Post Examples of Fox News Lies

There is no way to have that conversation because too many people are invested in defending their favorite outlet. Admitting that they only watch network A because it reinforces their views would be admitting they are brainwashed.

I would hope that if right wing media was attempting to ruin the lives of kids for the crime of being on the left, that we would be capable of an honest conversation about that. That’s some of my biggest issues (Rittenhouse and Covington Catholic).

The worst I can think of (and this is where I admit my bias shows because there could be worse that I’m unaware of) would be Gretchen. And I never saw mainstream people calling for harm to her. The worst I saw was less mainstream people making her for her autism. Not saying that’s right, but it’s far from open calls for harm

Edit: the open lies about the Rittenhouse trial after the facts were out are disturbing too. If fox did similar things with Floyd or any other trial I’d consider that equal
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I would hope that if right wing media was attempting to ruin the lives of kids for the crime of being on the left, that we would be capable of an honest conversation about that. That’s some of my biggest issues (Rittenhouse and Covington Catholic).

The worst I can think of (and this is where I admit my bias shows because there could be worse that I’m unaware of) would be Gretchen. And I never saw mainstream people calling for harm to her. The worst I saw was less mainstream people making her for her autism. Not saying that’s right, but it’s far from open calls for harm

I just don't think an honest conversation is possible.
I would assume no retraction by MSNBC or apology. The other side to that was Claire Mccaskill not correcting him, which shows she knew very little about the case but is professional enough to continue the lie without pause.
She gets trotted out by NBC to speak to the suburban female along with Nicolle Wallace during election cycles to push the choice narrative at that time. It's fascinating if you know it's happening to watch.
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I would assume no retraction by MSNBC or apology. The other side to that was Claire Mccaskill not correcting him, which shows she knew very little about the case but is professional enough to continue the lie without pause.
She gets trotted out by NBC to speak to the suburban female along with Nicolle Wallace during election cycles to push the choice narrative at that time. It's fascinating if you know it's happening to watch.

No retraction or apology to my knowledge but I honestly haven’t looked much. I do believe it’s been included in the lawsuits by Rittenhouse though
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No retraction or apology to my knowledge but I honestly haven’t looked much. I do believe it’s been included in the lawsuits by Rittenhouse though
Amazing that in a world of adults it will be two kids who bring back honesty and integrity to the news desk at the price of defamation lawsuits.
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Pirro lied on March 2021 “The southern U.S. border “is now open to anyone from anywhere in the world who wishes to enter our country.” Fear mongering and blatantly not true.

Do you use loose leaf notebook paper, a composition book or spiral notebook? Wide ruled or college ruled?
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What exactly was the lie? I can tell you the exact lie from Joe. He claimed he fired 60 rounds and his mom dropped him off. That’s indisputably false.

What he presented seemed reasonable to make a claim that it was evidence of voter fraud. Even your snopes article agreed they double scanned the ballots. Snopes only counter to that was to say it would’ve been corrected in the recount.

The court case you’re talking about is because Tucker accused a woman of extorting trump. The woman was attempting to get money from trump and did. Idk where the lie was in your opinion. Can you clarify?
Whew. Didn’t know what snopes was until you mentioned it. Looked it up. It’s kind of a cool fact checking site. Thanks for referring. The court case is only interesting because Tucker’s lawyers’ argument was that what he says on air isn’t always factual or truthful. Just an interesting argument and thought it was relevant an OP on the truthfulness of Fox…
Whew. Didn’t know what snopes was until you mentioned it. Looked it up. It’s kind of a cool fact checking site. Thanks for referring. The court case is only interesting because Tucker’s lawyers’ argument was that what he says on air isn’t always factual or truthful. Just an interesting argument and thought it was relevant an OP on the truthfulness of Fox…

They state it was an opinion. Not that everything he says is an opinion. Those are different things. Some things on any news outlet will be opinion. Some will be fact. Like her getting money from trump=fact.
They state it was an opinion. Not that everything he says is an opinion. Those are different things. Some things on any news outlet will be opinion. Some will be fact. Like her getting money from trump=fact.
I get it. You’re comfortable in your conservative media echo chamber and honestly that’s fine. I can’t change you. Actually it’s not fine. I think it’s dangerous, but I guess I can only hope you consider looking into more fact based news outlets (AP, Reuters, others)
I get it. You’re comfortable in your conservative media echo chamber and honestly that’s fine. I can’t change you. Actually it’s not fine. I think it’s dangerous, but I guess I can only hope you consider looking into more fact based news outlets (AP, Reuters, others)

You’ve not shown me they are non-fact based. You showed me that his opinion on a legal matter was an opinion, which everyone knew…
Probably need to find better hobbies. This is what the Dooley, Jones, Pruitt transition did to me.

I hear you. I don't pay attention to sports like I used to. UT sports going through what I consider a desert will do it to you. Add Warlick.
The mainstream media's top 10 missteps in 2021

Media pundits and publications spun on inflation, critical race theory, and more

Throughout 2021, the mainstream media has been caught or forced to correct multiple stories that turned out to be misleading or not true. From debunked stories such as the Steele dossier to new concerns over inflation, mainstream outlets badly reported on some of the biggest news stories of the year.

Here are the top 10 most outrageous examples of the mainstream media reporting false or misleading stories this year.

Omitting details on the Ma’Khia Bryant police shooting.

In April, videos emerged of a police officer shooting a Black teenager named Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio, after Bryant lunged at another girl with a knife.

However, various media outlets originally neglected to mention the fact that Bryant was wielding a knife at the time of the shooting, with some even claiming that Bryant was "unarmed." In the New York Times coverage of the incident, the article included civil rights attorney Ben Crump’s original claim that Bryant was an "unarmed" girl. The quote was later corrected, though the story still framed Bryant’s knife as a police claim rather than it being observable from bodycam footage.

Although some news reports did acknowledge that Bryant held a knife, a few also attempted to spin or obscure other details of the shooting. NBC initially edited the 911 call that led to the shooting, omitting the caller warning about a girl "trying to stab" others. Other sources, such as MSNBC’s Joy Reid, CNN and ABC's "The View," also downplayed the events, depicting it as a schoolyard fight.

CNN airs fake single mom story

In August, CNN spotlighted a woman, Dasha Kelly, who claimed to be the single mother of three children who were concerned about being evicted from their home after the federal moratorium was set to expire. In addition to promoting the story, CNN also advertised the GoFundMe account used to support Kelly, which raised approximately $230,000.

Shortly afterward, however, Kelly clarified that she was not the mother of the three children, but was instead their father's girlfriend. The funds were later suspended, but Kelly also managed to appear on the network with Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo. President Biden later announced a new moratorium on evictions despite potential constitutional conflicts.

The mainstream media's top 10 missteps in 2021
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The mainstream media's top 10 missteps in 2021

Media pundits and publications spun on inflation, critical race theory, and more

Throughout 2021, the mainstream media has been caught or forced to correct multiple stories that turned out to be misleading or not true. From debunked stories such as the Steele dossier to new concerns over inflation, mainstream outlets badly reported on some of the biggest news stories of the year.

Here are the top 10 most outrageous examples of the mainstream media reporting false or misleading stories this year.

Omitting details on the Ma’Khia Bryant police shooting.

In April, videos emerged of a police officer shooting a Black teenager named Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio, after Bryant lunged at another girl with a knife.

However, various media outlets originally neglected to mention the fact that Bryant was wielding a knife at the time of the shooting, with some even claiming that Bryant was "unarmed." In the New York Times coverage of the incident, the article included civil rights attorney Ben Crump’s original claim that Bryant was an "unarmed" girl. The quote was later corrected, though the story still framed Bryant’s knife as a police claim rather than it being observable from bodycam footage.

Although some news reports did acknowledge that Bryant held a knife, a few also attempted to spin or obscure other details of the shooting. NBC initially edited the 911 call that led to the shooting, omitting the caller warning about a girl "trying to stab" others. Other sources, such as MSNBC’s Joy Reid, CNN and ABC's "The View," also downplayed the events, depicting it as a schoolyard fight.

CNN airs fake single mom story

In August, CNN spotlighted a woman, Dasha Kelly, who claimed to be the single mother of three children who were concerned about being evicted from their home after the federal moratorium was set to expire. In addition to promoting the story, CNN also advertised the GoFundMe account used to support Kelly, which raised approximately $230,000.

Shortly afterward, however, Kelly clarified that she was not the mother of the three children, but was instead their father's girlfriend. The funds were later suspended, but Kelly also managed to appear on the network with Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo. President Biden later announced a new moratorium on evictions despite potential constitutional conflicts.

The mainstream media's top 10 missteps in 2021

The Bryant shooting, I had heard (idk the source) that she was the one who called the police. This seems to contradict that. Is she not the one who called?
The Bryant shooting, I had heard (idk the source) that she was the one who called the police. This seems to contradict that. Is she not the one who called?

I thought Bryant called it in because she was being doubled teamed. When the police shows up you cannot be trying to stab others with a knife. It may have been a classic case of the victim looking like the agressor once the police showed up. Nonetheless unfortunately Bryant was about to stab someone. Either way the story was twisted to make it look like the police did something wrong.
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Seems far more true than Rachel Maddow telling us you can’t get or spread Covid if you’re vaccinated. Doesn’t work is an opinion and one that’s hard to disprove. If by work you mean it prevents infection, the obvious answer is no.
Honestly what is the point of starting this thread if you're just going to throw out a CNN whataboutism every time someone posts a Fox News lie? You asked for Fox News lies, there are plenty in this thread. Just let the thread die.
Honestly what is the point of starting this thread if you're just going to throw out a CNN whataboutism every time someone posts a Fox News lie? You asked for Fox News lies, there are plenty in this thread. Just let the thread die.

Did you team my OP? The point of the thread was to compare. To compare cnn/msm to fox and specifically look for the worst of their lies.

I named the worst lies from both I could think of and acknowledged my media bias may prevent me from being aware of the worst of fox’s lies. The intent was to see what you guys had and if it was comparable. So far I’ve not seen anything on the same level as left wing lies.

Do you have something you’d like to present?
FoxNews will be live in Nashville for the New Years celebration. I'm guessing this is rare for them to move it from NYC. It also tells you the appeal of Nashville as part of Tennessee.
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