Kenosha shooting

“Blake had a knife on the driver's side floorboard and had no other weapons, the DOJ said in a news release.”
Anyway, point 2:

We've learned that women fall under black convicted criminals in the leftist victimization hierarchy, so use that information as you will.
Hands Up, Don't Shoot proven false, didn't happen. Michael Brown a martyr.

George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose according to the coroner's report. Still a martyr. Wonder how that murder charge is going to turn out?

Jacob Blake had a knife found on the driver's side floorboard of his car. He wasn't unarmed. Still a martyr.

Am I a racist for pointing this stuff out?

Facts Don't Matter, let's riot and burn stuff anyway in the name of social justice.

Hands Up, Don't Shoot proven false, didn't happen. Michael Brown a martyr.

George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose according to the coroner's report. Still a martyr. Wonder how that murder charge is going to turn out?

Jacob Blake had a knife found on the driver's side floorboard of his car. He wasn't unarmed. Still a martyr.

Am I a racist for pointing this stuff out?

Facts Don't Matter, let's riot and burn stuff anyway in the name of social justice.


How was he armed if the knife was on the floorboard?
My condolences. What a **** hole town.

Funny you should comment, I lived in North Dallas for 10 years! Frankford and the tollway! And wow do I love it here compared to Dallas. What a lame place a to live absolutely devoid of any culture whatsoever. Dallas is, culturally speaking, a ****hole
Funny you should comment, I lived in North Dallas for 10 years! Frankford and the tollway! And wow do I love it here compared to Dallas. What a lame place a to live absolutely devoid of any culture whatsoever. Dallas is, culturally speaking, a ****hole
Wow. All those places you have lived, doesn't change the fact you can't even change a flat tire... soy boy.. your gf prob has to kill the bugs in your tent in LA
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Funny you should comment, I lived in North Dallas for 10 years! Frankford and the tollway! And wow do I love it here compared to Dallas. What a lame place a to live absolutely devoid of any culture whatsoever. Dallas is, culturally speaking, a ****hole
LMAO. Nuh uh you live in a **** hole! 🤣🤣🤣

I don’t live in Dallas either. Wouldn’t blame you for moving. And LA is still a **** hole.
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I’ve spent more time in LA than I care to. Mostly for business. And it’s to the point now that when they try to get me to go I say no send somebody else. F than **** hole town.
First time I was in LA... or California for that matter... my employer a year out of college (1977) had me attend the Company Road Show (basically anti-union training) which was in LA... and it was a great experience. Early 80's made a business trip, driving up the coast from LA to SF with an overnight in the Big Sur. Been back on business a number of times since then too... used to call on some of the refineries... several sales meetings and AIChE meetings in LA and SF... and even a couple of times since I started my own business 10 years ago have called on some key customers both in SoCal and NoCal... one a-hole in San Jose stiffed me for $30k and sat across the table and just said "no" over and over... but I hardly travel any more since my warehouse operation nowadays keeps me busy 7 days a week... but if I was to suddenly have time on my hands and wanted to see more of California I would avoid the big cities like the plague.
First time I was in LA... or California for that matter... my employer a year out of college (1977) had me attend the Company Road Show (basically anti-union training) which was in LA... and it was a great experience. Early 80's made a business trip, driving op the coast from LA to SF with an overnight in the Big Sur. Been back on business a number of times since then too... used to call on some of the refineries... several sales meetings and AIChE meetings in LA and SF... and even a couple of times since I started my own business 10 years ago have called on some key customers both in SoCal and NoCal... one a-hole in San Jose stiffed me for $30k and sat across the table and just said "no" over and over... but I hardly travel any more since my warehouse operation nowadays keeps me busy 7 days a week... but if I was to suddenly have time on my hands and wanted to see more of California I would avoid the big cities like the plague.
I agree on urban Cali. I have enjoyed in the past the tourist traps in LA and San Fran. But been there done that and no real desire to go back. I do enjoy San Diego. And I really enjoy the rural/country of Cali. From the Mojave to Sequoia National Forrest. All beautiful.

I cannot say I have ever thought “style” with regards to LA 😂
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