Recruiting Football Talk VIII

So, now you're actually answering my original question of "Where the hell is this coming from?" by saying it's coming from you? Wouldn't it have been easier to just say that the first time around?
What? It is not from me. I posted it. Assumed that much was obvious. I did not witness it first-hand. From me would mean I witnessed or heard what is being reported. I did not. The person who the information came from was somebody who would know. That was the point. I passed along second-hand information.
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Wait... what's the book?

And does she read it out loud?
In Alabama, she reads...
Hop on Pop: The Simplest Seuss for Youngest Use (Bright & Early Board Books)
I try to be a man of my word. I think it was yesterday that we were discussing who is calling plays, and I'd said that I saw a video where a player blatantly attributes (at least one) playcall to Halzle. Well, here it is. You're looking for about the 07:30 mark.

As of today...I have lost 50 medical or surgical help, I can't even really exercise effectively due to my horrific extreme arthritis...just pure will power and commitment.

I thank the good Lord for helping me with my will power as I have continually asked him to. Many times I have gotten aggravated, anxious or depressed which has usually triggered me to quit in times past, but I have prayed my way through it.

Now...50 more to go!

PS...this is really starting to help with the arthritic problems, I never feel good, but I feel tons better and if it continues to improve, I should soon be able to go to the gym and get even healthier.

I know most don't care and know some will mock faith having anything to do with it...but maybe somebody will get something from this to help them along a similar path.

And I owe God everything, especially the easiest thing to praise.

1st Peter 2: 9
That is awesome. I have also be on a weight loss journey I have lost 103 lbs since January and never felt better.

I will say that without the help of the Lord I wouldn’t be here today.

No shots no pills just prayer and 20 carbs a day

Now is the time to put on more steam and keep pushing for the finish line. I will end with this scripture that has helped me through this hard journey

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬ ‭
That is awesome. I have also be on a weight loss journey I have lost 103 lbs since January and never felt better.

I will say that without the help of the Lord I wouldn’t be here today.

No shots no pills just prayer and 20 carbs a day

Now is the time to put on more steam and keep pushing for the finish line. I will end with this scripture that has helped me through this hard journey

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬ ‭
Congrats on the weight loss! That's quite an accomplishment.
I don't think that money is the thing created the present situation in CFB. The money has always been there, just now it is out in the open. The biggest change agent in CFB is the wide open free agency created by the portal and court decisions.
and agents getting involved. Schools can't reach out to a kid directly per the rules, but they can sure call his agent.
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To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Hearsay unless a written contract appears for the $100,000.
No. Oral contracts are enforceable in pretty much every jurisdiction I practiced with certain exceptions. The only way to prove an oral contract is testimony about what the other person said, which is a non-hearsay admission.

And an assistant coach could definitely have apparent authority to enter into an oral contract.
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
I was 280 at 6'-3". I went low carb and I've dropped to to 240. I would like to get to 225. My doc want me to 200. I'm about to fire his azz.
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
I know a lot of people say this isn’t good for you long term I don’t know I’m not a doctor. But I know that keto works or at least it does for me. I lost 30 lbs the first month on it and never looked back
I started at 320 I’m now at 217 this morning it’s strict but it works for me.

I count net carbs stay around 20 a day.
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Even if you do keto, I still recommend counting calories for at least a month to get a baseline. Use the LoseIt app or something similar. You have to know your normal daily caloric intake to get a good grasp on which meals and foods are problematic for your weight loss goals.

The biggest things to cut out are soda and alcohol. Then it's paring down snacks throughout the day. Also, be VERY conscious of what you order at restaurants or fast food if you eat it. It's difficult to find much under 1,000 calories on sit-down restaurant menus and most fast food combos end up around that with fries or a side.

I eat at about a 300-400 calorie deficit most days and I track everything I eat or drink. Once you get in the habit it's hard to eat at restaurants because everything is loaded with calories. Even mindlessly eating chips at a Mexican restaurant can tack on 400 calories without even denting your appetite. It sucks to get to dinner and see you have like 200 calories left because you snacked a bunch or had a huge lunch.

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