Thursday morning begins with talk of Myspace and Facebook. Specifically how much of a danger both of these networking sites are for college athletes. Marcus Monk and Dorien Bryant lead the discussion. "We used to have these parties called Edward Fortyhands at Purdue. You had to have a forty taped to each of your hands, and have them finished before you could get them untaped. Everybody went to the parties, and there was a picture of me doing it. One day we got in trouble because Coach Tiller had a manager put all the pictures up on a slideshow, and then had us sit down and watch the pictures that they'd found of us. At the end Coach Tiller said, 'I want every single one of these pictures gone in two days or you have to answer to me.' We cleared that s**t up right fast."
Monk joins the conversation. "Same with Coach (Houston) Nutt. He walked into the front of the room with a big stack of pictures and papers and stuff and slammed it all down on the top of the table and said, "I've got stuff on all y'all. Get it cleaned up. That's why I'm not on none of them. Myspace, Facebook, none of them."
Antwan Stewart, combine trainer and former Tennessee defensive back, chimes in, "Oh man, Coach Fulmer killed us about that. One day he walked into the meeting room with the newspaper in his hand-they were doing a story about the pictures we had up -- and said, "Which one of you dumba***s -- that's the way he always started talking when someone got in trouble -- has been putting pictures up online? I want them down and I want them down now."