Post Examples of Fox News Lies

You have been given examples of Fox News hosts giving credence to false allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential Election. In addition to Tucker Carlson's allegations of votes being cast in the names of dead people, Fox News has also spread lies about Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. When threatened with law suits, the Murdochs forced some of their more "conspiracy-friendly" shows to run a disclaimer which debunked claims that had been previously made by the hosts of those same shows.

This should serve as an admission that lies were told on their shows. The Murdochs were clearly afraid of being sued for those lies, and they felt a need to cover their butts.

Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat
@Vol8188 will never respond to this post from up above ^^^^. I knew it. LOL! This makes the 3rd time that I have brought it to his attention.

It's impossible to argue that those Fox hosts (Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs) weren't lying, after their own network allotted time during their shows to air a video which completely debunked claims of election fraud that they had each previously made on those same shows. At least Dobbs was canned. Bartiromo and Pirro still have their shows, however, and they both still lie their butts off on a regular basis, though.
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You forgot the worse media narrative of the last decade. Michael Brown “choir college boy” and “hands up don’t shoot” lie about that whole story which led to riots and the creation of BLM and Obama and Dems leaching onto the lies to create a fake narrative of systemic racism
Haha!! Reds gonna red.
Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat

Here is the link to Business Insider again, for the 4th time, and for the sake of posterity. This ^^^^ is when Fox News basically admitted that three of their own show hosts (Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo) had been spreading lies concerning the 2020 Presidential General Election.

This is called "Defamation Butt Covering 101." Isn't it amazing how some people can find a conscience when they are afraid of being sued? LOL!

Has anyone ever seen a network debunk it's own anchors like this before ... and also take the time to do so, during the same shows in which the debunked claims had previously been made? This was unprecedented.... and once again, we won't hear a peep from @Vol8188 about that.
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Did you read the article you attached? The article is not about the Fox News hosts texts that pleaded for Trump to speak out and stop the insurrection attempt that Wafflestomper is referencing. It’s about republican lawmakers trying to save face as their text messages come out demonstrating that they did in fact attempt a coup against our democracy. I’m summary of the article, the committee investigators admitting “doctoring” an original message sent by Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows. No complaints or allegations that the texts weren’t sent because they were. The “doctoring” was that a period was in the wrong place in what they presented….
Did you read the article you attached? The article is not about the Fox News hosts texts that pleaded for Trump to speak out and stop the insurrection attempt that Wafflestomper is referencing. It’s about republican lawmakers trying to save face as their text messages come out demonstrating that they did in fact attempt a coup against our democracy. I’m summary of the article, the committee investigators admitting “doctoring” an original message sent by Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows. No complaints or allegations that the texts weren’t sent because they were. The “doctoring” was that a period was in the wrong place in what they presented….
The period and deleting 2 paragraphs...but yes they were not from fox...thats why i asked if it was those..
Nevertheless, Rep. Jim Jordan forwarded a strategy through a text message to Mark Meadows, which would supposedly keep President Donald Trump in office. That strategy had no merit within the framework of the United States Constitution. Vice President Mike Pence's role on January 6th, was nothing more than that of procedural formality. Mike Pence's duty was simply to call the votes from electors into roll for the purpose of formal certification. Pence had no authority under the United States Constitution to unilaterally cast aside votes from electors, so a different set of electors could be chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures. If such a strategy was viable, it could potentially result in a colossal conflict of interest for the Vice President to have that much control over reversing the outcome of his/her own defeat.

It begs the question :

Does Rep. Jim Jordan want the current Vice President, Kamala Harris, to have that much control over her own re-election fate in January of 2025? I tend to doubt it.

This whole post-election exercise by Republicans was a farce. They went too far in their efforts to appease Donald Trump. There is no chance that Republicans in Congress would approve of the strategy outlined in Rep. Jim Jordan's text to Mark Meadows, if Democrats attempted to do the same thing.
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Nevertheless, Rep. Jim Jordan disseminated a strategy via text, for Mark Meadows to follow, which would supposedly keep President Donald Trump in office. That strategy had no merit within the United States Constitution. Vice President Mike Pence's role on January 6th, was nothing more than that of procedural formality. Mike Pence's duty was simply to call the votes from electors into roll for the purpose of formal certification. Pence had no authority under the United States Constitution to unilaterally cast aside votes from electors, so a different set of electors could be chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures. If such a strategy was viable, it could potentially result in a colossal conflict of interest for the Vice President to have that much control over reversing the outcome of his/her own defeat.

It begs the question :

Does Rep. Jim Jordan want the current Vice President, Kamala Harris, to have that much control over her own re-election fate in January of 2025? I tend to doubt it.

This whole post-election exercise by Republicans was a farce. They went too far in their efforts to appease Donald Trump. There is no chance that Republicans in Congress would approve of the strategy outlined in Rep. Jim Jordan's text to Mark Meadows, if Democrats attempted to do the same thing.
I agree..still doesn't change the fact that Schiff changed and presented false evidence, and this isn't the 1st time...he illegally presented a cutup video the 1st time around....and it was accepted by the to me it makes it hard to trust any the lastest case the message posted online which is how schiff got caught
I agree..still doesn't change the fact that Schiff changed and presented false evidence, and this isn't the 1st time...he illegally presented a cutup video the 1st time around....and it was accepted by the to me it makes it hard to trust any the lastest case the message posted online which is how schiff got caught
I like 85, but his eyes gloss over when he looks left.
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If it's anything last night, you can slap the guy in the face with facts and he'll pretend it never happened and change the subject.


You ignored the fact that 20k deaths had been reported for about 5 pages. Idk how you of all people can make such a dumb claim
What specifically in that statement would you like me to respond to? Anything in there you feel I’ve failed to respond to, please provide examples of the lies from fox and I’ll happily address
Can't you click on the link and read the article from Business Insider? It covers what happened.
@Vol8188 will never respond to this post from up above ^^^^. I knew it. LOL! This makes the 3rd time that I have brought it to his attention.

It's impossible to argue that those Fox hosts (Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro and Lou Dobbs) weren't lying, after their own network allotted time during their shows to air a video which completely debunked claims of election fraud that they had each previously made on those same shows. At least Dobbs was canned. Bartiromo and Pirro still have their shows, however, and they both still lie their butts off on a regular basis, though.

Give me specifics. What specifically was said (please provide video like I did with Joe or the article if applicable)?
Can't you click on the link and read the article from Business Insider? It covers what happened.

When I told you MSNBC lied about the Rittenhouse trial, did I link you to Foxnews or MNBC?

It’s exhausting doing your leg work for you like the time I spent finding the actual clip from fox earlier that you misrepresented
When I told you MSNBC lied about the Rittenhouse trial, did I link you to Foxnews or MNBC?

It’s exhausting doing your leg work for you like the time I spent finding the actual clip from fox earlier that you misrepresented
It's exhausting to click on a link? Not for most 6 year-olds.

Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat

^^^^ It covers the matter pretty well ^^^^. Click on it.

The headline itself is self-explanatory. Basically, Smartmatic threatened Fox News with a law suit a year ago over false claims made by Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo and frequent guests to their shows, such as Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. The execs at Fox News responded by forcing the producers of those shows to run a butt covering disclaimer video which completely debunked those claims.
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It's exhausting to click on a link? Not for most 6 year-olds.

Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat

^^^^ It covers the matter pretty well ^^^^. Click on it.

The headline itself is self-explanatory. Basically, Smartmatic threatened Fox News with a law suit a year ago over false claims made by Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, Maria Bartiromo and frequent guests to their shows, such as Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. The execs at Fox News responded by forcing the producers of those shows to run a butt covering disclaimer which completely debunked those claims.

No one claimed the exhaustion is from clicking on the link. Rather it’s from doing your due diligence for you. Before you believe this nonsense like the claims about the fired host earlier that you called the worst Covid lie, you should actually check to see what was said. It’s just sad
No one claimed the exhaustion is from clicking on the link. Rather it’s from doing your due diligence for you. Before you believe this nonsense like the claims about the fired host earlier that you called the worst Covid lie, you should actually check to see what was said. It’s just sad
LOL! I've read the article and also watched the disclaimer video which Fox ran on those shows. It debunked allegations that Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo had levied against Smartmatic, including that ridiculous Hugo Chavez allegation.

Do you really think that Fox News would force their shows to air a video like that, if they weren't certain that there had been lies told, which they could be sued for defamation over? This isn't "nonsense". It happened.
LOL! I've read the article and also watched the disclaimer video which Fox ran on those shows. It debunked allegations that Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo had levied against Smartmatic, including that ridiculous Hugo Chavez allegation.

Do you really think that Fox News would force their shows to air a video like that, if they weren't certain that there had been lies told, which they could be sued for defamation over? This isn't "nonsense". It happened.

Which specific allegations would you like to talk about and can you provide the clip of fox making those allegations?

When I mentioned a lie from MSNBC I gave you the video from msnbc and the time stamp. And I focused on one particular lie. If you’re trying to talk about multiple people and multiple lies at once without ever directly stating what was said, we will get nowhere.

So which of the hosts you mentioned would you like to address first and what specifically did they say that was incorrect?
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Fox is a 24/7 infomercial for the GOP, it has nothing to do with news. Their viewers are puppies being led around on a leash down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, fear-mongering, and propaganda. The fact that their viewers don't realize they are being conned is alarming but not surprising since this is the party of the Big Lie. Adherence to the Big Lie is now the litmus test for the entire GOP and their base.
Fox is a 24/7 infomercial for the GOP, it has nothing to do with news. Their viewers are puppies being led around on a leash down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, fear-mongering, and propaganda. The fact that their viewers don't realize they are being conned is alarming but not surprising since this is the party of the Big Lie. Adherence to the Big Lie is now the litmus test for the entire GOP and their base.
And this is different from CNN, MSNBC etc in which ways?

Are you seriously going to attempt to sell us that one side of the coin is really any different ?
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