Recruiting Football Talk VII

Happy Thankful Thursday,

June 27, 2024: Be still. Settle your soul and your spirit so that you can rest in My presence. Let go of all worry, strife and contention. There are things you can do something about, so do that. But, there are things beyond your control that you need to release in faith knowing that you will have the wisdom and ability to do all that has been set before you, says the Lord. Rest in Me. Hebrews 4:9-11a There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest.
Needed this because I got some bad news when arrived for work today..My boss,who I really like, informed me that she’s leaving for a better and higher paying job..Of course that is understandable but still threw for a loop..Not sure how much time I have left at this job now..🤷‍♀️
I have a few good friends that are good, solid folks who are Alabama fans. I have casual acquaintances who are relatively decent folks who are Florida and Georgia fans. I have lived in middle Tennessee all my life (except the 6 years I was in school in Knoxville) and I can honestly say that I don't know a single person who is an avowed Peabody fan that isn't an arrogant piss-ant. I know people who root for them occasionally out of pity when it is convenient. But the "true" fans I have encountered are either delusional or detestable human beings.
Snoop Dogg is very disappointed in you and your life choices....
Rapper Snoop Dogg Shaking My Head Reaction GIF |
That means a lot and very well said! I went through some tough times back in 2019 and the devil definitely convinced me I wasn’t happy even though I had so many reasons to be happy. I have THE BEST family. I work every day with my parents and we have a great relationship. I see my sister and her kids at least once a week too. Even though I was single and slowly accepting the idea that I would never be a dad, I still had so much good in my life that I failed to focus on. I had a conversation with my best friend who lives all the way up in Alberta and it really set me straight. Good friends can do that and I really thank him for it. I immediately started making the best of each day and embracing the life that God gave me.

Now, I’m married, a step dad to her two wonderful kids, and now a dad to my own daughter. Sold my house, selling her house, building a home for our family, and in the process of selling our two businesses to spend more time with family. Focusing on positives changed my life ❤️❤️❤️
Is your wife okay with naming your girl @SweetasSoda ?
Anyone not juicing in college athletics or the pros has my respect, but not my empathy. At this point the lines are so blurred it would be impossible not to be engaged in some enhancement.
I hear Blake Burke takes Viagra because he heard it would stiffen up his bat....
Pro teams should pick who they want to help the team. But that’s my beef- I believe DK will produce and was the better pro player. The Grizzlies need a center but can get one in FA who has experience. Edey will have growing pains, and the window is the next 2-3 years with their salaries.
I agree pro teams should pick who they want, but at the same time, lottery picks carry value. I just don't think Edey is going to be that good of an NBA player, but if that's who you've identified as who you want, I think the Griz could have traded off the pick and still have gotten Edey while acquiring something else in return, not to mention saving money on Edey's contract. Just don't see Edey as possessing lottery value.
Needed this because I got some bad news when arrived for work today..My boss,who I really like, informed me that she’s leaving for a better and higher paying job..Of course that is understandable but still threw for a loop..Not sure how much time I have left at this job now..🤷‍♀️
Prayers for God to give you wisdom and discernment as you think about your future employment. I pray He opens wide the door for which He has prepared for you to walk through. Whether that be staying where you are, or moving to a new job. I pray that He would just make it very plain and clear where He desires you to be so that you can best fulfill all that He has planned for you.
Needed this because I got some bad news when arrived for work today..My boss,who I really like, informed me that she’s leaving for a better and higher paying job..Of course that is understandable but still threw for a loop..Not sure how much time I have left at this job now..🤷‍♀️
Tell her you are in the portal. She can take you with. 😂

Seriously, hope it works out for you. Here's a photo of our office cat to tide you over until you get more good news.
I mean Ryan Dunn a 6'8" shooting guard from Virginia was taken by the Nuggets in the 1st round (traded to Suns). He's played in 65 games is a career 5.5 ppg, 5.0 rpg shooting guard that's shot 23.5% from deep and 52.5% from the line and he's 21 to boot.
Lengthy defender. Offense most certainly isn't his game. But he was up to 8 ppg 7 rpg and almost 2 and a half blocks a game last year.

Defensive studs have their place with so many elite, athletic scorers these days.
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That means a lot and very well said! I went through some tough times back in 2019 and the devil definitely convinced me I wasn’t happy even though I had so many reasons to be happy. I have THE BEST family. I work every day with my parents and we have a great relationship. I see my sister and her kids at least once a week too. Even though I was single and slowly accepting the idea that I would never be a dad, I still had so much good in my life that I failed to focus on. I had a conversation with my best friend who lives all the way up in Alberta and it really set me straight. Good friends can do that and I really thank him for it. I immediately started making the best of each day and embracing the life that God gave me.

Now, I’m married, a step dad to her two wonderful kids, and now a dad to my own daughter. Sold my house, selling her house, building a home for our family, and in the process of selling our two businesses to spend more time with family. Focusing on positives changed my life ❤️❤️❤️
Awesome testimony.
CWS Champions, to Knecht excitedly welcomed by the Lakers, to the opening of Baseball portal season. Tony is recruiting Cape Cod summer league as we speak.

None of this will be surprising, but it’s been frantic at the AD since we won. We had a targeted list of portal players, but have since heard from A&M and Tejas players, in addition to players who are reaching out on the side prior to entry. We’ve made an entirely new board in the last two days based on the insane interest level.

Football recruiting is very active. And the young men will be back at practice before you know it.
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there isn't that big a difference between college game and the NBA game. In terms of Edey's domination. He will absolutely translate to pros, as much as I hate it.
Have to disagree overall. The nba is littered with Euro style bigs that can stretch the floor and play outside of the paint.

Most US college big men are still fairly traditional. Edey was great at dominating those guys. I think he'll struggle some to defend side to side. That said, I do think he could become a strong rotational player. He has a place, but I have a hard time seeing a modern NBA team building around a traditional big man.
I'm going to do my @MarcoVol on all y'all Grizz haters.

Draft Grades from Major Sources (Krysten Peek does not count. She's clueless. LOL)
SourceLakers (Knecht)Grizzlies (Edey)
SB NationB+B+
Fox SportsA+B+
NBC SportsAB
Sports IllustratedA+B-
CBS SportsA+C
The ScoreAB+
USA TodayA+B+

Pretty much universal agreement is that Knecht was steal of class. The ONLY reason people weren't drafting him was due to age, which has been a bad indicator of success recently.

Anyone with sense can see how Edey matches up extremely well with Ja & JJJ. Almost universal agreement that he's going to plug really well in Memphis, where a similar player (Steven Adams) thrived & helped Memphis be a top team in the league.
Adams is a fair comp, though he appeared just a bit lighter on his feet. But Edey has the size and strength advantage imo.

Will be interesting to watch. If Ja can keep his head on.
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[This was moved from a single, high-traffic recruit's thread for the people who knew Sweet from her posts in player threads but who don't post here. I am aware that it makes no sense in this thread.]

Many of you know from the "Football Talk" thread, but there are a lot of posters who mostly stay in the recruits' threads and would like to know that @SweetasSoda has passed away after a sudden onset illness of about a month's duration. She posted in threads often and had many friends here. I don't want to post to every thread, and decided this would be a place where nearly everyone would see this message.

She called herself "the captain of the cheerleaders," and she was surely a bright, loyal, enthusiastic lover of Tennessee athletics, football and football recruiting most of all. A "Go Fund Me" account has been set up to help her family with funeral arrangements, if you would like to contribute. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. It would probably be best if anyone who wanted to remember her in a brief message use the "SweetAsSoda GFM" or "Football Talk" threads, so recruits' thread are not run off-course.

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