Putin Wants To Debate Biden

No it’s another source which you’ve pointed to and failed. And you failed here.

Strange, it seems like you were the one who pointed to it. But now you’re saying they didn’t agree with you? Odd. Now you’re pointing to it again when the dictionary doesn’t agree with you. Idk why all these authorities keep disagreeing with you. Clearly they’re all wrong and you’re right.

Our government was never “over thrown” and its mental gymnastics to claim as such “counselor”.

Not a coup pettifogger. Still

Ah yes. I remember now, you agree it was an attempted coup. That’s probably why you keep referring to the Cline Center and Dictionaries.
I do find it funny that there is some assumption on here that Putin would be some great debater. When's the last time you think he had to debate an issue or defend his positions? Hell he owns the media too. Would he crush Biden and Trump? Sure. Low bar.
Apparently he has never had a debate.
Strange, it seems like you were the one who pointed to it. But now you’re saying they didn’t agree with you? Odd. Now you’re pointing to it again when the dictionary doesn’t agree with you. Idk why all these authorities keep disagreeing with you. Clearly they’re all wrong and you’re right.

Ah yes. I remember now, you agree it was an attempted coup. That’s probably why you keep referring to the Cline Center and Dictionaries.
Oh no pettifogger. I’m referring to YOUR previous pointing to it. Which I then provided another link stating they were wrong by their own definitions.

And the dictionary doesn’t agree with YOU. It’s right there. Our government was never overthrown. God you’re dumb 🤡
Oh no pettifogger. I’m referring to YOUR previous pointing to it. Which I then provided another link stating they were wrong by their own definitions.

And the dictionary doesn’t agree with YOU. It’s right there. Our government was never overthrown. God you’re dumb 🤡
I’ve never pointed to the Cline Center. I may have pointed out that you pointing to them was wrong and dumb and inconsistent, but that was before I started taking you seriously. I have been clear that I’ve relied on the colloquial definition of a coup or coup d’ètat because I’m not an academic who needs to distinguish between the various minutia of different attempts to overthrow the government.

Right. I already agreed that it was an attempted or failed coup or putsch. You win.
I’ve never pointed to the Cline Center. I may have pointed out that you pointing to them was wrong and dumb and inconsistent, but that was before I started taking you seriously. I have been clear that I’ve relied on the colloquial definition of a coup or coup d’ètat because I’m not an academic who needs to distinguish between the various minutia of different attempts to overthrow the government.

Right. I already agreed that it was an attempted or failed coup or putsch. You win.
Oh yes you did. You provided a link to such. And I provided another link showing it didn’t fit their own definitions. You’re a liar or clueless you pick I don’t care which.

Keep them goal posts a-movin 🤡
Oh yes you did. You provided a link to such. And I provided another link showing it didn’t fit their own definitions. You’re a liar or clueless you pick I don’t care which.

Keep them goal posts a-movin 🤡
I did not. This is one of those rare occasions where you are completely and utterly incorrect.

I don’t believe I have ever linked to a definition of coup before today. I have written my definition repeatedly. Here is me saying I’m relying on common parlance/colloquial meaning:

I’m just using the word the way that it is used in common parlance: the sudden, illegal overthrow of government by force.

Could not be clearer.

Doesn’t matter. We agree: failed/attempted coup. I’m good with that.
I did not. This is one of those rare occasions where you are completely and utterly incorrect.

I don’t believe I have ever linked to a definition of coup before today. I have written my definition repeatedly. Here is me saying I’m relying on common parlance/colloquial meaning:

Could not be clearer.

Doesn’t matter. We agree: failed/attempted coup. I’m good with that.
LMFAO ok sure. Let’s talk about your link today again then since you aren’t bobbing or weaving from that. Our government was not overthrown to use the specific definition you provided. So now start parsing and thinning that down to show where your own definition in your link shows it was a coup 🤡

And in the last sentence you parsed to claim concurrence. LMFAO 🤡🤡
LMFAO ok sure. Let’s talk about your link today again then since you aren’t bobbing or weaving from that. Our government was not overthrown to use the specific definition you provided. So now start parsing and thinning that down to show where your own definition in your link shows it was a coup 🤡
I agree. The government was not overthrown.

That makes it a Failed/attempted coup/putsch. Pick your own combination.

I’ve already agreed with you, 4 times, that this is what it was. Can’t remember the last time we agreed this much.
I do find it funny that there is some assumption on here that Putin would be some great debater. When's the last time you think he had to debate an issue or defend his positions? Hell he owns the media too. Would he crush Biden and Trump? Sure. Low bar.

Putin speaks multiple languages and debates quite a lot with other countries. He is in full control making decisions, unlike Biden who is only there for his signature. They won't even let Biden address the country because they know he is incapable. He forgets what he is saying. Where he is at. The time of day. The names of people. He mostly slept when he was supposed to be campaigning. Biden is not a functioning human being. Anybody would beat Biden in a debate because he would start mumbling about his leg hair. Then the other half of his brain would turn back on causing him to blurt out "what am I doing here?".
I agree. The government was not overthrown.

That makes it a Failed/attempted coup/putsch. Pick your own combination.

I’ve already agreed with you, 4 times, that this is what it was. Can’t remember the last time we agreed this much.
I’m glad you finally admit it wasn’t a coup. I accept your apology.
It's amazing how these supposed freedom loving patriots are doing the kremiln's work day in, day out.
What? Supporting your president taking the stage against an enemy in a chance to prove his value? How could any American not support the president showing out on an international stage?
I’m glad you knew all along that it was an attempted coup and were just pretending to be dense to force me to be more precise.
Oh no I’m the one that’s been consistent. YOU provided a link with a specific definition you have agreed didn’t apply. So I’m glad you agree it wasn’t a coup. I will still accept your apology even with this minor back slide. You’re welcome.
Oh no I’m the one that’s been consistent. YOU provided a link with a specific definition you have stated didn’t apply. So I’m glad you agree it wasn’t a coup. I will still accept your apology even with this minor back slide. You’re welcome.
No backslide. I know you’ve been consistent, if not entirely clear, that it was an attempted coup. Just like I said. You knew all along.
No backslide. I know you’ve been consistent, if not entirely clear, that it was an attempted coup. Just like I said. You knew all along.
Tsk tsk tsk. More back sliding and shuffling of goal posts. We’ve already agreed it wasn’t a coup using your own definition. No need to keep agreeing that it wasn’t a coup.
I do find it funny that there is some assumption on here that Putin would be some great debater. When's the last time you think he had to debate an issue or defend his positions? Hell he owns the media too. Would he crush Biden and Trump? Sure. Low bar.
Would be interesting to have the debate in a third language so both had to use translator. Biden is surely at least on the same level, surely.
Oh look, it's RT85 coming in to be an extreme douche and throw the thread off the rails one again...
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Tsk tsk tsk. More back sliding and shuffling of goal posts. We’ve already agreed it wasn’t a coup using your own definition. No need to keep agreeing that it wasn’t a coup.
How am I backsliding? I agreed it was an attempted coup at least 8 times now. You’ve won a great victory. What more do you want?
How am I backsliding? I agreed it was an attempted coup at least 8 times now. You’ve won a great victory. What more do you want?
I never said attempted coup. I clearly said coup. You offered a definition of coup ... which you agreed doesn’t apply. And you’ve been sliding goal posts ever since trying to claim a concurrence which does not exist.
Oh look, it's RT85 coming in to be an extreme douche and throw the thread off the rails one again...
Aw look the guy who talks constantly about other people being butt hurt is acting like he wipes his ass with sandpaper.

I made an response to something that was already in the thread. If you’ve got a problem take it up with the person who posted it. Or just pretend I’m one of the voices in your head.

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