Recruiting Football Talk VII

I think we’d be able to tell if those kids were doing steroids. Hell I’m on TRT now and I’ve only gained 10 pounds, and I know these kids don’t eat more than I do.

Illegal recruiting is everywhere.

Bat shaving could be true…there’s certain ways to get by that. ;)
Always check the stickers.
Also having been to both a few times, Titans games are so much more enjoyable and less stressful. Parking situation is easy, crowd management to and from stadium figured out, fan experience is far better and seats more comfortable. The energy of the crowd isn't quite as epic...even for lesser teams the Vols fans are a lot more into it.
Yeah the crowd energy isn’t near the same but the ability to enjoy the game in person without the nerves/anxiety being completely wrecked is nice
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I was doing my reflection time this morning and I kept coming to the same thoughts. So often we are disappointed, dissatisfied or let down. Usually it is not the specific outcome, but the expectations that lead us to those feelings.

The world is pretty dissatisfying most days, but our way of thinking does not have to be.

I am so happy that @chvy1986 has a new baby girl. I am so happy that I had the gift of knowing @SweetasSoda. I am so happy that basevols won a title even if others are dissatisfied with how we celebrate. I am happy that DK got drafted even if the world was dissatisfied with his age.

I think if there is an evil one his greatest trick is convincing us we aren't happy when we have every reason we should be.

I pray each of you protects your joy. Finds the true love and joy in your life and cherishes it as best you can.
Thanks for being positive. Sometimes we all miss the good stuff.
When Edey can no longer lay on smaller defenders and go over their back while the quicker players steal the ball from him on O, we will see just how thrilled the Grizz are with their pick.

Who knew France had the ultimate in talent for the NBA? The competition between 18 year olds there must be electric. j/k

^^^ Two of the reasons I don't watch the NBA anymore. May take a peak at some Lakers games just to see how they incorporate DK.
I'm going to do my @MarcoVol on all y'all Grizz haters.

Draft Grades from Major Sources (Krysten Peek does not count. She's clueless. LOL)
SourceLakers (Knecht)Grizzlies (Edey)
SB NationB+B+
Fox SportsA+B+
NBC SportsAB
Sports IllustratedA+B-
CBS SportsA+C
The ScoreAB+
USA TodayA+B+

Pretty much universal agreement is that Knecht was steal of class. The ONLY reason people weren't drafting him was due to age, which has been a bad indicator of success recently.

Anyone with sense can see how Edey matches up extremely well with Ja & JJJ. Almost universal agreement that he's going to plug really well in Memphis, where a similar player (Steven Adams) thrived & helped Memphis be a top team in the league.

I have a few good friends that are good, solid folks who are Alabama fans. I have casual acquaintances who are relatively decent folks who are Florida and Georgia fans. I have lived in middle Tennessee all my life (except the 6 years I was in school in Knoxville) and I can honestly say that I don't know a single person who is an avowed Peabody fan that isn't an arrogant piss-ant. I know people who root for them occasionally out of pity when it is convenient. But the "true" fans I have encountered are either delusional or detestable human beings.
I have a few good friends that are good, solid folks who are Alabama fans. I have casual acquaintances who are relatively decent folks who are Florida and Georgia fans. I have lived in middle Tennessee all my life (except the 6 years I was in school in Knoxville) and I can honestly say that I don't know a single person who is an avowed Peabody fan that isn't an arrogant piss-ant. I know people who root for them occasionally out of pity when it is convenient. But the "true" fans I have encountered are either delusional or detestable human beings.
Same, every Vanderbilt fan I've ever met is an arrogant piece of ****.
I’m a huge Vols fan. I’m also a Grizz fan. After a night of sleeping, I have these thoughts:

Would I have loved the Grizz to draft Knecht? Absolutely!

Would he have been a fit on this team? Yes, like a glove.

Was he a need? Not necessarily, unless he was to replace Luke Kennard in the rotation.

Do I have a problem with Zach Edey on the team? No

Should the Grizz have traded back and then drafted Edey? Absolutely

The Grizz needed a center that will play 20-25 mpg and set screens and rebound the basketball, which is what Steven Adams’ job was. Edey won’t be asked much. I worry about his long term conditioning in the Grizz’ system.

I know Vol fans are angry with the Grizz passing on Knecht. I would’ve loved nothing more than to see him in a Grizz uniform. But I do find it laughable that Vol fans think the Grizz and the Titans for that matter are sabotaging the state. The Grizzlies have thrown a bone at UT fans and acquired 3 Vols in the last decade: Stokes, Pons, and Chandler. Unfortunately, neither panned out.
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I think I would have respected what Shnobztacle said if I didn’t know it was a crock of shite. He said multiple contradictory statements. With the video of him that surfaced dogging the fans, and now trying to pump them up, he’s doing nothing more than trying to save face. Bet his attorney was up all night coming up with those lines.
Doubt his attorney has to waste any time coming up with lines for him. Very clearly he is a natural liar. Can spot that type a mile away.
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US lost to football?


You ever watch their game shows? Those suckers have to be fleet of foot and can probably run and cover routes that would break an American's ankles in three places. And that is just their office workers.
As for line dominance, it is the country of sumo wrestling. They can toss our lines aside with ease.

Surprised we didn't lose by double that.
You ever watch their game shows? Those suckers have to be fleet of foot and can probably run and cover routes that would break an American's ankles in three places. And that is just their office workers.
As for line dominance, it is the country of sumo wrestling. They can toss our lines aside with ease.

Surprised we didn't lose by double that.
I'd take an OL full of sumo wrestlers....... ;)
What I don't get and I think Richard Jefferson pointed this out...the bulk of the best players in the NBA aren't in their teens. So you're drafting potential, but even then by the time they reach their 2nd contract they still aren't at their best.

PPG for the 23-24 season, Anthony Edwards is the only player in the top 20 that was younger than 23 (DK's age). The average age of the top 50 players in PPG is 26.7 so I'm not sure what the numbers are that really support "drafting younger is better" my assumption is that NBA teams think they're better at developing talent than college coaches.
Until he's getting his ankles broken by Chet or Wembanyama while they also send back his soft ass layups.

I mean the West is full of bigs. Wemby, Chet, AD, Gobert, Kessler, Giannis, Jokic, Sabonis...

I think he'll contribute though. Big, strong and he can rebound. Mostly just don't think many will look back at a 6-8 year career of 8/8 and think "great value at the 9 pick" is all.
Ya, he's not athletic enough to justify that pick. I don't think Chet is heavy enough to handle Edey, but the others you mentioned won't have any problems with him. He'll be a decent role player that everyone realizes wasn't worth a lottery pick. You just can't be an unathletic player in today's game and be an elite player (aka top 10 pick), and Edey is relatively unathletic.

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