Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Even if you do keto, I still recommend counting calories for at least a month to get a baseline. Use the LoseIt app or something similar. You have to know your normal daily caloric intake to get a good grasp on which meals and foods are problematic for your weight loss goals.

The biggest things to cut out are soda and alcohol. Then it's paring down snacks throughout the day. Also, be VERY conscious of what you order at restaurants or fast food if you eat it. It's difficult to find much under 1,000 calories on sit-down restaurant menus and most fast food combos end up around that with fries or a side.

I eat at about a 300-400 calorie deficit most days and I track everything I eat or drink. Once you get in the habit it's hard to eat at restaurants because everything is loaded with calories. Even mindlessly eating chips at a Mexican restaurant can tack on 400 calories without even denting your appetite. It sucks to get to dinner and see you have like 200 calories left because you snacked a bunch or had a huge lunch.
Sounds horrible
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Back on my journey too, but when I am my best regular exercise works the best. It adds skin in the game for eating and provides more room for things I like. The alternative is watching calories. So like when I wanted to drink and stay at a good weight I'd go work out extra that morning. Stopping drinking is the biggest one to see fast gains. It is dead calories and leads to snacking, at least for me.
From their board

"UNLV insider Joe Arrigo is currently live on a Twitter space. He says Sluka went into Coach Odom’s office on Tuesday and said he needed $300k to stay. Odom said that was not happening and Sluka cleared out his locker. Sluka skipped practice on Wednesday and posted his intention to leave that night. Arroyo believes Sluka got an NIL agent after the Kansas game who got into Sluka’s ear about making more NIL money. The re may or may not be another school involved, but the timing of this implies that this is a play to try to strong arm UNLV into a payday now.*

Another post said he started following an ASU coach
I know the NCAA was flirting with letting athletes transfer mid-season. That hasn't passed right?
Also this says it was a verbal agreement. Bad business by his agent to not get a written contract. Interesting thread

Which is why I believe the rumor that he recently hired an agent looking for a bigger payday based off the his play/teams success.

Why would the agent put the info out that he was promised an amount by a person who can't provide payment with no contract? He would look totally incompetent.
Blame physics. If you're fat and want to not be fat, you have to eat at a caloric deficit. That includes keto. And unfortunately, just about every restaurant item is loaded with calories these days.
I’d blame genetics first and diet second, but with the caveat that keto isn’t some requirement for losing weight. Many different diets work for many different people depending on their lifestyle and physiology.

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