Putin Wants To Debate Biden

I forgot you were dumb for a minute.

I have answered it, at least a dozen times on this forum. And the answer to my question makes the answer to yours obvious.

Their goal was to bypass the constitutional process for selection of the executive. That would have created a new type of government in America. Something akin to an autocracy.

So, yes. It was an attempt to change the government.
How were a few thousand, probably just a couple hundred in the Capitol itself, of mostly unarmed citizens going to create a new government?

Was a manifesto found stating the basis for the new government? Were actual government functions taken over or removed from service? Heck some of the "victims" werent even in the building. Heck of a coup if AOC has to badly lie about it to appear as a victim. What is even more damning about how much this wasnt a coup were all the stories of the people being arrested being armed with guns.....at their homes in Colorado.

Sorry you dont like people being able to protest. They didnt like results, they protested it. No overthrow was even attempted. Criminal trespassing at worst, some destruction of government property thrown in for fun. They didnt announce a new government, didnt take over the airways to declare Trump dictator for life.
How were a few thousand, probably just a couple hundred in the Capitol itself, of mostly unarmed citizens going to create a new government?

Was a manifesto found stating the basis for the new government? Were actual government functions taken over or removed from service? Heck some of the "victims" werent even in the building. Heck of a coup if AOC has to badly lie about it to appear as a victim. What is even more damning about how much this wasnt a coup were all the stories of the people being arrested being armed with guns.....at their homes in Colorado.

Sorry you dont like people being able to protest. They didnt like results, they protested it. No overthrow was even attempted. Criminal trespassing at worst, some destruction of government property thrown in for fun. They didnt announce a new government, didnt take over the airways to declare Trump dictator for life.
Oh you’ve done it now.
How were a few thousand, probably just a couple hundred in the Capitol itself, of mostly unarmed citizens going to create a new government?

Was a manifesto found stating the basis for the new government? Were actual government functions taken over or removed from service? Heck some of the "victims" werent even in the building. Heck of a coup if AOC has to badly lie about it to appear as a victim. What is even more damning about how much this wasnt a coup were all the stories of the people being arrested being armed with guns.....at their homes in Colorado.

Sorry you dont like people being able to protest. They didnt like results, they protested it. No overthrow was even attempted. Criminal trespassing at worst, some destruction of government property thrown in for fun. They didnt announce a new government, didnt take over the airways to declare Trump dictator for life.
There are a lot of things wrong with this, so let’s stick with what we started covering last time: whether they were likely to be successful is immaterial. Their intent and actions furthering that intent are what matters.

Maybe you’ve thought of a response by now. Responding to this same **** 3 or 4 times in a row with nothing new added in is getting super boring.
LMFAO you shredded your own dumbass argument with your own specific definition and now you’re tripling down with Danth’s Law. Frigging beautiful BS salesman pettifogger 🤡🤡🤡

Yeah, yeah. “Adjectives not allowed” I got it the first time. Come back when you have something better.
Yeah, yeah. “Adjectives not allowed” I got it the first time. Come back when you have something better.
Danth’s Law Part Deux!!


Come back when you have a sales pitch that works for your bull **** pettifogger.
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There are a lot of things wrong with this, so let’s stick with what we started covering last time: whether they were likely to be successful is immaterial. Their intent and actions furthering that intent are what matters.

Maybe you’ve thought of a response by now. Responding to this same **** 3 or 4 times in a row with nothing new added in is getting super boring.
No no no. I said come back with a better sales pitch pettifogger. BETTER. Rehashing your used up dumbassery isn’t going to convince anybody.
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Yeah you’re not making any sense. Try again.
Oh sure I am. You see I’m in the group across the aisle that isn’t buying your bull **** description of events. Of course to your ego I can see where me not buying your bull **** doesn’t make sense to you pettifogger 🤡
Oh sure I am. You see I’m in the group across the aisle that isn’t buying your bull **** description of events. Of course to your ego I can see where me not buying your bull **** doesn’t make sense to you pettifogger 🤡
Ok. You’re a broken record of nonsense at this point.

My response to him (likelihood of success is irrelevant) is different from my response to you (that they weren’t successful means it was an attempt). Sorry nobody took the adjective thing seriously and we’ve all moved on.

If you want to make a response to “intent is what matters” then by all means, have a go. But if you’re just going to screech incoherently, I’m putting you on ignore until some other people have had a chance.
Ok. You’re a broken record of nonsense at this point.

My response to him (likelihood of success is irrelevant) is different from my response to you (that they weren’t successful means it was an attempt). Sorry nobody took the adjective thing seriously and we’ve all moved on.

If you want to make a response to “intent is what matters” then by all means, have a go. But if you’re just going to screech incoherently, I’m putting you on ignore.

And go ahead and put me on ignore then you won’t be tempted to reply and inevitably trip over your own Johnson like you always do. Just like you did today even 🤣
There are a lot of things wrong with this, so let’s stick with what we started covering last time: whether they were likely to be successful is immaterial. Their intent and actions furthering that intent are what matters.

Maybe you’ve thought of a response by now. Responding to this same **** 3 or 4 times in a row with nothing new added in is getting super boring.
Successful at what?
I think they were protesting, I think they successfully protested. Well at least they got their point across.

I dont think they successfully even attempted a coup. I believe that because there were no attempts to actually install a new government or dissolve the old.

Can you point to any action they actually took that could have installed a new government or removed the old?

At worst you have argued they "intereferred". Which is laughably broad interpretation of a "coup". In your eyes me not paying my taxes on time interferes with the government and would be a coup.
Ok. You’re a broken record of nonsense at this point.

My response to him (likelihood of success is irrelevant) is different from my response to you (that they weren’t successful means it was an attempt). Sorry nobody took the adjective thing seriously and we’ve all moved on.

If you want to make a response to “intent is what matters” then by all means, have a go. But if you’re just going to screech incoherently, I’m putting you on ignore until some other people have had a chance.
I believe I used the term "could". That's not a likelyhood argument, that's a definition argument.

They ran a mile, they did that successfully. You come in and labeled their mile run a triathalon. And thus a failed triathalon. I point out that their mile run was never expressed as an attempt at a triathalon, nor could any outside observer label it such in good faith. You come back with the argument that you labeled it a triathalon, therefore it is.

You then throw about the definition of a triathalon without establishing how it fits, beyond that they ran.

You ignore that I point out that running alone is not a triathalon nor could it be construed as one. And you make no attempts to expand your argument beyond a definition.

So I ask again. How could their actions have overthrown our government, or created a new one?
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I believe I used the term "could". That's not a likelyhood argument, that's a definition argument.

They ran a mile, they did that successfully. You come in and labeled their mile run a triathalon. And thus a failed triathalon. I point out that their mile run was never expressed as an attempt at a triathalon, nor could any outside observer label it such in good faith. You come back with the argument that you labeled it a triathalon, therefore it is.

You then throw about the definition of a triathalon without establishing how it fits, beyond that they ran.

You ignore that I point out that running alone is not a triathalon nor could it be construed as one. And you make no attempts to expand your argument beyond a definition.

So I ask again. How could their actions have overthrown our government, or created a new one?
It’s. All. He. Ever. Does Louder.

“I declare it to be this! You must prove me wrong in my own judgement of your argument to be correct”

It’s F-ing stupid.
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Successful at what?
I think they were protesting, I think they successfully protested. Well at least they got their point across.

I dont think they successfully even attempted a coup. I believe that because there were no attempts to actually install a new government or dissolve the old.

Can you point to any action they actually took that could have installed a new government or removed the old?

At worst you have argued they "intereferred". Which is laughably broad interpretation of a "coup". In your eyes me not paying my taxes on time interferes with the government and would be a coup.
Not going in for the galloping gash. One thing at a time.

Here’s what you said that I’m responding to.
How were a few thousand, probably just a couple hundred in the Capitol itself, of mostly unarmed citizens going to create a new government?

This is a retread of the “it couldn’t have been successful, therefore it wasn’t a coup,” argument that others have made. You repeated the same concept in this post, so I don’t understand why you’re asking me what I’m referring to. Maybe I’m being confusing by lumping it in with the other similar arguments, but that’s where it belongs.

Whether the coup was likely to succeed is immaterial. Their belief was that Pence was going to illegally reject the electors from the states that formed the margin of victory and name Trump president. The people who overran police and broke in were there to intimidate or subdue by force any opposition to that.

Our government is formed by the constitution. It’s the charter document. The constitution sets out the manner of succession for the president. It does not involve the Vice President choosing the electors, unilaterally.
A coup doesn’t have to start over from scratch, in fact it probably becomes something other than a coup if that’s what happens because that process is not sudden and “sudden” is definitional to a coup. A coup probably absorbs existing of government institutions so that the populace doesn’t become unruly in the event of a meaningful disruption of government services. It relies on “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” In this case “meet the new form of government, as good as the old form of government.”

Their intent is clear from a few things: first, Trump tweeted that Pence could do it and spoke about it at his rally a few days prior. These were obviously people who were trying to support Trump, even if he didn’t explicitly tell them what to do. There was a ton of content on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, including this website, that shows this was their intent. There were recordings of them saying similar stuff during the coup. We even had somebody here yesterday saying that Trump would have still been president if their representatives had a backbone, or something to that effect. They erected a gallows. They smashed into the building. They fought with the police who tried to stop them. They chanted that they wanted to hang pence when they found out he didn’t follow through on the coup.

The idea was definitely for somebody other than the legally chosen electors to appoint the president. That’s illegal and unconstitutional. If successful, that would create a new form of government. The existing government structure was supposed to fall in behind Trump, meaning it would be sudden. That’s a coup, except it wasn’t successful. Therefore it was an attempted coup.

I probably responded to some of the collateral things here, so if you want to take issue with something here or direct me to consider something else you already said... I’m not trying to avoid anything, just trying not to go chasing every strawman or red herring.
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I believe I used the term "could". That's not a likelyhood argument, that's a definition argument.

They ran a mile, they did that successfully. You come in and labeled their mile run a triathalon. And thus a failed triathalon. I point out that their mile run was never expressed as an attempt at a triathalon, nor could any outside observer label it such in good faith. You come back with the argument that you labeled it a triathalon, therefore it is.

You then throw about the definition of a triathalon without establishing how it fits, beyond that they ran.

You ignore that I point out that running alone is not a triathalon nor could it be construed as one. And you make no attempts to expand your argument beyond a definition.

So I ask again. How could their actions have overthrown our government, or created a new one?
This post wasn’t even in response to you. You got your response and I think I’ve addressed everything here. And not for the first time. It’s disingenuous for you to act like I haven’t explained my reasoning on these things, especially when you got embarrassed at bit knowing the difference between the form of government and government policy and stopped responding.

Pretty sure I directed you to my posts explaining how it met the definition of a coup in that thread. If you didn’t read them, that’s not my fault, but it has now been repeated here so no more excuses.
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Not going in for the galloping gash. One thing at a time.

Here’s what you said that I’m responding to.

This is a retread of the “it couldn’t have been successful, therefore it wasn’t a coup,” argument that others have made. You repeated the same concept in this post, so I don’t understand why you’re asking me what I’m referring to. Maybe I’m being confusing by lumping it in with the other similar arguments, but that’s where it belongs.

Whether the coup was likely to succeed is immaterial. Their belief was that Pence was going to illegally reject the electors from the states that formed the margin of victory and name Trump president. The people who overran police and broke in were there to intimidate or subdue by force any opposition to that.

Our government is formed by the constitution. It’s the charter document. The constitution sets out the manner of succession for the president. It does not involve the Vice President choosing the electors, unilaterally.
A coup doesn’t have to start over from scratch, in fact it probably becomes something other than a coup if that’s what happens because that process is not sudden and “sudden” is definitional to a coup. A coup probably absorbs existing of government institutions so that the populace doesn’t become unruly in the event of a meaningful disruption of government services. It relies on “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” In this case “meet the new form of government, as good as the old form of government.”

Their intent is clear from a few things: first, Trump tweeted that Pence could do it and spoke about it at his rally a few days prior. These were obviously people who were trying to support Trump, even if he didn’t explicitly tell them what to do. There was a ton of content on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, including this website, that shows this was their intent. There were recordings of them saying similar stuff during the coup. We even had somebody here yesterday saying that Trump would have still been president if their representatives had a backbone, or something to that effect. They erected a gallows. They smashed into the building. They fought with the police who tried to stop them. They chanted that they wanted to hang pence when they found out he didn’t follow through on the coup.

The idea was definitely for somebody other than the legally chosen electors to appoint the president. That’s illegal and unconstitutional. If successful, that would create a new form of government. The existing government structure was supposed to fall in behind Trump, meaning it would be sudden. That’s a coup, except it wasn’t successful. Therefore it was an attempted coup.

I probably responded to some of the collateral things here, so if you want to take issue with something here or direct me to consider something else you already said... I’m not trying to avoid anything, just trying not to go chasing every strawman or red herring.
First, that "could" is again not a probability argument, unless you are taking it to the absurd, which you seem to be. They werent there for a coup. Some talk on Parler doesnt justify you assigning meaning to a group you havent even proved were involved with these online "coups". And there were just as many "coups" about removing Trump before 1/20, some on this site. According to your absurd argument there is a coup about every five minutes in this nation because the probability aspect doesnt matter.

Second, your coup involves the people setting up Pence to take control, but somehow forgot to bring him along? Did they even communicate with him? Since you admitted they wanted him hung, I am guessing no, as Pence would have told them to shove it in person. Kinda seems if they wanted to overthrow the government via Pence he would be in on it.

Third, we are allowed to beAngry at representatives. How coup-ish is it for people to talk about reeducating Trump supporters in Congress? Seems like that also upsets the Consitution. This is the problem with how wide you have cast your net, I can make the same argument for just about anything.

Fourth, ideas are illegal and unconstitutional? Have you ran this by the pre-Crime division before making these accusations? They didnt do any one thing that could have in any way, shape, or form, possibly changed who the representatives were. Again, something a coup would at least attempt. They protested, which is definitely protected. I have already called out the destruction of property, and the violent ones should face their day in court. The fact that there was violence, and that they "stormed" the building (by following the roped path? Lol) doesnt mean it was a coup. Again by your definition a kid breaking into city hall and vandalizing some art is a coup. That is how absurdly broad you are being in your effort to call this a coup.

How did their specific actions, not some bs on Parler or Reddit, actually threaten the government or change of power? At very worst it was a delaying tactic, nothing in the Constitution spells out that under no circumstances can there be a delay or else the old president stays in power. If they were going to subvert the Constitution were was the evidence they were rewriting the Constitution? Some person recording themselves on FB live saying something doesnt make it a coup. And I doubt very much any of them had thought beyond their protest, and you have yet to present anything that takes it beyond a protest. I am even fine if you want to call the protest inside the Capitol illegal, but would argue about the majority who stayed outside were perfectly in their right to be there.
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How were a few thousand, probably just a couple hundred in the Capitol itself, of mostly unarmed citizens going to create a new government?

Was a manifesto found stating the basis for the new government? Were actual government functions taken over or removed from service? Heck some of the "victims" werent even in the building. Heck of a coup if AOC has to badly lie about it to appear as a victim. What is even more damning about how much this wasnt a coup were all the stories of the people being arrested being armed with guns.....at their homes in Colorado.

Sorry you dont like people being able to protest. They didnt like results, they protested it. No overthrow was even attempted. Criminal trespassing at worst, some destruction of government property thrown in for fun. They didnt announce a new government, didnt take over the airways to declare Trump dictator for life.

I don't think that the incompetence can be used as an excuse. They were there to disrupt congress and prevent the vote and violence was their tool - that their plan was ill conceived and poorly executed isn't the pass you think it is.

First, that "could" is again not a probability argument, unless you are taking it to the absurd, which you seem to be. They werent there for a coup. Some talk on Parler doesnt justify you assigning meaning to a group you havent even proved were involved with these online "coups". And there were just as many "coups" about removing Trump before 1/20, some on this site. According to your absurd argument there is a coup about every five minutes in this nation because the probability aspect doesnt matter.

Second, your coup involves the people setting up Pence to take control, but somehow forgot to bring him along? Did they even communicate with him? Since you admitted they wanted him hung, I am guessing no, as Pence would have told them to shove it in person. Kinda seems if they wanted to overthrow the government via Pence he would be in on it.

Third, we are allowed to beAngry at representatives. How coup-ish is it for people to talk about reeducating Trump supporters in Congress? Seems like that also upsets the Consitution. This is the problem with how wide you have cast your net, I can make the same argument for just about anything.

Fourth, ideas are illegal and unconstitutional? Have you ran this by the pre-Crime division before making these accusations? They didnt do any one thing that could have in any way, shape, or form, possibly changed who the representatives were. Again, something a coup would at least attempt. They protested, which is definitely protected. I have already called out the destruction of property, and the violent ones should face their day in court. The fact that there was violence, and that they "stormed" the building (by following the roped path? Lol) doesnt mean it was a coup. Again by your definition a kid breaking into city hall and vandalizing some art is a coup. That is how absurdly broad you are being in your effort to call this a coup.

How did their specific actions, not some bs on Parler or Reddit, actually threaten the government or change of power? At very worst it was a delaying tactic, nothing in the Constitution spells out that under no circumstances can there be a delay or else the old president stays in power. If they were going to subvert the Constitution were was the evidence they were rewriting the Constitution? Some person recording themselves on FB live saying something doesnt make it a coup. And I doubt very much any of them had thought beyond their protest, and you have yet to present anything that takes it beyond a protest. I am even fine if you want to call the protest inside the Capitol illegal, but would argue about the majority who stayed outside were perfectly in their right to be there.
It absolutely is what you’ve referred to as a probability argument. That’s just an asinine statement. You’ve made the same argument six (now seven) different ways and every time it is some flaw in their execution (e.g. “so few people”) and the fact that the whole thing couldn’t produce a certain result. Usually, the result you’re asking after isn’t even necessary for it to have been a coup (e.g. “create a new government.”)

Ok. I’ve already conceded it was poorly planned, delusional, and based on a number of mistakes of fact. It had no realistic hope of being successful. These aren’t the best and brightest people and many of them live in an alternate reality. That’s not news to anybody who isn’t one of them. None of that matters.

What matters is 1. intent and 2. actions in furtherance of that intent.

The videos of people at the Capitol saying that they wanted to overturn the election speak to their intent and are generally consistent with the statements on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, and VN. The subsequent statements are also generally consistent. Donald Trump was, at that time, engaged in a months-long campaign to overturn the election. He said the day before that he wanted Pence to overturn the election. This was a grass roots movement to support that objective. The best evidence of this is that when Pence didn’t overturn the election, they turned on him en masse. There would be no other justification to turn on him at that point, other than that they wanted him to throw out the votes and overturn the election. Therefore, their intent was to overturn the election.

Overturning the election in that manner is unconstitutional. It is inconsistent with our form of government. The result would be, definitionally, a different form of government. Therefore, the intent to illegally overturn an election and suddenly install an unelected autocrat is the intent to carry out a coup.

Their actions furthered this intent by placing a violent, intimidating mob inside the Capitol where the vote was taking place. They dressed in combat cosplay. They brought or fashioned weapons. They fought their way in. They brought or confiscated zip tie restraints. These actions are all in furtherance of subduing or intimidating resistance to an objective. They were, thankfully, unsuccessful at doing more than delaying the vote.

The good faith (I guess?) arguments you’ve made are all endemic to you. You refuse to acknowledge statements about their intent. You refuse to fundamental civics. That doesn’t mean those statements don’t show intent. That doesn’t meant that an autocracy can exist within our constitutional form of government. Those things remain true regardless of any willful decision to ignore them.

The Pence thing, I’ve already covered. There’s no way you followed what happened and honestly thought your portrayal of it above was honest, accurate, and a meaningful rebuttal. So at this point I assume we transitioned into the bad faith arguments.

I think with the third point you’re trying to analogize something that clearly isn’t even close to a coup with a coup to make it seem like some sort of slippery slope. Yours is so obviously unrelated to overturning the government that I can’t really tell.

With the fourth, you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth but, again it’s hard to tell what relevant point you’re making because it starts out seeming a bit hysterical and just gets worse.
I don't think that the incompetence can be used as an excuse. They were there to disrupt congress and prevent the vote and violence was their tool - that their plan was ill conceived and poorly executed isn't the pass you think it is.

I will give you the point about them wanting to disrupt the vote. That can't be argued. But those were not people hellbent on violence. They came there in large numbers unarmed and were walking between the velvet ropes and taking selfies in various places.
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Successful at what?
I think they were protesting, I think they successfully protested. Well at least they got their point across.

I dont think they successfully even attempted a coup. I believe that because there were no attempts to actually install a new government or dissolve the old.

Can you point to any action they actually took that could have installed a new government or removed the old?

At worst you have argued they "intereferred". Which is laughably broad interpretation of a "coup". In your eyes me not paying my taxes on time interferes with the government and would be a coup.

The dog that caught the car analogy. They had no idea what they were going to do once inside.

Except that massive act of insurrection of stealing moving Pelosi's podium.
I will give you the point about them wanting to disrupt the vote. That can't be argued. But those were not people hellbent on violence. They came there in large numbers unarmed and were walking between the velvet ropes and taking selfies in various places.

Don't forget the alleged destruction of offices.

Which I have this funny feeling since of that was staged to make it look far worse than it was...
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It absolutely is what you’ve referred to as a probability argument. That’s just an asinine statement. You’ve made the same argument six (now seven) different ways and every time it is some flaw in their execution (e.g. “so few people”) and the fact that the whole thing couldn’t produce a certain result. Usually, the result you’re asking after isn’t even necessary for it to have been a coup (e.g. “create a new government.”)

Ok. I’ve already conceded it was poorly planned, delusional, and based on a number of mistakes of fact. It had no realistic hope of being successful. These aren’t the best and brightest people and many of them live in an alternate reality. That’s not news to anybody who isn’t one of them. None of that matters.

What matters is 1. intent and 2. actions in furtherance of that intent.

The videos of people at the Capitol saying that they wanted to overturn the election speak to their intent and are generally consistent with the statements on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, and VN. The subsequent statements are also generally consistent. Donald Trump was, at that time, engaged in a months-long campaign to overturn the election. He said the day before that he wanted Pence to overturn the election. This was a grass roots movement to support that objective. The best evidence of this is that when Pence didn’t overturn the election, they turned on him en masse. There would be no other justification to turn on him at that point, other than that they wanted him to throw out the votes and overturn the election. Therefore, their intent was to overturn the election.

Overturning the election in that manner is unconstitutional. It is inconsistent with our form of government. The result would be, definitionally, a different form of government. Therefore, the intent to illegally overturn an election and suddenly install an unelected autocrat is the intent to carry out a coup.

Their actions furthered this intent by placing a violent, intimidating mob inside the Capitol where the vote was taking place. They dressed in combat cosplay. They brought or fashioned weapons. They fought their way in. They brought or confiscated zip tie restraints. These actions are all in furtherance of subduing or intimidating resistance to an objective. They were, thankfully, unsuccessful at doing more than delaying the vote.

The good faith (I guess?) arguments you’ve made are all endemic to you. You refuse to acknowledge statements about their intent. You refuse to fundamental civics. That doesn’t mean those statements don’t show intent. That doesn’t meant that an autocracy can exist within our constitutional form of government. Those things remain true regardless of any willful decision to ignore them.

The Pence thing, I’ve already covered. There’s no way you followed what happened and honestly thought your portrayal of it above was honest, accurate, and a meaningful rebuttal. So at this point I assume we transitioned into the bad faith arguments.

I think with the third point you’re trying to analogize something that clearly isn’t even close to a coup with a coup to make it seem like some sort of slippery slope. Yours is so obviously unrelated to overturning the government that I can’t really tell.

With the fourth, you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth but, again it’s hard to tell what relevant point you’re making because it starts out seeming a bit hysterical and just gets worse.

Using your thinking here, each and every BLM and equality march this last spring and summer was an insurrection.
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Don't forget the alleged destruction of offices.

Which I have this funny feeling since of that was staged to make it look far worse than it was...
I mean, they were able to continue on later that day. They want to make it out like the place was burned to the ground.

VN Store
