Post Examples of Fox News Lies

Which specific allegations would you like to talk about and can you provide the clip of fox making those allegations?

When I mentioned a lie from MSNBC I gave you the video from msnbc and the time stamp. And I focused on one particular lie. If you’re trying to talk about multiple people and multiple lies at once without ever directly stating what was said, we will get nowhere.

So which of the hosts you mentioned would you like to address first and what specifically did they say that was incorrect?
From the link:

"Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by Hugo Chavez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 U.S. election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes," the letter said.

^^^^ The disclaimer video walked back all of this BS ^^^^.

The shows which aired the disclaimer video were not selected at random. Those were the shows which had made those false allegations. I have never seen any other news network do this. Clearly, the Murdochs were concerned about their potential liability in a defamation suit, and felt the need to protect themselves by debunking those claims with a video.
And this is different from CNN, MSNBC etc in which ways?

Are you seriously going to attempt to sell us that one side of the coin is really any different ?
He's no different than the many in here saying fox is different. It's the very subject of this thread
From the link:

"Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by Hugo Chavez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 U.S. election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes," the letter said.

^^^^ The disclaimer video walked back all of this BS ^^^^.

The shows which aired the disclaimer video were not selected at random. Those were the shows which had made those false allegations. I have never seen any other news network do this. Clearly, the Murdochs were concerned about their potential liability in a defamation suit, and felt the need to protect themselves by debunking those claims with a video.

What BS? I’m asking you to tell me what specific BS you want to discuss. When I wanted to discuss MSNBC BS I provided a link with a time stamp to when it was said.

You’re specifically vaguely and nonspecific and I can only assume it’s intentional because you don’t personally know what was said.

Once again:
What specifically would you like to talk about, who said it, what was said, when was it said?

That’s not a lot to ask. Instead you’re being vague because you don’t personally know. You’re just taking business insider’s word
He's no different than the many in here saying fox is different. It's the very subject of this thread

Can you provide examples of fox comparable to those given earlier from other sources? I’ve yet to see anything equivalent.

Joe from MSNBC after the trial claiming Rittenhouse fired 60 shots and was dropped of by his mom for example
You ignored the fact that 20k deaths had been reported for about 5 pages. Idk how you of all people can make such a dumb claim

And you ignore that reported deaths (for any reason) isn't the same as deaths caused by the vaccine, as you implied.

VAERS doesn't make that distinction, but you can?

It's breathtaking how disingenuous your still unsubstantiated assertion is.
And you ignore that reported deaths (for any reason) isn't the same as deaths caused by the vaccine, as you implied.

VAERS doesn't make that distinction, but you can?

It's breathtaking how disingenuous your still unsubstantiated assertion is.

I never said the vaccine caused all of those deaths but you pretended me saying 20k reported was false so we were never able to get to the idea of how many of those were due to the vaccine
Can you provide examples of fox comparable to those given earlier from other sources? I’ve yet to see anything equivalent.

Joe from MSNBC after the trial claiming Rittenhouse fired 60 shots and was dropped of by his mom for example

You've compared singular examples to channel wide lies. I would put a multiple year push that the scary black POTUS was actually from Africa to be much worse than an ivermectin story or the Catholic school kids. They also pushed for the next POTUS who also supported those ideas
I never said the vaccine caused all of those deaths but you pretended me saying 20k reported was false so we were never able to get to the idea of how many of those were due to the vaccine

LOL, you absolutely implied it.

Walk it back...

You've compared singular examples to channel wide lies. I would put a multiple year push that the scary black POTUS was actually from Africa to be much worse than an ivermectin story or the Catholic school kids. They also pushed for the next POTUS who also supported those ideas

The Catholic kids was a station wide lie and there was video evidence debunking it. I agree some of the Obama stuff was bad and specifically mentioned what I considered the worst of it in the OP. But if the stance is that fox hasn’t done something on that level post Obama, that’s honestly impressive.

“They pushed for the next potus who also supported those ideas”. Idk what you meant by that. But that seems like a wash
LOL, you absolutely implied it.

Walk it back...


I specifically made sure to only refer to them as reported. Anything you took from that was on you. You could have simply asked me to clarify and if I were implying all of those were due to the vaccine and saved us both hours of nonsense.
You've compared singular examples to channel wide lies. I would put a multiple year push that the scary black POTUS was actually from Africa to be much worse than an ivermectin story or the Catholic school kids. They also pushed for the next POTUS who also supported those ideas

I admittedly haven't paid attention to this thread but given my recent run in with @Vol8188 my guess is that he's moving targets, conflating arguments, deflecting and generally being disingenuous in his presentation. If he hasn't yet, he'll soon pretend to be the victim after being the instigator.
What BS? I’m asking you to tell me what specific BS you want to discuss. When I wanted to discuss MSNBC BS I provided a link with a time stamp to when it was said.

You’re specifically vaguely and nonspecific and I can only assume it’s intentional because you don’t personally know what was said.

Once again:
What specifically would you like to talk about, who said it, what was said, when was it said?

That’s not a lot to ask. Instead you’re being vague because you don’t personally know. You’re just taking business insider’s word
You are being ridiculous. The absurd Hugo Chavez BS was detailed in that post you just replied to. There was nothing "vague" about it. When threatened with a law suit over such claims, Fox responded by debunking those claims with their own video in order to protect themselves from defamation liability. Fox News didn't claim that those Hugo Chavez allegations weren't made. Instead, they took the extraordinary step of directly contradicting information from their own shows - while those same shows were being aired.
You are being ridiculous. The absurd Hugo Chavez BS was detailed in that post you just replied to. There was nothing "vague" about it. When threatened with a law suit over such claims, Fox responded by debunking those claims with their own video in order to protect themselves from defamation liability. Fox News didn't claim that those Hugo Chavez allegations weren't made. Instead, they took the extraordinary step of directly contradicting information from their own shows - while those same shows were being aired.

So you want to talk about claims involving Chavez? Okay. Now we are making progress. Who on fox made claims about him and what did they claim?

I’m not being ridiculous at all. I’m merely asking you to be specific on what they lied about and who is they
So you want to talk about claims involving Chavez? Okay. Now we are making progress. Who on fox made claims about him and what did they claim?

I’m not being ridiculous at all. I’m merely asking you to be specific on what they lied about and who is they
Pirro, Bartiromo and Dobbs. As I already said. The claims involving Chavez were also explained in post #151. You are being ridiculous and annoying. I doubt that Fox News wanted to run that disclaimer video during those 3 shows. They clearly felt the need to because provable lies had been told, and they were trying to cover themselves from a defamation suit.
Pirro, Bartiromo and Dobbs. As I already said. The claims involving Chavez were also explained in post #151. You are being ridiculous and annoying. I doubt that Fox News wanted to run that disclaimer video during those 3 shows. They clearly felt the need to because provable lies had been told, and they were trying to cover themselves from a defamation suit.

Okay. Can you provide me with what these people said about Chavez? So far I understand Porto, Bartiromo, and Dobbs made claims about Chavez you disagree with. What claims did they make? And no, a link to a business insider article doesn’t count
I specifically made sure to only refer to them as reported. Anything you took from that was on you. You could have simply asked me to clarify and if I were implying all of those were due to the vaccine and saved us both hours of nonsense.


Sure thing buddy, you're like a gift that keeps giving. It's as amusing today watching you try and revise and walk back your statements as it was a few days ago.

Do you really think this is the right time to force people to take an experimental vaccine with nearly 20k reported deaths?

Reported deaths to VAERS
14k deaths due to what cause?

A) Any
B) Vaccine Related

The Covid 19 vaccine

You both implied the deaths were due to the "experimental vaccine" and then got baited into admitting what you believed the deaths to be attributed to.

You're a joke.
I barely pay attention to the MSM anymore, but when I did, I noticed the Fox News lies. FTR, I believe CNN lies more blatantly than Fox does, but I also think clever deceptions are far more dangerous.

A couple examples that I remember...they perpetuated the lie that Ahmedinijad (sp?) said he would wipe Israel off the map (a euphemism that doesn't exist in his language and makes it sound like he wants to commit mass genocide) when what the literal translation was something like he would erase the regime from the page of time.

The details are foggy now, but there was a story about Islamic immigration to Europe and they completely misrepresented the main interview. I could probably dig it up if I wanted to take the time to find it.
Damn, I can't find the one I was thinking of because all the results are about a more recent scandal with the same keywords


Sure thing buddy, you're like a gift that keeps giving. It's as amusing today watching you try and revise and walk back your statements as it was a few days ago.

You both implied the deaths were due to the "experimental vaccine" and then got baited into admitting what you believed the deaths to be attributed to.

You're a joke.

The deaths are reportedly due to the vaccine…yes. Idk what you think you’ve got me on here, but only you think it
I barely pay attention to the MSM anymore, but when I did, I noticed the Fox News lies. FTR, I believe CNN lies more blatantly than Fox does, but I also think clever deceptions are far more dangerous.

A couple examples that I remember...they perpetuated the lie that Ahmedinijad (sp?) said he would wipe Israel off the map (a euphemism that doesn't exist in his language and makes it sound like he wants to commit mass genocide) when what the literal translation was something like he would erase the regime from the page of time.

The details are foggy now, but there was a story about Islamic immigration to Europe and they completely misrepresented the main interview. I could probably dig it up if I wanted to take the time to find it.

My problem is similar to yours in that I don’t watch it often. That’s why I wanted to know the worst they’ve done and most of the replies here have been the daily nonsense from both sides.

I remember the first one you referenced but not the one about immigration. I do know the left tried to downplay issues of mass immigration in Europe but from what I remember those reports seemed true
Are you talking about the claims that they were hiding rapes or that the majority of rapes were by Muslim men in their country?

That might've been the same story or related, but IIRC, it was specifically an interview with a victim that they completely warped to fit their agenda.
The deaths are reportedly due to the vaccine…yes. Idk what you think you’ve got me on here, but only you think it

VAERS doesn't make that distinction, ya dope. As has been explained to you multiple times, however - you alone apparently have the magical power to know something that can't be known. How many times does it need to be explained to you that the reported deaths were for ALL CAUSES and that VAERS doesn't determine if the vaccine is the cause? In one ear and out the other with you...

Apparently the one thing you have in greater abundance than your bad arguments is your inability to capitulate when you've been proven unequivocally wrong.
That might've been the same story or related, but IIRC, it was specifically an interview with a victim that they completely warped to fit their agenda.

That’s kind of my other reason for making this thread is the recency. All of the bad lies from fox I can think of are dated, compared to the ones I know from the left. Obviously part of that is due to the fact that I don’t watch fox and I listen to Shapiro a decent amount who makes me aware of left wing lies. So I genuinely wanted to know if there’s some horrific things I’ve missed that are comparable
VAERS doesn't make that distinction, ya dope. As has been explained to you multiple times, however - you alone apparently have the magical power to know something that can't be known. How many times does it need to be explained to you that the reported deaths were for ALL CAUSES and that VAERS doesn't determine if the vaccine is the cause? In one ear and out the other with you...

Apparently the one thing you have in greater abundance than your bad arguments is your inability to capitulate when you've been proven unequivocally wrong.

Do you enjoy this? I’ve never claimed what you’re saying. I don’t think all reported deaths are due to the vaccine. Nor have I ever said so. I’m sure x% of them are wrong

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