Post Examples of Fox News Lies

That’s kind of my other reason for making this thread is the recency. All of the bad lies from fox I can think of are dated, compared to the ones I know from the left. Obviously part of that is due to the fact that I don’t watch fox and I listen to Shapiro a decent amount who makes me aware of left wing lies. So I genuinely wanted to know if there’s some horrific things I’ve missed that are comparable

Politics aside, IDK how anybody can subject themselves to Shapiro's voice for any amount of time. Same goes for Jordan Peterson. Just nails on a chalkboard.

Shapiro is pretty smart but he's just playing a side. Who wouldn't, in his position? He'll never call out Fox News for lying, unless it's a lie about Trump, or something along those lines....cause $$$
Politics aside, IDK how anybody can subject themselves to Shapiro's voice for any amount of time. Same goes for Jordan Peterson. Just nails on a chalkboard.

Shapiro is pretty smart but he's just playing a side. Who wouldn't, in his position? He'll never call out Fox News for lying, unless it's a lie about Trump, or something along those lines....cause $$$

He was very critical of Trump and lost a lot of viewership due to it. I accept he’s partisan, but the majority of times I like his perspective. I try to balance it out with Reason, Matt Tiabi, and Bari.

I like JP too but haven’t listened to much of his stuff since he recently came back.
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Do you enjoy this? I’ve never claimed what you’re saying. I don’t think all reported deaths are due to the vaccine. Nor have I ever said so. I’m sure x% of them are wrong

You spent all day trying to defend your assertion you now claim didn't occur, unsuccessfully.

At this point, I don't even think you're trying to be intellectually dishonest. I think you've circled the wagons and warped the position in your mind to a point where you actually believing the things you say despite the hard evidence of your own words that show the contrary.

And yes, I do enjoy it.
He's no different than the many in here saying fox is different. It's the very subject of this thread

The splitting hairs here gets old.

At one time I watched Fox, during the gulf war they had tremendous coverage. I soon tuned out because it was hyper political.

Watched CNN for many years but they became unwatchable as well.

Maybe it's because I'm old but the partisan bickering and party slurping doesn't appeal to me.
You spent all day trying to defend your assertion you now claim didn't occur, unsuccessfully.

At this point, I don't even think you're trying to be intellectually dishonest. I think you've circled the wagons and warped the position in your mind to a point where you actually believing the things you say despite the hard evidence of your own words that show the contrary.

And yes, I do enjoy it.

At no point did I claim all of those 20k were 100% accurate. Only that 20k were reported.

If I said you have 30 rape allegations, that’s not claiming you raped 30 people. X% of them may be wrong. This is no different.

The problem is you read into my statement what you wanted to and then pretended that’s what I said.

20k reported deaths. That’s concerning. That’s what I was and still am saying. Just like 30 rape allegations is concerning. Doesn’t mean they’re all true. But it’s reason for concern
The splitting hairs here gets old.

At one time I watched Fox, during the gulf war they had tremendous coverage. I soon tuned out because it was hyper political.

Watched CNN for many years but they became unwatchable as well.

Maybe it's because I'm old but the partisan bickering and party slurping doesn't appeal to me.

Here’s something I’m interested in. I’m 33 so my knowledge of CNN is mainly based on what I was old enough to see. Probably started paying attention to it around 2005 of later.

Do you think it’s always been far left and overly political or do you think that’s new? There was a time I thought they tried to be fair and balanced
Here’s something I’m interested in. I’m 33 so my knowledge of CNN is mainly based on what I was old enough to see. Probably started paying attention to it around 2005 of later.

Do you think it’s always been far left and overly political or do you think that’s new? There was a time I thought they tried to be fair and balanced
I feel they have always been left leaning, bit now they no longer care about hiding it. SHOCK JOCK journalism is what both sides are about
The splitting hairs here gets old.

At one time I watched Fox, during the gulf war they had tremendous coverage. I soon tuned out because it was hyper political.

Watched CNN for many years but they became unwatchable as well.

Maybe it's because I'm old but the partisan bickering and party slurping doesn't appeal to me.

I don't see how one side or the other can claim some sort of high ground on not blurring fact and opinion to shape the narrative to sell to their audience.

Anyone trying to make the case that their flavor isn't doing this deserves to be mocked. They're all selling a product and doing whatever it takes to keep their customers happy without regard to the division or misinformation it sews.
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At no point did I claim all of those 20k were 100% accurate. Only that 20k were reported.

If I said you have 30 rape allegations, that’s not claiming you raped 30 people. X% of them may be wrong. This is no different.

The problem is you read into my statement what you wanted to and then pretended that’s what I said.

20k reported deaths. That’s concerning. That’s what I was and still am saying. Just like 30 rape allegations is concerning. Doesn’t mean they’re all true. But it’s reason for concern

If 19,999 of the vaccinated persons deaths were due to being hit by a bus, would the 1 guy that had an anaphylactic shock due to the vaccine be concerning? Again, VAERS doesn't make the distinction on the cause of death.

Beyond that, EVEN if VAERS determined that the vaccine was directly responsible for the 20k deaths (it doesn't) the 20k would be statistically insignificant given the 240M Americans that have received at least one dose. That's a adverse reaction rate of .0083%.

It's not that you aren't grasping that the reports aren't telling you this, it's that you're willfully ignoring this cause of death distinction after it's been pointed out for you - repeatedly. You can keep claiming you didn't say what was shown you overtly stated in black and white and I'll keep mocking you for bizarrely trying to walk it back.
If 19,999 of the vaccinated persons deaths were due to being hit by a bus, would the 1 guy that had an anaphylactic shock due to the vaccine be concerning? Again, VAERS doesn't make the distinction on the cause of death.

Beyond that, EVEN if VAERS determined that the vaccine was directly responsible for the 20k deaths (it doesn't) the 20k would be statistically insignificant given the 240M Americans that have received at least one dose. That's a adverse reaction rate of .0083%.

It's not that you aren't grasping that the reports aren't telling you this, it's that you're willfully ignoring this cause of death distinction after it's been pointed out for you - repeatedly. You can keep claiming you didn't say what was shown you overtly stated in black and white and I'll keep mocking you for bizarrely trying to walk it back.

Obviously the adverse reaction rate would be above .0083% because x% of adverse reactions would not be deaths. So claiming that’s insignificant would be ignorant

I never claimed VAERS makes any such distinction. I only stated we couldn’t move on to discussing the accuracy of the data until you accepted the data existed. You wasted hours claiming the data itself didn’t exist and that I was making stuff up
Here’s something I’m interested in. I’m 33 so my knowledge of CNN is mainly based on what I was old enough to see. Probably started paying attention to it around 2005 of later.

Do you think it’s always been far left and overly political or do you think that’s new? There was a time I thought they tried to be fair and balanced
CNN is no more far left than Fox is far right. CNNs non opinion programming is shown to be factual and more accurate than Fox. Fox is mostly opinion programming that unfortunately many viewers view as news/fact based reporting. Shapiro and the DailyWire are all opinion and farther right than Fox and are known to promote lies and conspiracy theories.
Obviously the adverse reaction rate would be above .0083% because x% of adverse reactions would not be deaths. So claiming that’s insignificant would be ignorant

I never claimed VAERS makes any such distinction. I only stated we couldn’t move on to discussing the accuracy of the data until you accepted the data existed. You wasted hours claiming the data itself didn’t exist and that I was making stuff up


You can't see the forest for the trees.

Again, I really hate to ad hom but between you bizarrely attempting to misrepresent your own argument and despite being offered proof of that misrepresentation and despite having your hand held through that explanation and many others, you continue to double down. It's one thing to be ignorant because you don't understand, but these indicators point to you simply being stupid.

You can't see the forest for the trees.

Again, I really hate to ad hom but between you bizarrely attempting to misrepresent your own argument and despite being offered proof of that misrepresentation and despite having your hand held through that explanation and many others, you continue to double down. It's one thing to be ignorant because you don't understand, but these indicators point to you simply being stupid.
When calling someone stupid..... shouldn't you use smaller, less complicated words?
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The fact that folks are fighting tooth and nail to hammer home 3 or 4 bullet points on FoxNews "lies" shows there is not much there in the way of wild fantasy news. Do they have opinion show? Yes. They tell you if they are an opinion show. They actually do plenty of journalism.

The southern border coverage has been phenomenal. If they weren't covering some of this stuff, then Americans would never know. The other media companies are covering it up. Left wing media is hiding it from people.

Last summer as cities were burning, left wing media made every excuse and lie regarding its peacefulness. Hundreds if not thousands of single events. Billions in damages, beatings, and murders but they pushed a race angle. Those facts are hard to deny. It can be argued that the type of 3rd world behavior that was allowed is impacting what were seeing today from mass snatch and grab, and violent crime. Yet now they lead almost every day with January 6 (a single event when a group of protesters were lathered up over they deemed an unfair election).

FoxNews show plenty of news shows during the day time programming. The Five is popular for having a legit progressive voice, right now Harold Ford Jr, as a decenting voice. He's not a hack though. They laugh and have a good time on these shows.

I don't think I need to go through just how bad MSNBC and CNN distort the truth, hide facts, and outright host racists and bigots.

I'm also struck sometimes how local news can seem partisan when they supposedly are just "covering" the news. All it takes are a few adjectives here and there for one side vs the other.

It takes discernment and common sense when you watch channels. Sometimes it's not what the news/opinion shows tell you it's what they don't that is just as important.

This argument reminds me of arguing why Saban and Alabama are good. They are going to have to be knocked off on the field, not by pantyhose crying and whining with false flags.
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What truth did they know and then lie to their viewers about?

You wanted examples of Fox News lying, said you were open to arguments for them being as bad as claimed, provided the kinds of examples you thought were relevant from left wing news media, and suddenly became a Fox News apologist trying to deflect any criticism away from them. If you don't see a problem with people believing one thing thing and then trying to convince their viewers of something else then I don't know what you're considering a lie. Maybe you should have started out by defining that. Is believing one thing and speaking differently about it on air for the purpose of spinning a situation in a favorable manner not lying to you?

Was there ever credible evidence antifa was behind the breach of the capitol? Credible evidence that these people were part of some false flag operation? That's what Fox was selling, despite the talking heads telling people close to the president to make it stop. Why did they think he had that power if these people weren't actually Trump supporters following through with one of his pursuits?
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You wanted examples of Fox News lying, said you were open to arguments for them being as bad as claimed, provided the kinds of examples you thought were relevant from left wing news media, and suddenly became a Fox News apologist trying to deflect any criticism away from them. If you don't see a problem with people believing one thing thing and then trying to convince their viewers of something else then I don't know what you're considering a lie. Maybe you should have started out by defining that. Is believing one thing and speaking differently about it on air for the purpose of spinning a situation in a favorable manner not lying to you?

Was there ever credible evidence antifa was behind the breach of the capitol? Credible evidence that these people were part of some false flag operation? That's what Fox was selling, despite the talking heads telling people close to the president to make it stop. Why did they think he had that power if these people weren't actually Trump supporters following through with one of his pursuits?

I asked you what the problem was. What specifically are you claiming the lied about here?
CNN is no more far left than Fox is far right. CNNs non opinion programming is shown to be factual and more accurate than Fox. Fox is mostly opinion programming that unfortunately many viewers view as news/fact based reporting. Shapiro and the DailyWire are all opinion and farther right than Fox and are known to promote lies and conspiracy theories.

Can you provide lies/conspiracy theories from Shapiro?
Okay. Can you provide me with what these people said about Chavez? So far I understand Porto, Bartiromo, and Dobbs made claims about Chavez you disagree with. What claims did they make? And no, a link to a business insider article doesn’t count


Do you intend on backing up your claims?
CNN is no more far left than Fox is far right. CNNs non opinion programming is shown to be factual and more accurate than Fox. Fox is mostly opinion programming that unfortunately many viewers view as news/fact based reporting. Shapiro and the DailyWire are all opinion and farther right than Fox and are known to promote lies and conspiracy theories.
CNNs non opinion programming died and was buried the day Trump was elected President. They will never recover.
The fact that folks are fighting tooth and nail to hammer home 3 or 4 bullet points on FoxNews "lies" shows there is not much there in the way of wild fantasy news. Do they have opinion show? Yes. They tell you if they are an opinion show. They actually do plenty of journalism.

The southern border coverage has been phenomenal. If they weren't covering some of this stuff, then Americans would never know. The other media companies are covering it up. Left wing media is hiding it from people.

Last summer as cities were burning, left wing media made every excuse and lie regarding its peacefulness. Hundreds if not thousands of single events. Billions in damages, beatings, and murders but they pushed a race angle. Those facts are hard to deny. It can be argued that the type of 3rd world behavior that was allowed is impacting what were seeing today from mass snatch and grab, and violent crime. Yet now they lead almost every day with January 6 (a single event when a group of protesters were lathered up over they deemed an unfair election).

FoxNews show plenty of news shows during the day time programming. The Five is popular for having a legit progressive voice, right now Harold Ford Jr, as a decenting voice. He's not a hack though. They laugh and have a good time on these shows.

I don't think I need to go through just how bad MSNBC and CNN distort the truth, hide facts, and outright host racists and bigots.

I'm also struck sometimes how local news can seem partisan when they supposedly are just "covering" the news. All it takes are a few adjectives here and there for one side vs the other.

It takes discernment and common sense when you watch channels. Sometimes it's not what the news/opinion shows tell you it's what they don't that is just as important.

This argument reminds me of arguing why Saban and Alabama are good. They are going to have to be knocked off on the field, not by pantyhose crying and whining with false flags.

You obviously have never taken your own advice.

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