I'm not the one saying we are headed for Armageddon because of this strike.
Don't get me wrong, I am not defending this to the degree that it might seem. I think Daggett is a thug. Honestly he's lower than a fentanyl dealer. I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep if he suddenly found himself drinking scotch with Jimmy Hoffa. But let's not forget that management is also at fault. Whenever a labor dispute gets to a strike, both sides are culpable. The real failure here though is the GOVERNMENT. If this truly has national repercussions, why isn't Puddinhead's administration doing something? He can FORCE them back to work if he wants to. Problem there is that the democrat party knows the ramifications of that action. The schadenfreude I am enjoying in this respect is absolutely delightful. The "party of the worker" has to burn down the workers' house in order to 'prove' they are who they say they are.
Ya'll do realize that we have a federal Department of Labor. Has anyone heard the name Thomas Perez? He should be on the tip of every single American's tongue right now. He is the Secretary of Labor. He's the head cheese after Puddinhead that should be running point on this right now. Admittedly I do not watch the news on any regular basis, and I had to look up who he is. Why is he not front and center, in front of cameras several times each day - if this is as dire as it is being painted to be? Is mediation going on that is being administered by the DOL? If not, WHY THE **** NOT? Because this is just one more example of the utter FAILURE that a Democrat government is, and will be.
Add the DOL to the list of federal agencies that need to be dismantled.