Realistic Expectations for Florida

Maybe what happened at Oregon will ultimately be a good thing. When a team loses like that the embarrassment can either shake their confidence and will play poorly again, or just the opposite will happen. They get a fire lite under their butts and come out and play with a determination to never let it happen again. Florida may be confident coming into this game cause they will see the Oregon tape. I think you'll see a different game-plan this week. Oregon in the long run means very little. Against Oregon we didn't seem we have a win at all cost mentality and played, at least play-calling wise, passively. It could mean that we have more bags of tricks or the cupboard is dry and this team, being so young simply cant handle a lot as far as playbook. we have so many guys who have either no experience or have had poor development. Here's hoping we pull out all the stops against Florida and that there's a little more to the cupboard then what we've seen.
We have a good shot as long as we don't punt it to Brandon James.

Seriously, I expect another 20+ point loss. Let's say 38-14.

Game is close for a quarter with both defenses playing stout then they break it open with big play by Driskel and Worley follows it up with a terrible interception to give them a 3 TD cushion. Second half is a snooze fest.

This has pretty much been our script against ranked teams for the past 3 seasons.
We need to score at least 28 to win this game. We need ball control. I doubt you see us accomplish either.
i expect something along the lines of 31-3. i dont see how we will score and assuming florida doesnt turn the ball over 5? (maybe 6?) times again i cant see them not scoring.
We get murdered against Florida if Worley plays 42-6 but if Peterman plays it will be like 35-20. And after south Alabama we will get crushed in the next 5 games with a 3-7 record. We lose to vandy in a laugher again and beat KY to finish 4-8. Not going to be a good yr guys. Reality is setting in things will take a long time to rebuild and even I'm not setting lofty expectations like a lot on here with some saying we were beating the ducks?? Really?? I knew we were going to get crushed badly. I didn't think it was going to be that bad as the score indicated. I'll still cheer on my vols but it sucks things have dropped to this low...
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We get murdered against Florida if Worley plays 42-6 but if Peterman plays it will be like 35-20. And after south Alabama we will get crushed in the next 5 games with a 3-7 record. We lose to vandy in a laugher again and beat KY to finish 4-8. Not going to be a good yr guys. Reality is setting in things will take a long time to rebuild and even I'm not setting lofty expectations like a lot on here with some saying we were beating the ducks?? Really?? I knew we were going to get crushed badly. I didn't think it was going to be that bad as the score indicated. I'll still cheer on my vols but it sucks things have dropped to this low...

You aren't a Vols fan.
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Open your eyes... Florida will beat us! Their defense is better and my god with Worsley running the offense we do well to beat anybody in the SEC.. Florida's offense is much better. Hate to bust your bubble this is reality...If the coaching staff has got any konads they will make some changes especially at Qtb. Probably won't everybody will just keep drawing those big fat checks. Gators will best us. I cannot stand to watch.. go vols .. prove us wrong just play smash mouth football and win..
We gonna Whoop Dey AZZ!!!!!!

No seriously!!

The Ducks are the Ducks...but Florida...looks pretty butt's still very doable. Not many should be THAT surprised by this weekend.
No. Your offense can move the ball. Don't turn it over, and y'all will score.

We don't turn it over a lot, we just can't move anywhere.

Good point on UF's offense. We moved the ball consistently between the 20s against Miami, then imploded in the red zone. After it was clear Toledo couldn't move the ball we ran the ball on just about every play.

I haven't watched the UT-Oregon game yet. It's on the DVR and I'll get to it at some point. I watched the WKU game, and I couldn't get a good read on Worley because the game got out of hand so quickly.
You aren't a Vols fan.

Damn straight, true fans think the Vols will win every game. Oregon cheated, we will run the table and win the NC over a vastly inferior Ohio St. team because of SEC speed you stupid Negavols.

Dude you think this team goes 8-4??? Your f---ing nuts right now!!!!! I'm a realist and I know this team sucks right now!! Get off your ego train and suck it up for once!! The true fans know damn well it's not going to be fixed overnight!! The next 2 seasons will tell the tale if Jones can save this program from oblivion
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Good point on UF's offense. We moved the ball consistently between the 20s against Miami, then imploded in the red zone. After it was clear Toledo couldn't move the ball we ran the ball on just about every play.

I haven't watched the UT-Oregon game yet. It's on the DVR and I'll get to it at some point. I watched the WKU game, and I couldn't get a good read on Worley because the game got out of hand so quickly.

I'll save you the trouble. We pretended to run the read option, but Worley didn't bother reading the line, and just handed it off every single time. Literally every single time.

Even when the defense crashed on Neal and there was NO ONE on the other side of the field, he still handed it off. So basically, don't be fooled. It's a handoff, not an option.

Next, Worley is so bad that he can't throw interceptions because the ball is not close to the receiver or the defensive back.

Last, our defense fought. But they were overmatched. Not fast enough, and not ready for all of the Ducks' passing. Looked decent against the run, but got shredded through the air.
Dude you think this team goes 8-4??? Your f---ing nuts right now!!!!! I'm a realist and I know this team sucks right now!! Get off your ego train and suck it up for once!! The true fans know damn well it's not going to be fixed overnight!! The next 2 seasons will tell the tale if Jones can save this program from oblivion

Okay. Firstly, I never said any of that. The words 8-4 haven't been touched by me. I am a realist as well.

However, we have never lost 8 games in a season and we aren't starting this year. If you think we go 4-8 you think we lose to Missouri, Vandy, and Auburn. All three of them. Three teams that we will likely be favored, or less than 4 point dogs. We can very possibly win all three of those games, and finish 7-5.

However, I have said all along that 6-6 is the most likely. You said Vanderbilt would kill us. In Neyland? After what happened last year?
Have you even watched Vanderbilt play? They look NO better than us. Period.

So stop putting words in my mouth, and learn the game of football, and learn about the teams that you are typing about. :hi:
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